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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. You know who you are : ) How soup can help you lose weight By Jack Challoner In the battle to lose weight, hunger is the dieter's worst enemy. But research has revealed a simple aid to taming the appetite: soup. It's dieting's best kept secret says one science writer. If you eat the food and drink the water, you will feel full for a couple of hours before hunger kicks in. But if you blend the food with the water - to make soup - you will stay hunger-free for much longer, and less likely to snack through the afternoon. How can blending the food into soup make such a difference? The answer lies in the stomach. Scientists have used ultrasound and MRI scans of people's stomachs to investigate what happens after eating solid-food-plus-water meals compared with the same food made into soup. After you eat a meal, the pyloric sphincter valve at the bottom of your stomach holds food back so that the digestive juices can get to work. Water, however, passes straight through the sphincter to your intestines, so drinking water does not contribute to "filling you up". When you eat the same meal as a soup, the whole mixture remains in the stomach, because the water and food are blended together. The scientists' scans confirm that the stomach stays fuller for longer, staving off those hunger pangs. The key to this low-tech weapon against hunger is a hormone called ghrelin. It is one of the major players in the body's appetite system. Discovered as recently as 1999, ghrelin is released by specialised cells in the stomach wall. These cells produce a constant stream of ghrelin whenever the stomach is empty. The ghrelin travels via the blood stream to the brain's appetite centre, an organ called the hypothalamus. As a result, the hypothalamus screams "You are hungry - find food." But whenever the stomach wall is stretched - when the stomach is full - the cells stop producing ghrelin, and the hypothalamus responds accordingly, turning off the appetite signal. The longer the stomach remains full, the longer you feel satisfied and the less you are likely to eat. WHICH VARIETY IS BEST? Vegetable soup is best It produces a more consistent blend and it generally has fewer calories than chicken or fish soup The stomach gradually empties, more slowly for the soup than the solid meal plus water. The BBC staged an experiment for the programme 10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight to test this theory. In this experiment, and in previous experiments, participants reported feeling full for up to an hour-and-a-half longer than their solid meal counterparts. Although some researchers refer to appetite as "the cupcake circuit", the mechanism behind human appetite evolved long before cupcakes were invented - at a time when food was scarce. As a result, we are hardwired to eat high-calorie foods, which are unfortunately so abundant in the modern world. Finding ways to control the appetite signal is crucial if we are to stave off the meteoric rise in obesity. Food scientists and pharmaceutical companies alike are on a major quest to find ways to do just that. Could soup help address obesity? Appetite is one of the most researched areas of weight-loss science. Unfortunately, the appetite system is complex, and still poorly understood. There are probably dozens of hormones that play a role in regulating appetite. Of those that have already been discovered, there is one that is released after eating protein-rich meals (called PYY), one that is released by fat cells (leptin) and several that respond to the presence of any kind of food. But of all the hormones that make up the appetite system, it is ghrelin that has caused the most interest. In addition to its role in sending the "stomach empty" signal to the brain, ghrelin also promotes fat storage. Even worse, it inhibits the breakdown of stored fat during times of weight loss. Inject ghrelin into the bloodstream of a rat and the animal eats insatiably - and quickly becomes obese. In 2006, scientists at the Scripps Research Centre in the US developed a vaccine to counteract the influence of ghrelin, in an attempt to control appetite. It is still undergoing clinical trials - so for now, the best and simplest way to keep hunger at bay is to reduce your stomach's release of ghrelin: blend your food into a healthy, voluminous soup. The best sort? Vegetable soup, as it produces a more consistent blend and is generally lower calorie than chicken or fish soup. Jack Challoner is a science writer and author of the website explaining-science.co.uk. Below is a selection of your comments. It has been interesting to read a scientific article on what I held to be true, simply by feeding my family. We often have freshly made soup at home and it seems to satisfy well for hours. Liza Moon, London While the science behind the fact has probably not been quite so clearly laid out before, the knowledge that soup makes one feel full for longer (than an equivalent solid meal consumed with water) is not new.. It is, however, always interesting to learn of such scientific studies as the weight-conscious amongst us continue to wade through the ever changing (and often contradictory) expert advice on the matter. Tom, Hong Kong I have been routinely having soup for lunch as part of a campaign to lose weight triggered by concerned comments from my wife and doctor. I have found it a very effective way of eating less without feeling hungry and it has helped me to lose around 10 kg in five months. Stephen Murray, London, UK BBC
  2. Great stuff Andreas - thanks for that link. It goes a long way to explaining Rommel's daring - and I daresay success. He certainly took full advantage of the info he was dealt. There is a lot of reading there!Yikes!!
  3. That is correct! : ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium though you will see that the wrong spelling did have a pedigree. I do think it was an advertising cock-up probably but just possibly a marketing masterstroke. In the UK we have hoovers as generic for vacuum cleaners though Dysons are doing their best to replace it : )
  4. Phonetically - and which pronunciation will be standardised NZ, US , English. Or will each country spell it phonetically the way they pronounce it. : ) I bough/bow to yore/yor/yaw marsterly kure Wiki is fun - here/hear is an extract: but if we stick with English This concise chart shows the most common applications of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to represent English language pronunciations. See Pronunciation respelling for English for phonetic transcriptions used in different dictionaries. AuE = Australian English[1] CaE = Canadian English[citation needed] GA = General American[2][3] IrE = Irish English[citation needed] NZE = New Zealand English[citation needed] RP = Received Pronunciation (England)[4] ScE = Scottish English[citation needed] SAE = South African English[citation needed] WaE = Welsh English[citation needed]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet_for_English
  5. I bought a small program for not a lot of money and it recovered most of my family pics. The trouble is I cannot remember what the program was called .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA28zXo5e6I reminds me it was an Ontrack program. There must be others now and who knows even freeware ...possibly.
  6. That is a huge shame. A disaster. And also a warning. I am gutted for you. An HD mounted in another system may be able to be recovered. I have been lucky the one time I lost a HD. I will sort the scenario - beautiful unit choices. : )
  7. My brother and I are in mourning for the radio station of our years in Toronto http://www.thestar.com/article/618478 May 27 1957 Toronto's 1050 CHUM AM becomes Canada's first radio station to only broadcast top 40 Rock n' Roll music format.
  8. So its medicinal!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutella
  9. Arguably English is already simplified to the 2000 words reputed to be used by the popular tabloid press. Out of a million words I would call that simplified : ) However if one wishes to write more usefully with shades of meaning to a more intelligent audience then you have to use a bigger vocabulary. Spelling could be simplified - and in fact Webster in the US and Johnson in England who really standardised the current spellings. There have been changes and I was intrigued that the Times used to spell car tyre as tire until quite late. There is of course a logic to not using the same words for too many different things. It is a great problem for the French who try for a vocabulary limited to 100000 words. BTW aluminum for the correct word is derived from a spelling mistake - irritating isn't it that it was not sorted at the time but allowed to divide languages. A splendid example of what can happen if we all can create our own spellings : )
  10. Sorry ME, just have this crazy feeling about honesty!
  11. Grids do nothing for LOS. Use the LOS lines from your units. For gridded terrain which is very useful try here : http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ one of the people who is taking up CMMODS following its closing down announcement. He is a WeBoB member so might be thought trustworthy : ) I also understand the club a Few Good Men are doing similar.
  12. Well thanks for choosing the easy ones to translate .... no credit for the turkey with honey, the veal with rosemary, eggs florentine etc etc. Come on that is a pretty classy menu. Are those two sentences in the same paragraph for a reason or just using juxtaposition to suggest that the massed produced food must be crap? My father enjoyed the hospital food when in France but then he was in Brittany. I would not wish to extrapolate from a single instance to a generalisation I fully understand that a menu may promise more than it delivers !
  13. http://userweb.port.ac.uk/~joyce1/abinitio/chap5-10.html
  14. Ok the layout did not work. But jumbled up their are the menus for Franch primary school kids - from here http://www.mairie4.paris.fr/mairie4/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?page_id=86 I find it quite inspiring that good range of food can be had - and that it gets kids used to food as something special.
  15. MENUS DU MOIS D'AVRIL 2009 MERCREDI 1 JEUDI 2 VENDREDI 3 Salade coleslaw Salade de lentilles et tomates Endives sauce moutarde (chou blanc carotte, mayonnaise) Steak de boeuf poêlé Cordon bleu Brandade de poisson Farfalles BIO au gruyère Haricots verts parmentière Maison Cantal Saint Paulin BIO Fromage blanc sur lit de compote de cassis Fruit de saison Liégeois chocolat Pain BIO Goûter : Jus de fruit Goûter : Petit suisse aromatisé Goûter : Fruit de saison BIO Pain et chocolat Pain blanc et beurre Biscuit LUNDI 6 MARDI 7 MERCREDI 8 JEUDI 9 VENDREDI 10 Pommes au thon Scarole vinaigrette Potage saint Germain Taboulé (pois cassés, crème fraiche) Spaghettis Cuisse de poulet rôtie Oeufs durs florentine Rôti de porc aux pruneaux Pavé de saumon au citron à la bolognaise Fenouil tomate et basilic (Epinards) Frites Brocolis vapeur (pomme de terre) Pyrénées Saint Bricet Carré de l'est Kiri chèvre Yaourt aromatisé Fruit de saison BIO Eclair au chocolat Fruit de saison Pêches au sirop Fruit de saison Pain BIO Goûter : Compote pomme fraise Goûter : Fruit de saison Goûter : Jus de fruit Goûter : Fruit de saison BIO Goûter : Lait aromatisé Lait et céréales Pain mie et confiture Pain et fromage Pain blanc et chocolat Mini viennoiseries LUNDI 13 MARDI 14 MERCREDI 15 JEUDI 16 VENDREDI 17 VACANCES SCOLAIRES Menu de Pâques Laitue sauce échalote Tartare de tomates Betteraves aux croûtons Nems menthe sur salade PÂQUES Gratin de colin Gigot d'agneau aux herbes Rôti de veau ciboulette Escalope de dinde au jus aux champignons Riz blanc Jardinière de légumes Haricots blancs au romarin Blettes en gratin et pommes de terre Camembert Emmental Velouté fruix Fromage blanc sucré Crème caramel Pâtisserie de Pâques Fruit de saison Banane Goûter : Fruit de saison Goûter : Fruit de saison Goûter : Lait nature Goûter : Jus de fruit Pain et confiture Biscuit Pain au chocolat Pain BIO et fromage Céréales, pain, féculents Viande, poisson, œuf Menus conformes à la circulaire n°2001-11 8 du 25 Juin 2001 Légumes et fruits crus Légumes et fruits cuits Laitages Et à la décision N°2007-17 du 4 mai 2007 du GEMRCN Les fromages portions en italique sont enrichis en calcium Les goûters des lundi, mardi, jeudi, vendredi concernent les classes maternelles Les fruits de saison qui seront intégrés dans les menus : Banane, orange, pomme, poire, ananas, kiwi, fraise La viande de bœuf est certifiée d'origine française, et la viande de veau certifiée d'origine européenne SEMAINE DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE " POUR UNE CONSOMMATION RESPONSABLE " Carottes bâtonnets et radis sauce fromage blanc Menus validés par la diététicienne conseil Page 2 Caisse des écoles - Mairie du 4ème arrondissement de Paris MENUS DU MOIS D'AVRIL 2009 LUNDI 20 MARDI 21 MERCREDI 22 JEUDI 23 VENDREDI 24 Salade de haricots verts Scarole catalane Radis rondelle sauce moutarde Pamplemousse (Haricot vert, tomate, vinaigrette) (tomate, poivron jaune, H d'olive) Sauté de boeuf aux oignons Merlu sauce basquaise Cuisse de poulet au thym Couscous merguez Filet de hoki meunière Petits pois à la française Pommes de terre vapeur Chou fleur persillé Semoule et ses légumes Jeunes carottes Saint Morêt Yaourt nature BIO et sucre Reblochon Tomme blanche Petit suisse Quatre quart Fruit de saison Gâteau de semoule Compote pomme-banane Fruit de saison Goûter : Lait aromatisé Goûter : Jus de fruit Goûter : Fruit de saison Goûter : Fruit de saison BIO Goûter : Lait nature Biscuit Pain et fromage Biscuit Pain et chocolat Croissant LUNDI 27 MARDI 28 MERCREDI 29 JEUDI 30 VENDREDI 1 mai RENTREE SCOLAIRE MELI MELO DES SAVEURS Salade mexicaine Pâté de foie de volaille Laitue vinaigrette Salade composée aux 4 saveurs (h. rouge,maïs,tomate,concombre) (concombre, raisin sec, fromage blanc, citron, ciboulette et biscuit salé) Chipolatas Sauté de veau au romarin Emincé de boeuf aux olives Sauté de dinde au miel Purée aux trois légumes Blé et ratatouille Coquillettes Riz safrané et champignons (carotte, céleri, petit pois) Crème de gruyère Mimolette Babybel Pomme cuite sur Fruit de saison Fruit de saison BIO fromage blanc Flan au kiwi Goûter : Fruit de saison Goûter : Lait aromatisé Goûter : Jus de fruit Goûter : Yaourt au sucre de canne Pain de campagne et nutella Pain au lait Pain BIO et fromage Pain blanc et beurre Céréales, pain, féculents Viande, poisson, œuf Menus conformes à la circulaire n°2001-11 8 du 25 Juin 2001 Légumes et fruits crus Légumes et fruits cuits Laitages Et à la décision N°2007-17 du 4 mai 2007 du GEMRCN Les fromages portions en italique sont enrichis en calcium Les goûters des lundi, mardi, jeudi, vendredi concernent les classes maternelles Les fruits de saison qui seront intégrés dans les menus : Banane, orange, pomme, poire, ananas, kiwi, fraise La viande de bœuf est certifiée d'origine française, et la viande de veau certifiée d'origine européenne Pommes de terre à l'estragon FERIE Menus validés par la diététicienne conseil
  16. Spelling in France: baisse-toi --- Duck your head down Baise-toi ---- Screw yourself J'ai eu un malaise ----- I felt ill J'ai eu une Malaise ---- I shagged a malaysian women Je vais faire un tour --- I am going for a walk Je vais faire une tour ----- I am going to build a tower
  17. Kingfish I understand exactly what you are saying and agree the point. However it is a game for fun for a lot of people rather than a tool to recreate the real feel. It is also not a substitute chessboard either. Your tank and platoon level sounds fine but my great fear of a bogging or being shot through a building which is apparently solid make me wary of investing time in tiny battles. The coarseness of the scenery and its effects to my mind make it unsuitable for small actions if you are seeking realism. I am not saying that just because an infantry unit has only unit fire power one target at a time that this is a fatal flaw just that with unrealistic buildings and blocky terrain it should be played at a more numerous unit level. The increasing size of battlefields in each iteration of CM suggests that. The ability to purchase battalions suggests that bigger games are the better option. PS test playing tomorrow!
  18. I like to believe that it is true ....... A good reason for my preference for large battles. I have great trouble understanding why one would play battles with a couple of tanks per side as any unfortunate incident makes a considerable difference to the out come. If you have a dozen tanks then generalship has a greater part to play. : )
  19. don't know but definitely one of the great benefits for the game. PBEMHelper being another great aid to making playing fun.
  20. Strange that the article says "maintenance breakdowns" not unspecified breakdowns. And so no I do not think at all that it is petrol shortage! : ) And just for completeness sakes it was not railroad crossings but a railroad embankment in the quote.
  21. Absolutely not you. If you can peruse WeBoB or probably search the Archive here you will find I have often said these things over the past 4 years. I cannot allow you to feel that important that I have deliberately gone after you personally rather than the subjects you raised are valid thoughts for any thoughtful gamer. : ) * I do tend to be boring - witness my bocage threads. I am even more boring on luck as so many players think it was their superior generalship that has won the day. As for the quoted items I posted they are part of my ongoing campaign for people to realise that RL war is a very random business. It is easy to forget after several years playing that not everyone who plays is a grog. I have sponsored 4 players in the last quarter and none of them is a WW2 grog. One is a Napoleonics grog with 200+ books! However as noobies are still coming into play CMx1 it is right that there is plenty of anecdote for them to read. * BTW I was actually agreeing that bogging was not very nice in CMBB in that thread of yours. And I am sure you will find it in many many of my posts dating back over the years.
  22. I have seen the film and the musical - hugely enjoyable. Redwolf your sensitivity to other nations possible embarrassments earmark you for a job under Dick Cheney To explain it to you will probably be nigh to impossible but it occurs to me if we set the musical : showing the US invasion of the Phillipines with a knock-about farce where the natives are duped to beat up the Spanish and then sold out as the US and the Spanish sell the islands between themselves. Should go down a storm. You could probably get the plot basics from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine-American_War This could be fun to work in sung to "General Otis regrets" The most conclusive evidence that the enemy wounded were being killed, came from the official reports of Otis and his successor, General Arthur MacArthur, Jr., which claimed fifteen Filipinos killed for every one wounded. In the American Civil War, the ratio had been five wounded for every soldier killed, which is close to historical norm. Otis attempted to explain this anomaly by the superior marksmanship of rural southerners and westerners in the U.S. military, who had hunted all their lives. MacArthur added a racial twist, asserting that Anglo-Saxons do not succumb to wounds as easily as do men of “inferior races.”[86]
  23. "Scope" - well if you mean it covers 41-45 and several minor nations that is true. CMAK I think was served badly by some of the scenarios that came on the CD and suffered as a result. However it does not have the super-Stug problem, the main Russian gun the 76.2 was badly under-modelled in CMBB and fortunately we do not have that wacky imbalance*. Also the fortifications balls-up has been sorted meaning all the attack/defence type games play properly. And of course bogging and skulking are made more acceptable by being dialled down. *The US 37mm is grossly overpowered and ruins several scenarios where the designer thought he was designing for a historical event.
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