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Posts posted by jd

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Why did jdmorse lose his surname?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Standback, I'll handle this one. Since you are going for cheap thrills lawyer boy - sorry Jake, the rules of this thread forbid a total cesspool response. As I informed you on 1/2/01 in our pbem <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Nah...everyone has these clever nom de guerre, thought I'd adopt a really distinctive one......catchy huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    So the answer is straight forward. Just a change. As to the lower case: 1) I can't type and it's more keystrokes and 2) I am lazy and and it's more keystrokes. smile.gif

    Now on to tonights turn....


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-04-2001).]

  2. Smoke, send units right, some left, and move fast. The Hetzer may take out one, but should give you a flank or rear. A greyhould from side and defintely from rear will kill it. Fromthe front they are murder(yours) there have been a number of posts over the months about repeatedly bouncing shots off of them....

    alternatively, get lucky

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson:

    I even find myself hoping that my beloved (truly) wife ISN’T frisky tonight, as not to interrupt my sacred CM time. Sex or CM? Sex or CM? The answer is usually the same. So much for the propagation of the CM-obsessed species. Pathetic, isn’t it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Oh My gawd man, get your priorities straight! Yes it is pathetic, Never, NEVER, miss sex if the missus is frisky. After all, ya never know if it'll ever happen again, besides, she'll sleep much better and you can crank up the woofer and tweeter on the Computer to enjoy CM better and longer without interruption biggrin.gif Hoo Hah!

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-04-2001).]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by joeski:

    Well either this is an incredibly stupid question<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Probably, but then we are often incredibly stupid as well. Remaining in the confines of the pool does have cognitive and developmental implications <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Or maybe I smell, but nobody answered my post on the board and I did do a search so here it goes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you do smell, do you REALLY think WE'd notice it? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was wondering something about FOW. While playing a PBEM game I hit my opponents armor and I saw a "Gun Hit" message. Does my opponent see the same? Or does he get a more detailed message because it's his armor. Like "Gun Hit Damaged" I guess I could play both sides in a hotseat battle but what's the chance that I'll get a gun hit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not totally sure here (how's that for being insightful) as I do not see what my opponent sees.....duh! (sorry) But I believe that they either see nothing or simply gun hit. In an ongoing pbem my Hetzer took a gun hit knocking out my main gun. Seanachai didn't realize it till I blabbed about it in the pool (doh!) So he may have not seen anything about gun hit. I got no further info and thought the Hetzer was useless, only to discover (as did Sean!) that the MG was still functioning. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok got another question. If my opponent can spot a squad and fire on it one turn if I hide the squad the next turn will he still be able to see it? Or does the AI act out some hide maneuver?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I do not think so. By hiding you tend to break LOS. Sometimes I hide and crawl a short distance and remain out of LOS as well. However, if the opponent has "area fire" going the unit will continue to fire into that piece of ground, and you will risk taking further cas. If theAI or your opponent does it to you you see the generic marker appear.

  5. From time to time, comments about lack of help for newbies or just questions occur (ie Do a SEARCH!)

    To remind folks that as a public service (to give back to the CM community for having our pool kept full) Cesspooligans are willing and do answer questions (sometimes with humor, sometimes with thorazine) without the dreaded "search" word. So please feel free to avail yourself. go to Frequently asked questions answered by cesspoolers... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/014107.html

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-04-2001).]


    From time to time, comments about lack of help for newbies or just questions occur (ie Do A SEARCH!)

    To remind folks as a public service (to give back for having our pool kept full) Cesspuligans are willing and do answer questions (sometimes with humor, sometimes with thorazine) without the dreaded "search" word. So please feel free to avail yourself.

  7. Reedy:

    As noted you risk losing your winter mods. But you can transfer the new expolsions if you do not have them.

    If you have not got the Combat Mission MacMod at CMHQ( Maddog Packs section)or Mac CM Mod Manager then do so. Best to have both.

    CM MacMod (bsolinger version) will do it fairly directly and with a little workaround MacMod Manager will do it also.

    All you have to do is double click on the new Graphic 13, a regular Mac window opens asking

    which application to use to open it. Double click CM Mac mod. It opens the program as if you were normally using it. Choose the appropriate data folder and replace or skip as you wish.

    As to Mac CM Mod Manager (aikidorat's) put the graphic in the MCMMM folder. Selectadvanced features, and open up the Graphic in question. Under the Edit menu are choices to copy to Picts the graphic entirely or the selected ones. Once selectionis made the pictsare copied out of the graphic and placed in the folder. You then need to use a graphicprogram such as Graphic Converter to chnge the picts to bmps. Then use either program normally.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Many of you will undoubtedly be aware of the practice of attornies known as "billable hours" in which they charge their clients for every single second during which the case even pops into their mind!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Joe, Joe, Joe. Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black. After all in the Mortgage Banking industry you have your equivalent "pads" Do the terms points, origination fees, appraiser fees, mortgage insurance, credit report fee, flood dertermination fee, Aggregate Accounting adjustment, 442 final inspection fee, courier fee, and the like ring a bell? Hmmmm.

    Actually Joe I was also charging for time in the can thinking about my moves in our game.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jdmorse-win, Croda-big mutha of a LOSS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Ahhh Lorak while I appreciate the effort I can beat Crudboy by myself as I have already done and am in the process of doing so again. If we are going to throw the fix in it needs to be a bit more subtle. However, I shall see that a little something "extra" is in the envelope this month for your attempt.

    I believe that jshandorfffff was the one pontificating and beating his breast as a decrepit silverback would for Jane Goodall, and claiming the most recent humbling of a cesspool doormat, my erstwhile, apparently never to be, esp since Hiram beat him to it, Kniggit, Croda.


    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-03-2001).]

  10. Just my .02 so I can feel grog-like. For what it is worth I was talking with my father who had recently found an old Company AAR he had drafted in in Oct. 1944 (in vicinity of St. Vith) He was with the 38th Calvary Recon, 102nd Cavalry, Troop E (equipped with M8's)

    He remembers riding in the ring mounted .50 cal Half tracks M3A1 and felt 6 or so was the normal load. Non .50 cal could carry the larger groups.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

    Tired of your old handle?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I thought a proper cachet, a manly nom de guerre was needed. Something that pushed the envelope and was edgy. Like it? Had our adverising people run it through a focus group.

    So are you Monsieur, ready to resume our game? Or are truffles really your avocation? By the way, I would not go snuffling for them with either PNZ or Mace around. The position is too suggestive and risque.


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gossamer:

    I consider myself a serious war gamer and I want to make this purchase but I don't want to get ripped off again. Any comments will be welcomed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It is better than they say. Before you dismiss that as hyperbole, consider that the reviews (go to http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/cm_rev.html for a sampling) mostly have been on the initial release. The game has continued to improve. Note: that the "patches" referred to were NOT to fix major busg, but as tweaks.

    What makes this game different? This is a very active and interactive community. The developers are TWO guys. Period. Only recently has BTS added some further help. They are above all wargamers, like us. They listen and participate. In fact Steve posted a thread http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/014292.html that was a continuation of previous forum discussions about the carrying capacity of HT's. What other game has that level of involvement.

    I am not a grognard type, but history is a passion. I enjoy games but am not a "gamer" Yet CM touches all of these.

    The attention to detail is amazing. just tonight in a pbem game, my tank hit a Panther. The hit immobilized the tank, but didn't kill it. It was not a track hit. But the damage was such that the drive train/engine was ko'd. That is not what was amazing. What was, is that they programmed the sound of the engine dying and sputtering out. You might not catch this in the cacophony of battle, yet BTS cared enough about immersive accuracy to model it. They could have left it out and CM would be just as great. They didn't.

    What John Kettler said in so many eloquent words DOES mirror my experience.

    Get the demo, if you love this genre you will not be disappointed. Then buy the game!

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-03-2001).]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Should I fail, I shall fail through poor luck and circumstance and, as a result of the completely capricious nature of my placement, not a lack of tactical acumen on my part. In other words, I'll have been robbed. It's a plan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This from a Mortgage Banker!!!! Mr. Compassion? Mister "Tell the Widow Jones that she has 2 days to pay the mortgage, plus accumulated interest, fees and costs or she'll be out on the street for Christmas"!

    While I maybe the agent of such evil, let's not forget that it is the client/banker that sets the course and makes the decision to evict. I am, merely a humble servant, of darker powers......


    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-03-2001).]

  14. Ahh a new year, a new millienium, CM2 yet to come, life is good, at least until I look around and see the depths of depravity, degradation and lacivious behavior to which I have associated myself with, ie you all,...so as I said, life is good. No wonder the missus and I took in Quills loosely based on the Marquis de Sade. (A good movie btw, imho). Since I am at work , I shan't and shall try to remember what is going on. A painful proposition at best. Now on to other things......

    Marltoad is of course croaking (see above). The pupil has indeed surpassed his liege, runttheformerbetagod As it was a game from his initial entry into the pool, I felt it incumbent to go easy on the little tyke. After all he wasn't a squire of mine so I tried to make him feel welcome and of course threw the game. Now since the ungrateful rat bastard is trying to pump up his overrated and undersized ego, I shall, upon our re-match crush the worm beneath my jackboots. I have decided to actually play the game (unless I lose again and appropriate whining will commence).

    CrodawhowillneverbeaKnaggit after losing his mum's affections, has embarked on a massive attack (6500 pts) against my defenders (5000 pts). He actually has at least 1 "crack" tank crew... ahh what profligacy. He blathers that I have run away, okay, think what you will my young apprentice, just know that there are a thousand mauser's drawing a bead onyour pointy, pockmarked forehead. So believe what amuses you....

    Anubisjackalboy and Spaced find themselves both reenacting an old time TV show... The Fugitive. Their last tanks are runnig from the onslaught unleashed upon them. Complete topplements are in the offing. Now if Macey would stop pretending to work, he might actually finish this game so I can give him a rematch that might give him a chance (since rune screwed him in this scenario - Battle of the Bulge)

    SerSnatch for it is he, has confessed his transgressions and seeks our pardon for his lack of timliness. Perhaps his probe has been blunted, eh?

    MormonWivesboy and I have just started. Seems Herr Shaw is confident. He apparentely forgot to place his units, thus they are all still on the back map edge. Seems he has at least a platoon of Panthers....yet he wishes play to proceed.

    Finally, and not least, well actually least, both Pawed Meeks remain AWOL. However, their games await in stasis, as they are both losing........


    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-02-2001).]

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