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Phillies Phan

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Posts posted by Phillies Phan

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    find another source of food, and soon, because tomorrow was Green Hash night at the cafeteria. Not knowing where he should go to get food, Maximus began...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ....creating useless threads left and right. His opinion was plastered all over the board and it was almost always annoying. Nothing short of clipping his...

  2. ummm...no. I don't want to sound off. I also don't want to challenge or insult any one person. In fact, I don't feel mean at all today. I'm already playing one person who posts in this thread and that is sufficient for now. Perhaps I'll just whisper for now and wish each of you a pleasant evening and a good tomorrow. May your days be packed with wolumptuous women who offer you copious amounts of beer.

    I also hope that the Phillies continue to put "one in the win column" - Scott Graham

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

    Thank you for your kind words Seanachjkfhei.

    It leads me into my next topic....Beer. Some of you may have seen me on the beercam thing. Well my thoughts are that we should try to set up a date for as many of us that have access to a local beercam to go to these bars at the same time. There is one in London, the one in Chicago is supposed to open in the next week or so...Think about it gang..Here is the link so you can see if there is a bar near you. http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The question that we Phans are pondering is Is there a bar with free beers near us?


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    screw up his website in some diabolical way. However, Gustav was so despearate to get someone else to run The Last Defense that he...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ...begged Rob/1 for tips and tricks on websites. When that didn't work, he turned to his "MadMatt's Compendium of Websites" and figured out that we we will still be here at the end of the summer, so it will be okay after all.

    Hopefully, this was a weight of the numerical username's feeble mind. We also hope that he would bathe or at least change his...

  5. Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    Dekenfetlerete* (whatever your name) and/or Leeo, I am keen to play one of you. I see some poolyness in you that needs to be encouraged, lets bring that inner Croda out and stamp it into the ground. Feeling the pain of defeat at my hands should do that.

    I would challenge one of you at a time, as per standard pool rules, but as you are nothing to me, I will challenge you how i choose as it is simply more economical with time.

    I demand a setup. Me on defence with about 3,000 points. Make it an armor battle for our amusement. You take the vile brits. Somewhat realistic forces please, daytime please, fairly generic landscape please.

    One or both of you accept my challenge. Nothing less is expected.


    *I've got nasal excavations more comprehensible than your nickname and it really isn't worth my time to work it out.

    [edited because i'm a wussy]

    Peter, if you were really tough, you wouldn't force him to be British. I know that my opinion isn't welcome but I offer it anyway.


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


  6. Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    roll of electrical tape, knife, boots, gloves, sweatshirt, and raingear. Finally I was ready to go fishing. I got in the skiff and asked Phillies what a hirsute women is, and if he was one. Phillies replied, "A hirsute women is...

    (PS- I only have one raincoat, not 14. Smells real good at the end of the summer, too. And in the summer pickup lines are useless for me, because I get off work at 9 PM on a good day and have to wake up at 4:30.)

    ...hirsute means "hairy". The Phillies Phan was ininuating that you date hairy women. Perhaps a dictionary is in order.

    There was something much more interesting than the sad social life of a fisherman with a small pee-pee. There was a cataclysmic weather pattern that threatened...

    (PS Nobody really cares what 113 Gustav says to women or why he fears them as competition.)


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


  7. Originally posted by Mace:

    ...partaking of the famous fish slapping dance with you"

    Phan responded, "you silly git, that's a tree, not me!"

    "Oh damn", Gustav replied, "my vision must be shot from all this...

    [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 04-02-2001).]

    ...fishing and carousing with hirsute women. Their mustaches tickle and I enjoy the blubber so. I live in a shanty and have 14 raincoats. My favorite pickup line is "Arr, Matey" and am easily confused by knock knock jokes. But, enough about me. Let me tell you a story of the time when I was a wee lad with a fishing pole and nothing much to do.

    It was a sunny day and my Pa(107) took me and my twin (108) out for a day of fishing. We sat in our boat and listened to him tell us about how he almost caught "the big one" and how...


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


  8. Originally posted by Geier:

    What "impetus" mean? No se.

    according to www.dictionary.com,

    im·pe·tus (mp-ts)

    n., pl. im·pe·tus·es.

    An impelling force; an impulse.

    The force or energy associated with a moving body.

    Something that incites; a stimulus.

    Increased activity in response to a stimulus: The approaching deadline gave impetus to the investigation.


    [Latin from impetere, to attack: in-, against; see in-2 + petere, to go towards, seek; see pet- in Indo-European Roots.]


    All of us phans are delighted that the old firm would acknowledge our presence once more. This makes twice in a millenium. We also understand that the old firm can exercise a degree of deniability concerning the acknowledgement of those who are usually best ignored. So, gratitude for naught is the phrase for the day or "thanks for nothing".


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


    [This message has been edited by Phillies Phan (edited 04-02-2001).]

  9. Originally posted by OGSF:

    Call haim yersailf, ye slack-jawed Hiram wannabe.

    What's "swung" mean?

    Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD

    Not a "wannabe", litle boy. I created the persona, I discarded the persona. My online personality had fewer letters though.

    "swung" means impetus.


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


    [This message has been edited by Phillies Phan (edited 04-01-2001).]

  10. No. This is just wrong. I see the emotion behind the text but cannot agree with the argument that one "monster" is worse than another. This is so damn subjective and political that I normally shy away from discussing such things.

    I wandered over to my library and checked out a Time-Life book of WWII last week. The pictures of the German concentration camps are still fresh in my mind.

    I have not been designated the judge over what is "more evil"; to decimate one's own population or to decimate other's because of their religious beliefs. I simply cannot judge and refuse to do so. What I can do is type a couple of words and state in simple terms that I'd like my history to be unbiased, thank you.

    Perhaps the topic was meant to be inflammatory and we have fallen for the ruse. Or maybe we were to supposed to nod our collective head and say, "yes, you have a point there, we have been misjudging". I simply don't agree, Space Thing.


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


  11. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Phillie Phan's collection of used socks, particularly the ones worn by 2B Marlon Anderson and 3B Scot Rolen during a July tripleheader. Phillie adored his collection. In fact, every night, just after midnight, he would . . .

    ...sit down with his "bobbing head doll", his Phillies Slippers, and his stained Phillies hat and wonder. What is a Phillie? He also wondered why when you consider the staggering collective intellect of this message board and somehow that the idea of a nickname of "Phan" just does not compute. Is it lack of retention or cerebral output?

    So, he went to the FAQ to seek out his answers. He was feeling kind of "gamey" and wanted to...


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


  12. Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    anyone's fish or sheep? No? Well then, lets all...

    ...think about the Phillies.

    Home Mike Leiberthal

    1B Travis Lee

    2B Marlon Anderson

    3B Scot Rolen

    LF Pat Burrell

    CF Doug Glanville

    RF Bobby Abreu

    Don't know who will play short stop yet. Watch this space. Be sure to listen to 1210 AM for the Phillies games and stock up on...


    "Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

    - Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


  13. Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    ...can anyone stand to live anywhere but the land down under? We have better beer, better steaks, and Olivia Newton John! We also have...

    Ten men per woman, but luckily the sheep make up for that, so there's no real loss. Besides, after a few Victoria Bitters, you hardly ever notice that...

    ...that the gentleman with the numerical username had a sloping forehead and one eyebrow. It was whispered that he hardly ever bathed. You could pretend to not notice his constant scratching of his nether regions. If you were kind, you could also look away as he would fill the room with noxious fumes from his bowels. He liked to hum and stomp repeatedly on the floor as if counting out something. He would gleefully seek out new players and call them "newbies", until that one fateful day when he bumped into a gentleman with a red hat. A white "P" sat on that red hat. He was "fresh out of bubblegum" and was ready to...



    [This message has been edited by Phillies Phan (edited 03-26-2001).]

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