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Everything posted by badinfo

  1. Just as a weird side note to the throwing discussion, PJ O'Rourke made some comments about the throwing ability of Panamanian rioters being much better than that of rioters he observed in Beirut and Korea which he attributed to baseball being played by Panamanians as opposed to Beirut soccer players and Korean students (who probably play Starcraft)
  2. For what its worth, I had to learn to use suppresive fire, my first few ftx's I didnt shoot much because I couldnt see anything to shoot at and old hunting habits were hard to break. When my sqaud leader noticed I had many unfired blanks at the end of the "combats" he was very quick to encourage me to shoot in the general direction of the opfor, whether or not I could see anyone
  3. Sign me up, love to try it torvald2@home.com
  4. Does anyone have a list of the explosion bmp's? I will try my hand at modding them, just want to be sure I find them all
  5. I also think Leonidas has a brilliant idea. I have always hated the last turn being know ahead of time, since the days of Panzerblitz and SL. This would be ideal. Maybe for CM 2? Cavscouts idea is also a solid one. I know that there are exceptional cases of unarmed troops attacking in history, how many of these occured on the Western Front in 44-45? I tend to believe that a mortar crew out of ammo is going to pull out of the battle, not wander round looking for the enemy with an empty mortar tube. For one thing they dont want to die, just like everyone else, for another they have a piece of equipment they are responsible for and are not likely to throw it away, unless they know that the war is over in 10 seconds. Real troops have to worry bout the next fight, something that isnt relavent in most CM engagements. [This message has been edited by badinfo (edited 03-02-2001).]
  6. I have a couple pics lying round here from the grenade range, will try to get em scanned and post them
  7. Here is an interesting take on Sajer, who it seems is alive and well, or was until recently...... http://members.nbci.com/flak88/general/reviews/review01.htm
  8. Try to find a copy of Blue on Blue, good read on friendly fire through history. MacDonald's Company Commander also has some night time FF incidents in it. Even though they are engaged frontally, if they are nervous enough i could see troops freaking out to hear folks coming in from behind, especially if they cannot see them. Weird things happened in the dark. Countless tales of walking up to enemy soldiers and talking to them only to ffind out they were the enemy, driving in the middle of enemy convoys, Russian soldiers walking up to a German tank and asking for a light lol.
  9. You mean you actually figured LoG out? We tried it for awhile, but was seemingly incomplete, ended up back with E5 in the end. Soooo many little Adler fellows to paint yet
  10. I am a lurker! I have been watching these boards and making the occasional post under one of my two old names that I cant recall the passwords for since the demo came out. Was here for the crashing of the server Just find a lot to read, but very little that seems to require my reply lol. CM is fantasic, truly what all us old SL/ASL players were waiting on, hell its what I was waiting on when I was crawling along the basement floor pushing 1/285 scale tanks playing Tractics hehe. Remember.....we are out there.......
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