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Everything posted by Zenaphobe

  1. Thanks Guys, The link provided me with, er, more info than I dreamed possible on this little enigmatic phrase. "Ask and ye shall receive"
  2. I was browsing the WOTC D&D message board and someone had the signature, "All your base are belong to us" I'v seen it here a few *cough* times. Please tell me, What does it mean? I know its off topic. HI MOM. I know what that means.
  3. I ran a search and looked in a few threads but, I never saw a link to a modded jeep file. Has anyone got one? Dont get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with the original, but it looks a bit out of place with all the other beautifuly rendered vehicle mods. Thanks for any help.
  4. Hey MOS was 71331!! Thats MY unit your discussing! Damn! I told that sharpshooter to take the scope off his rifle and act like a medic!!! I bet you could tell his troop quality as well. Funny how you can tell so much about a man flying across the field of battle in a jeep going 35 or 40mph. I just had to post this, its not every day your own personal sharpshooter gets discussed on this forum. He is honored. Too bad the scouts you had didnt live long enough to frag 'em though. Brian aka Zenaphobe
  5. Quick question, I have a Tank bogged in scattered trees, any chance of unbogging during a game? Thanks
  6. I found it while browsing the web for WWII games. I played the demo, and was hooked from the start. I have several e-mail games in progress. I never play any other games except Rogue Spear and Counter-Strike. Well, I *do* play an e-mail game of Talonsofts EFII with a friend, but I cant hardly stomach it anymore! I'v been ruined by CM, no other game company will get money out of me for some time to come.
  7. Flight of the Valkryies, ala Apocalypse Now. Orange Crush by R.E.M. Riders on the Storm by the Doors
  8. There was a old arcade game called "Xenaphobe" I liked and I thought it would be funny to turn it into a term describing one who is afraid of Buddhism.
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