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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Teach me to do something from memory - it is orthopedic not pediatric - I thank you for all the research. I get my HBR back tomorrow. However the point that Affy quotes is the one HBR were quoting.
  2. And who is the Norwegian? BTW that bike was offered up for auction last November. Trial biking actually goes back a long way in the UK and probably grew from Army despatch riders needing to cross-country. And I like your proviso regarding "obviously damaging anything" - I have some experience of flat roofs and they are actually quite delicate little structures and not cheap to repair ... once you realise they have been damaged. Sure I like the way he has mastered something and has pride in what he does. Using someone elses property for your tricks and potentially giving them serious grief and cost a few months down the line I cannot find good.
  3. Thanks for all that background DAF. Is the guesthouse convenient for military sites? : ) Whilst equally disheartened at the collapse of publishing it does open the floor to the amateur cartographer. After all Minard was by training an engineer but towards the end of his life produced the greatest graphical explanation of a Russian war. In fact thinking further surely the maps could be generic to the area and by using a computer overlay the information and time etc. Sold privately or given freely it could form a great companion to the relevant printed book. It would be very elegant to be able to zoom from levels of Army down and roam the battlefield. And if overlayed on actual terrain ... for the really tactical stuff.
  4. Basically yes the chances go up from not a chance in hell to not a chance in hell but mor costly. Hail fire is what the Germans suffered from when attacking Russians - basically everything that could fire would. AT rifles were particularly instructed to go for the vision ports/blocks and this was effective. Tanks would carry extra but you were unlikely to try replacing it whilst under fire. And every tanker was aware that a lucky shot might immobilise them - again an ordered Russian fire tactic. If it got too hot the Tigers may well back off. As CM does not go to that level of damage they sort of have the random disabling shot. I have managed it with 20mm AA firing non-stop turn after turn at a Tiger which was mainly head -on. I have used hailfire from Valentine IX's which can hurt Tigers and generally 6 of them will kill it or the tactical AI will retreat it even if it is head-on. Presumably the TAC Ai appreciates that it might take a side penetration shot at a narrow angle. I am not sure that the T34/76 would get that respect.
  5. I just replayed Hornets Nest and I remebered to put my Hornetsin the trees to minimise return fire. Worked well 64-36 against the AI and I was rushing it and not playing with all the smart moves. I did get them all killed - a touch of boredom crept in and I started trading shots. One to one no problem 2 to 1 and you are getting risky. The best one did 4 tanks and the worst 1. I do open fire early as in the time span the more they flittter about the further thay stay away from the important flags. As it was they came no nearer than 500 metres.
  6. : ) I also think of athletes taking steroids/drugs for that shorter life and fame. AND all the ones who take them and still do not have the fame and money. Of boxers who brains are turned to mush. Who don't get the big money. Basically I look at the glory and then at the process and failures that must occur. Rather like acting with an 85% "resting" at any one time a subject much missed in the adulation over the stars. Does this make me a bad person that I have to analyse everything in a variety of ways before deciding whether to be impressed or not. In this particular video the lack of warnings as to downsides and the arena he is playing in make me feel that it is all the glamour without any reality is a dangerous lead to less gifted/sensible/lucky people. Very paternalistic of me but then I suppose as I get older and see more and more stupidity you tend to feel that way. Incidentally stupidity is not restricted to any class you can look at the City/Wall Street and Parliament/Government where it is married with cupidity for greater effect.
  7. And thats why I play CMAK: ) Redwolf is right but fortunately you can play the whole game using all the bits and it seems to gel reasonably well. CMAK though is the superior product. BTW the idea that a Jagdtiger , or even a Tiger, would be allowed out by itself is fanciful as they were always meant to be in at least pairs to prevent being rushed and perhaps more importantly if one broke down then the other could look after it. I say look after it and though forbidden Tigers would pull other Tigers out of danger. And not infrequently it meant two Tigers having to be rescued.
  8. Now the US is joining the civilised world it is probable that medicine and cost will become a more researched subject. The Harvard Business Review has an interesting article on US costs which have revealing comments something like "if GM was paid by bolts on car as procedures are done in medicine GM would make a car full of bolts" And amazingly the median for a pediatrician was something like $460000 pa a huge multiple on general doctors pay. Unfortunately my copy has been nicked before I have fully digested it but I will recover! This is a goody: http://search.nejm.org/search?w=niacin basically Vitamin B3 Niacin is more effective than prescription drugs for certain types of arterial treatment. It is also 5800% cheaper per dose. Turning it into English comes from here http://www.naturalnews.com/028473_Zetia_Vitamin_B3.html
  9. This is rather scary in terms of what is claimed - the ability to identify sex, age and culture from ten keystrokes. OK so we are close to April 1st but I think its serious. The scary part being if you wonder about Big Brother or live in countries where having the wrong views could be fatal. I am sure that like fingerprints it could be arranged for experts to testify you typed in a specific manner - tempo , hesitation over certain words etc.
  10. If you're looking for an easy way to make your contribution to saving the planet, then it could be as simple as switching your font to 'Century Gothic'. University of Wisconsin - Green Bay (UWGB) has rolled out the change this semester, saying it uses 30% less ink than its default font Arial when printed. Century Gothic is apparently even more economical than a well-known "eco-font", and when printer ink can cost US$10,000 a gallon it's a great eco-friendly initiative that not only helps the planet but also saves money. UWGB is keen to minimize use of its resources with the aim of being more environmentally conscious and has committed to a five year plan to "go green". Director of Computing and Information Technology Diane Blohowiak is head of the committee that implemented the decision, and students and staff returned to campus after spring-break to find their default e-mail typeface had made the switch. So far everybody seems content with the change, and hopefully the ease of this cost-saving green initiative will see more people going "gothic". and in default Verdana [Arial for this bit] If you're looking for an easy way to make your contribution to saving the planet, then it could be as simple as switching your font to 'Century Gothic'. University of Wisconsin - Green Bay (UWGB) has rolled out the change this semester, saying it uses 30% less ink than its default font Arial when printed. Century Gothic is apparently even more economical than a well-known "eco-font", and when printer ink can cost US$10,000 a gallon it's a great eco-friendly initiative that not only helps the planet but also saves money. UWGB is keen to minimize use of its resources with the aim of being more environmentally conscious and has committed to a five year plan to "go green". Director of Computing and Information Technology Diane Blohowiak is head of the committee that implemented the decision, and students and staff returned to campus after spring-break to find their default e-mail typeface had made the switch. So far everybody seems content with the change, and hopefully the ease of this cost-saving green initiative will see more people going "gothic".
  11. Who is he? Should I know bout him - don't tell me - he is a famous Norwegian sccientist? great inspiration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V1Toy7dV4o&feature=related
  12. My initial reaction is that you can sure tell that its a free health service ..., and I wonder if they edit out the bad bits , and if having a bike land heavily on a flat roof might be harmful to its fabric. Other than that I think this falls into the category of who can eat the fastest/mostest etc. Essentially useless but potentially dangerous. Particularly to those who try to emulate for "fame". : )
  13. More info please. 85's or 76's is rather a big difference in lethality. Range helps as in fog .....
  14. Bizarrely this CSM review is valued at a positive 67% oN Metacritic - Wtf! ME - Here is another aggregating site for comments with the original grading. Fairly consistent so I don't think I need to reserve judgement further! : ) http://www.mrqe.com/movies/m100069680
  15. tooz is the second ID I have taken over [evil laugh effect]
  16. Way to go!! http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/london_mauling_for_uma_8KdG0bJEqH9zeFOUFmodYL
  17. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=91131 for the original thread at the beginning of March : )
  18. My installation code from Histwar is a 68 alphanumeric, Whats lovely is the 200 page manual in the CD type game box. Ok serious premium price but then for some games you are prepared to pay it. CM in th eearly days was one where I would pay premium.
  19. http://www.theengineer.co.uk/?cmpid=TE01&cmptype=newsletter However this is appears to me to be mathematical idiocy. As the berries are indivisable - that is the dry and water content are as one - you cannot divorce them. In any event if 1% loss of water is equal to 25lbs then presumably if another 1% of the original water lost means complete dehydation. That is not possible so it must be a question of syntax misuse. After all can a 1% reduction of a component part really mean a 50% reduction in total weight.
  20. Now I am sure some bright spark can explain the answer waaay below. But before you look give it a go.
  21. Previously octopi have been unimpressed with TV and the flickerig shapes conveyed nothing but with the advent of HD they will now attack on screen threats. I suspect the next step will be octoporn!.
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