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Posts posted by jd

  1. Slappy.....the banner of schism has already been raised. Meekley odeo and his running dog Hiram (his meds have since be adjusted) were it. All of it. Dabble in the pool of the gods if you must, but I'd expect a historian to at least have passing cognizance of the cultural mores and myths of the culture in which he immerses himself. Since you probably look like Margaret Meade, I suppose Mace would be your best test subject.

    So heresy ye Anabaptist holds no sway here. After all, while you can spew forth words and verbiage to make the Dean proud of your unintelligible scholasticism (shoot, academics are more prolix than attorneys) where you going to find the bodies to sustain the movement. Perhaps DumbBunny and you can exchange some good natured taunts based on the early Greek tales, or better yet a clever repartee with Lewis on the attributes of Cataline.

    Now go sit at the end of the table of your betters and observe, occasionally we shall throw some slop your way. Geez we always get these deluded Messianic types wandering through here.


    My congratulations to Croda and Peter, my erstwhile, once and future squires, on their elevation to the peerage. In Croda's case it's the only way it was going to happen. In tonight's thrilling installment of his impression of Shaka Zulu, Croda has sent his hordes forth to be impaled upon my stalwart troops defenses. He has originated an intriguing bit of armored tactics. I was so impressed I am bestowing the title "The Crodamite Maneuver It consists of backing up your Crack Sherman, revving the engine, pop[ping the clutch and like a bat out of hell attempt to vault over the known minefield, to be able to get off a shot at the Panther that has you bore-sighted. Unfortunately, it does not appear his armored behemoth actually cleared the ground, but it coasted suitably beyond the smoke screen to ingest a 75mm AP from said panther. Well done my boy. initiative, l'audace and courage. Not brains mind you, but certainly the others.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  2. Misc scrappings...... Germanputz, when I can muster enough brain cells to care, I shall send your turn back. Same to that jsfdork.

    Jake....I liked the hair, really did. Wasn't that the Blue light Special in Men's Toupee Daily? Or was it Hair Club for Men.

    Lorak (whose name I NEVER play with - causes fuzzy palms I hear) I believe Chucky666 might fall under the newbie postings. While he hasn't been seen of late, he is playing a game or two. So Chuckles, if you wish to be considered for further games I suggest you post your desires here so that we may ridicule and debase you.....otherwise shunning and banishment shall be your doom.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. Originally posted by Speedy:

    Lorak let be known throughout the pool that I Speedy the Great have defeated jdmorses in mortal combat. My glorious hamstertruppen totally routed jd's cowardly American troops.

    It's all true, really. Don't believe anything he says, he is a lawyer afterall

    DAMN IT ALL SPEEDY.....there has to be a bug, whatever it is FIX IT BTS or somefink! Neither Speedy or I distinguished ourselves on this one. BUTTTTTTTTT and here comes the disclaimers !! Two VL's, the major one I hold for all turns. I have 1 1/2 platoons parked on top of the bloody VL, surronded by another platoon. The minor VL speedy rousts me out of in the turn before the last, yet he can't hold it and the game ends with me having a HQ only a meter or so away. I inflict more causalities and more KIA's on him. So who wins? He does the Auzzie git! A minor victory, a draw snatched from my grasp! Yes he pulled a Seanachai on me.

    SO how did he manage this. Why by driving a tank within 30 meters and rushing squads. Of the two squads who ran to the major VL , one was sent packing and the other hit the dirt and was being killed by my assorted troops when time ran.

    Arrgh. I hate this! I demand that the rules be changed. A recount! Obviously a major bug flaw!!


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  4. Originally posted by Lawyer:

    The Legal King looks over this vast expanse of wasteland. While in the process of devouring poor jd's half-eaten and still bleating carcass, ...and further delusional blatherings hoping to land an understudy role in Disney's Little Mermaid III: Attack of the Crabs

    Jake, you ignorant slut...you brainless weasel, the last thing you are is a predator. Hell boy, you being a real Lawyer is like calling a Barbie Doll a real girl. You have no conception of stalking the savannah and eating what you kill. You sir are a G - something or ever. (G-5 or G-6 or somefink) A lawyer defends against the tyranny of the gov't (for the appropriate retainer) stands between the crushing power of the state to protect the oppressed (see retainer above), a lawyer is the shield against the exploitation of the masses and capitalist greed ( see retainer above) and the lawyer shines the light of truth on the dark and dank places where your ilk hide.

    No my boy you are more akin to another animal of those dusty plains, I refer of course to the dung beetle. You scurry around building an ever growing pile of regulation and rules and pack it into a ball, constantly pushing it ahead of you.

    You style yourself as The Lawyer yet this pool has only one. I have no need of the trappings to try to convince myself that all those years in law school were wasted to become owned by the guv'mint. The look of gratitude in Grannie's eye as she signs over her Social Security check to pay my fees is thanks enough.

    So prance and prattle here if you will. Your abilities on the field of honor will tell the tale. Since you sent me an unsolicited nor agreed set of conditions, I can only suspect a rigged game. No matter. You lose your support vehicles, your squads are gunned down as they stumble through the whirling snow, only to die with a curse of yor name upon their lips. No Jake, my friend, it is I who have inflicted the harm to you, and shall continue to do so.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  5. Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Sure, he's a lawyer, but he's not a Washington Lawyer.

    Get your facts correct Jakeley-odeo Washington State Bar #11681. So there. Phfft!

    Ok, time to enter into one of the legal professions most time honored traditions, a pissing match.........

    Jake, you couldn't find your way out of the federal register and actually represent a real person if they bit you on the butt (sit down Blouhaus, Mace, PNZ et al.....) Let's remember that I actually make money (of course it is off the misery and stupidity of my fellow man) and contribute, you as a guv'ment man suck at the public teat. Soooooooo-eeeeeeeee


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  6. As one of my partners said "Never vote for anyone who wants the job" Jake is fickle. Whether he could accepted, wants to, or fit in is yet to be seen. After all we have standards. Could the pool really stand two lawyers and a Mortgage Broker (say it ain't so Joe!)

    Reminds me of a little saying. In any town with one lawyer, he'll go broke. Now two in the same town, why then they'll both get rich.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. Jake (aka The Lawyer)'s ramblings are always interesting. They always harken me back and remind me of my clients that I'd visit at Western State Mental Hospital for the Incredibly Delusional.

    Course Jake, other than having a law degree is no more a lawyer than Hiram's picture isn't a booking photo. See he's a gov'mint man. He wouldn't know the Practice unless he had a TV guide propped up against the rabbit ears of his b&w TV in his gov'mint issued double wide annex trailer where he's been banished after a sad incident with a 16 yr old intern.

    Now Jake is a good sort, frankly he deserves an automatic pass to pool membership. He is a Lawyer after all. But he does make us all feel good. Like as we walk to the other side of the street to avoid the passed out drunk, pissed stained dungareed, will vomit for food, homeless deranged mongoloid village idiot crack whore lying in the gutter, kind of good that it isn't us.

    Jake boasts of his prowess in our current game, hmmm he has MG'gunned down a mortar crew upon entering a house (visibility in our snowy winterland is 60m so what ya going to do with them). He specializes in shooting others in the back (he is gov'mint after all- can you say Waco and Ruby Ridge boys and girls? And he is playing the jack-booted thug side) On the flip side he has stumbled on an ambush or two, lost his armored car, and is generally displaying the abilities to Francis the talking mule.

    As to my looks Mr LawDegree, I admit that thinning up top is a natural occurrence. One that I do not care about. After all Look at Berli, evilness is beyond such.I take succor in that for every 10% increase in grayness my hourly rate goes up $15. As for you I already know you are Janet Reno's' abandoned Love Child, why else would the gov'mint give you a job in Billy Bob's administration of Love? Hmmmmm?


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    This message has been edited by jd to cause increased irritation

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-26-2001).]

  8. Just saw a thread "Talk about Routed". Mistakenly, I thought it was a description of my game with Mr 666 HeyIcouldbethe greatestcmplayerever where it seems approx. 1/2 his forces were last seen heading for the back edge of the board. The ritual scourging and flaying of postulents is about complete......


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  9. Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    Lawyerboy is nothing more than a doppleganger for Berli. Oh sure, this one struts around in a suit and uses legaleese to perform his corruptions while Berli just uses good ol' temptation, but they are one and the same underneath it all.

    That was so loverly (sniff) the kindest words........


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  10. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    [setting: dusty street in the middle of Peng-thread Town (dusty? the street's awfully muddy for that... eewwwwwww...). It's probably sometime around noon, but the sun is hard to make out in the swirling, noisome fog that blankets Peng-thread Town.]

    Sorry (not actually) ya useless waste of oxygen and testemenet to why there is an incest taboo. That image has already been done. Go come up with something original. A new sceanrio or metaphor. Sheesh.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  11. Originally posted by Germanboy:

    BTW, jd's picture can't be real. He looks like a real estate agent... Shudder...

    All right , that it. I have had it. You mongoloid, inbred product of Arkansas lovin, you pasty faced, spittle flecked guano imbibing, two timin mother of a New Zealand sheep shaggger ie GAZ_NZ) and a crodafied idjit. (sorry, didn't mean to demean anyone with Down's syndrome by equating them with you)...... I have silently abided with the various comments regarding my photo, most of which imply that I will suck your soul and leave your dull lifeless carcass to blow about as tumbleweed (which I find entirely accurate and flattering), but sir, and I loose the term as loose as it can be, like a crack junkies pants in a 2 bit dive, that cannot stay up, You have gone too far.

    I take solace in and cultivate a predatory presence, but to liken my mien to a *** shudder *** real estate agent has crossed the line. You once tried to suck me into a ASL based farce, well my dear Verbotenboy, I demand satisfaction for this ultimate insult. Voracious, soulless and without pity, I may be, but never would I sink to that. You may expect a setup shortly you toad, (Again I mean no disrespect to our amphibian challenged friends)


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-24-2001).]

  12. Originally said By the Great Bald one We are not saying that you can't taunt and brag about your victories and defeats.... What we do want to see is a cap on the language and the more colorful metaphors.

    Keep it in line with the normal forum rules and and in vain with the fact that people play this game to have fun.(emphasis added) Remember, due to the activity level here th[is thread - ed.] will also be near the top. We just don't want to see anything so over the top that it will discourage people from participating in the forums or worse in playing the game.

    Move along folks, nothing to see here, keep it moving..........


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  13. Ahh Lorak, Keeper of the sacred runes please note the debased topplement of Meeks. Seems his cd has gone aft aglay is his reason now for surrendering. Either that or the fact I had locked him into playing the French! I have accepted his sword (after disinfecting) as we had progressed to a point that (judging by the targeting lines) the outcome was not in doubt.


    jd defender of truth, justice and retainers - Win

    Elijah (an unrecognized prophet - with good reason) - Loss


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-22-2001).]

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

    My two matches with Cesspoolers are going badly. JD wrecked a Bofors and a 60mm and panicked a spotter with about ten rounds of 81mm, then blasted one M3A1 with his 234/1 and killed the other with a 'faust or some fool thing. He continues to tear up my infantry with what I assume are SMG squads. My last chance is to get my spotter under control and try a "martyr strike" that will hopefully hurt his guys a little bit more than my own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes Mr Chuckles wait wasn't that John Wayne Gacy's nom de cuisine? Chucks has seen to believed that the dodgering old codger rocking on the porch lacks teeth. Well my young friend, I do have teeth, right here is this glass next to me.

    After laughing at me and my choice of tactics he is learning about the deliberate application of overwhelming force selectively applied.

    We shall see my young friend, we shall see.....


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-22-2001).]

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlueFalcon:

    My name is James and I am a recovering CM addict.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>.......NOT! Once an addict always an addict. You are obviously in serious denial my friend.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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