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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I don't need to define civilised. I are civilised, but only when it's spolled corrictly.
  2. Silly foreign sports. Why can't you people play cricket or rugby like civilised nations? </font>
  3. Tch. Forn sports. "American Football" is for jessies. Rugby is for men that like the feeling of another man's scrotum in the scrum. And yes, Cricket is designed to be a 2-day event. It's just odd that a game that relies so heavily on dry weather was developed in one of the wettest countries in Europe.
  4. Silly foreign sports. Why can't you people play cricket or rugby like civilised nations?
  5. You make it sound like this is some sort of new thing. We've been around for months. Where have you been? On remand?
  6. Firstly, Becket, you imbecile, some of us have a life. Unlike you, I don't sit like some demented mannequin, clicking the 'send/receive' button on Outlook every 30 seconds, and shrieking with delight every time an email from 0as8dmandy@aol.com (subject: Free Prescription Drugs shaxzxas Becket@nofriends.com) appears. So yes, I was out last night. Being the warm and benevolent boss that I am, I took my staff out for a slap-up meal with free booze to celebrate my working them to death. They appreciated it, or so my focus groups told me. This 'challenge' you have presented me with is laughable. "You can pick anything but I want to pick the map" is not a challenge. Right. 3,000 points, artillery spotters and anti-tank rifles only. See? See what happens when you get silly? And what the bloody buggery hellfire are all these Pengesque cretins doing in here? Why don't you all push off back to the wierd place you came from? It's like watching a bunch of homos flirting with girls. [ August 30, 2003, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  7. Damn right. You clearly aren't stoopid, cos those three points are bang on. Are you happy now?
  8. Believe me, you don't want to know either the history or the truth behind the Chicken Kiev incident. My wench and a couple of her friends had to suffer the result and you lot don't need the details. It was one of my infamous occasions and, bizarely enough, it's the most widely remembered by my chums, which gives you an idea how unpleasant the truth is. Perhaps, if you were win a wictory over me, I might reveal the truth.
  9. No, having only one friend, who is inflatable, and spending all his hard-earned dole money on pornographic videos, makes Becket sad.
  10. Their sigs. There's quite a queue for MasterG's. I propose a petition to the Masters of the Forum to allow the extension of Sigs so we can see the line of daddies MasterG has.
  11. *spew* Thanks. Now I'm going to have to wash the digestive juices off my chicken kievs and eat them again. :mad:
  12. I use NamePlanet. You have to pay, but it's largely spam-free, has 10MB of web space, and runs all my PBEM turns without complaint, either in Zip or Txt format. It's not perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than hotmail.
  13. For those who can't be bothered to read the drool this bag of gas typed, here are the edited highlights: "OMFG I had *whine shipped* Did y'all miss me? :confused: " No. "On to more impotent matters." Couldn't have said it better myself, Mr Floppy. "I received a package from one Jason Ballantyne, aka Axe2121. Having spoken to the lad repeatedly aboot beer I was giddy. Could the precious liquid be mere centimeters away? The dimensions were right but the heft wasn't quite there. A bit of rattle...beaver ..."
  14. Dave H had a good whine about Forward Recon. I think you are all a bunch of sissies for losing as the Germans but still - playtesting throws up unexpected wossnames, and it seems that the Russkies are a mite too tough.
  15. Since we're posing, here's my penis: Athlon 850 (to be changed when I can be arsed) 768MB DDR 128MB GF4-Ti4200 2 x 80GB hard disks (extreme porn storage) 17" Iiyama TFT SB Audigy Platinum Come on, bitches - let's hear the votes for the new MG sig!!
  16. That's Skunk Nads to you. How was the noggin this morning? </font>
  17. Hey Maggots. I'm just trying to pick a Sig for Goodale, and I'm currently favouring: Will suck horse dong for $$$ (Thanks Soddball) Wanted to know how you felt about this one, or whether you preferred: Soddball beat me so hard that Mrs Goodale cheered. or I am Soddball's wife, and he whipped me like a rented mule. Answers on a postcard. :mad:
  18. Hear Ye, Hear Ye!! What wondrous achievements have occurred today! What a fabulous day this is! For, on this day, that most tedious and slow-moving of games, the titanic battle Soddball against MasterGoodale is finished!!!! Yes, it's true, it's actually happened! 210 days of combat for a 42 turn game has led to the following scoreline: Soddball (defending as Germs): 86 MasterGoodale (doing christ knows what as Russians): 14 Axis: Men OK: 281 Total Casualties: 96 KIA: 24 Guns Destroyed: 4 Vehicles Destroyed: 4 Allies: Men OK: 0 Total Casualties: 308 KIA: 83 Captured: 92 Mortars Destroyed: 3 Vehicles Destroyed: 15 So, now you know the unwholesome truth. The victor is Soddball and he claims by right of conquest the Sig of MasterGoodale. I plan to go the pub and drink beer to celebrate, during which time the evillest sig creatable by beer will be generated for the humiliated MasterSucks to wear.
  19. At 5 days per turn, 40 turns in the game, it will be over 200 days before I have to worry about that. And even that is an optimistic estimate, since some of those turns require you to respond twice before the next turn begins. </font>
  20. Goodale, that turn is back at you. Ship me another one, please, and make it snappy. We are into overtime and I have a pub to go to.
  21. Turn back to you, Grodbundle. Let's see if you can manage two in a day. :mad:
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