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Posts posted by LongLeftFlank

  1. I uploaded a file to the Repository and only then noticed that the stupid friggin thing used my real name!!!!!! I am paranoid about my privacy and don't publish my real name anywhere on the Internet in a non-professional context. Why the hell did you people default to this?

    I urgently need to delete this file and all references to my name immediately.


  2. LLF - Just DL, can't wait to try it out tomorrow when I have more time to think through my decisions - Though I have a question when looking via the editor - On your map I don't see any exact "set-up" zones - I was always under the impression that the AI needed / must have a setup zone to start out from. Guess I had this wrong.

    Nope, your forces start where they start and you're stuck with that. (EDIT: Oh, you were talking about the RED forces. Hey, no peeking!!!!;) If you don't identify a setup zone for them they start wherever they've been Deployed)

    One lesson I learned the hard way (again and again) -- indecision kills. Whether or not you pause a lot, you must commit to a plan and stick with it. If you enter firefights only half-prepared to win them that's when you lose men. This game brought that lesson home to me that in a way few others have.

    Good luck!

  3. And here I was thinking for a moment we finally had a genuine live Chinese CMSF player.

    I guess they don't have time for games though (unless it involves selling gold and relics to WoW players); they're too busy spamming people and pushing counterfeit couture. And then plowing the proceeds back into shoddily built real estate. Kind of admirable in a way.

  4. It depends on the scenario: a lot of maps are dominated by a main highway for example. An example that comes to mind is that video tutorial on tactics that jnt62006 did for Cain & Abel. He did nearly a minute of solid clicking just to get his Warriors and Challies to stick to the highway. That's the kind of busy work I'm trying to remove here -- again, it's left entirely up to the designer. For some kinds of "non-linear" scenarios, it won't be worth it.

    For Normandy, there are fewer autobahns, sure, but if the Bois de Baugin AAR fight had been played in RT via network with little pausing available, I could readily imagine either Elvis or JonS wanting a quick and reliable way to shove vehicles or a bunch of infantry along those dirt tracks without too much clicking. As I envision it, you the designer are simply presetting the intermediate clicks for them -- it really doesn't seem like much extra work at all.

    I for one would happily build this kind of pathing into my scenarios. I think others would as well. Anyway, just a thought. I've always thought anything BFC could do to reduce the micro/clickfest would be a huge help along the migration path to realtime.

    This could have some very salutary effects on the behaviour of the AI controlled units as well. If you give an Order and the objective square lies along a protected Pathway, that gives the AI a preferred route to use rather than the risky beelines it will often select when left to its own devices.

  5. You raise an interesting point: whether (a) the atomic bomb or (B) the Kalashnikov automatic rifle has had a net greater influence on warfare and the course of human civilization since 1945.

    (a) has arguably deterred the major industrial nations from coming into direct conflict, allowing 2 generations in the developed world to mostly avoid serving/sending their children to serve in the military or fight wars for their survival (a minority does so, of course).

    (B) has furnished a single sufficiently motivated Stone Age goatherd or 11 year old villager with enough reliable firepower to theoretically kill/maim up to 7(?) armed soldiers or police (up to 3 with modern body armour) in a single burst of fire from ambush. This "democratization of firepower" has greatly increased the ability of small groups and individuals to resist the authority of governments and to coerce/extort their own neighbors.

  6. I can sympathize with Kyle, although I have no expectation that this useful feature will (or ought to) be added.

    My particular pet feature would be an additional layer in the Map Editor that allowed a scenario designer to (optionally) map out specific "Pathways" along routes that he deems that units are likely to take. For example, these Pathways could lie along major roads, in out-of-LOS gullies or stream banks or reverse slopes, or hugging long walls: whatever the designer deems useful for that particular map/scenario. Creating this layer would always be optional; in the absence of Pathways, the player uses the status quo method of selecting waypoints one by one (lots of clicks).

    The Pathways would be invisible to the players, but when a player (or the AI) clicks a Waypoint that is on a Pathway, the pathing AI would then automatically "snap" the unit's path to a "pre-clicked" route that followed the Pathway to that point.

    Enough rambling: here's a visual showing the concept:


    As CMSF is now, when you click a single waypoint, the unit goes more or less straight there -- Line (1).

    Under this proposed "snap to Pathway" system, when you click once on a major highway where a Pathway is present, the Pathing AI will instantly select a "default" route that (2a) takes the shortest path to the Pathway and then (2b) maps a route along the Pathway to the designated Waypoint, automatically creating the needed intermediate waypoints. Far less clicking / game delay / frustration for the player who 80% of the time simply wants his tanks to follow the road or his infantry to hug that stone wall/treeline like they would most likely do in RL.

    And if you really did want your unit to avoid the road and take the straight beeline instead, you'd simply clear your orders out, then select a new Waypoint in open ground just short of the highway, then click a second Waypoint on the highway itself.

    No idea what programming conniptions would be involved to create this functionality, but it doesn't seem much more complex than the existing pathing AI. And rather than Charles trying to create some kind of hideously complex one-size-fits-all road-following algorithm, the creation of these Pathways is left totally in the hands of the scenario designer. At worst, the player is left with the status quo; at best, he gets a map that is a lot easier to maneuver around, letting him concentrate on the fight.

    Just blue-skying here of course. You like?

  7. I hear you -- and based on my success in making CMSF perform in hyper-dense urban environments, I don't personally think that 2-3 canopy jungle and thickets are at all impossible for this engine to handle. The trick IMHO is to treat it like buildings -- i.e. a tile (as opposed to cluster of tree objects) that goes transparent when a friendly/spotted unit is "inside".

    I also think BFC is going to have to confront this kind of dense vegetation sooner rather than later once they get into the gloomy pine forests of the Ardennes, Hurtgenwald, etc.

    All peripheral to the reasons BFC will probably not do Vietnam or PTO, but still interesting.

  8. That may not last much longer. The Assad family are members of the minority Alawite sect, which is an offshoot of Shiah and less than 10% of the Syrian population. So here you have the curly-toed shoe on the other foot.... a Sunni majority ruled over by an insular and fairly secularized Shiah sect.

    While the Syrian population is fairly secular after 50 years of Arab "socialism" and wouldn't seem a likely candidate to become an AQ-friendly Islamic state, it doesn't have oil and probably has a very large underemployed population.

    The Assad regime has shown itself ruthless in quashing opposition, but then, the same was also true of Qadafi....

  9. Relief of JOKER 3 is now "final" and available at GreenAsJade's Warehouse. I can't access the Repository.

    If there's anything that seems to be broken, please let me know. I hope you all enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed designing it. Feel free to post AARs, screenies and other comments here (marked SPOILER if appropriate). Playtest results have ranged from total victory (1 casualty) to utter catastrophe (40+ casualties).

    Thanks very much to my elite corps of playtesters who were so generous with their time and advice: Abneo3Sierra, AkumaSD, BlackMoria, DanCalifornia, Erwin, Jingo


  10. This gets asked for about as frequently as Vietnam; about once a month on average.

    And about half the time the thread asking for Arab-Israeli module/game/whatever degenerates into some kind of bitter political flame war. Emotions are just too raw on this topic.

    There's also a very real though unquantified risk of an Arab vs Israel game somehow running afoul of EU human rights laws, which are especially attuned to the slightest whiff of seeming anti-Muslim sentiment. These days, you're almost safer putting SS and swastikas on your game.

    But regardless of the reasons, BFC has declared it won't touch this subject matter, however suitable, with a 10 meter staff. (Although I suppose if an Israeli gaming outfit wanted to license the CM2 engine to make a stand alone game, BFC might be willing to listen.)

  11. It would be nice to get access to just a few of the CMA features though, like tanks knocking over walls. And perhaps a few of the muj and ANA weapons sets and textures so we can do non-Syria arid or high mountain type settings and forces to spice things up and extend the life of the game (A'stan, Pakistan, Iraq, Africa, Chechnya, etc.). The Islamic world is going to be a flashpoint for years to come. I would be happy to pay $20 for a download-only feature pack that included these things. No scenarios needed -- we'll take care of that.

    There is no cannibalization risk, as I just don't see CMSF2 being out until at least 2014 at which point BFC's state of the art in game design will have jumped again. And there is virtually no likelihood of any other gamemaker entering the high fidelity company level wargames segment in the meantime.

  12. The 3 shots depicting the death sequence of the German soldier was immpressive if a little macabre. There were 2 GI's in the background looking like they were casually leaning against a wall and viewing the whole scene with a dispassionate interest at best.



    Probably not unrealistic. The GIs felt plenty of hatred for the Krauts, and the landser for the Amis.

    Wade into them, shoot them in the belly! When you put your hand .... in a pile of goo.... that a minute ago was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do!

    This all just looks terrific visually. Well done BFC.

  13. Was just looking at some of the NYT glossies. I never figured out how to mod the horizon "box", but doing a custom mod that cuts the distant mountains down and maybe has some giant black smoke plumes in one direction and maybe some transmission towers or at night the "Christmas lights" of a refinery, would be cool!

    Also, it looks from those shots like the rebels are about as reluctant to get stuck in as the loyalists, at least when fighting in the open desert. Lots of long range shooting: largely ineffective, I imagine.

    And you'd think that after a decade of covering GWOT the NYT caption writers could tell a "mortar" from a RPG being used as artillery.

  14. In the standard pattern, the poorly motivated government infantry will tend to lean on their firepower and stay in/near their vehicles and emplacements, even when on the attack. They won't enter houses unless these have been completely riddled with fire. Getting them to close assault under fire would be virtually impossible unless they were desperate It would be pretty simple to model -- and predict -- their AI plan. The grunts just have no interest in risking death, although they will shoot at stuff that isn't shooting back too fiercely.

    Once the forces make contact it will be the rebels that do virtually all the moving, albeit undisciplined.

  15. "A convoy of World Food Programme trucks carrying 70 tons of high energy date bars entered Libya from Egypt yesterday and headed for Bengazi."

    Hmm, one day of energy followed by days of constipation. (Which btw is my theory of why mullahs are so grumpy... Ugh! wrap that woman in cloth!)

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