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Posts posted by Dogface

  1. There is already buddy aid in the game, which allows soldiers to bandage up other wounded soldiers and in some cases allowing them to pick up the fight again.

    Repairs are not modeled as they would take too long, also no one is going to do major repairs to a vehicle under fire. They would be done once the area is secure.

  2. Yeah it is interesting how often Debs name has come up now. First US socialist Wiki hit I would bet. Hell that particular Socialist Party is not even around anymore. But if you like Debs then Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander is the the closest you can get as they are the Socialist Party USA/Liberty Union Party candidates.

  3. I was speaking more in reference to Europe (in observation of what Steve had posted). Regardless, loved your last sentence. Bravo!

    But even with those you listed....Those are not associated with attacks on the U.S. For which the U.S. is most concerned with (and rightfully so).

    There is a US involvement in all of the above both covert and overt. Also from memory there was a US state department employee or US diplomat killed in Sudan at the beginning of the year. Also, most of the European areas fit the cross border incursions and tribal strife as has occurred in the Pakistan Afghan border areas.

    And yes the IPA was good.

  4. There really is no serious comparison between the border regions of Pakistan (and what is happening there...what the history is there) as compared to other nations.

    I could think of some, Chad/Sudan, in fact how about whole Chad, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo area. Then there is most, if not all of the countries bordering Russia. I mention those countries and regions in particular because I have some knowledge of the histories there. I am sure that I could find some in Asia if I could give a crap to look. Needless to say I would rather drink a beer.

  5. Then you probably installed it to the wrong location. Which would explain a few things.

    No, I did that the first time. I followed the installation instructions to the letter and it installed to blah/blah/blah/red orchestra/red orchestra/darkest hour. Because I dutifully browsed to my red orchestra folder and clicked install.

    So I deleted that one and reinstalled, however I had steam running and that breaks things apparently.

    So I deleted it again, went through all of the other RO folders looking for DH files, got rid of them and closed steam and reinstalled.

    That one worked, however on trying to join a server I received a

    Warning: Failed to load 'InterfaceArt_ahz_tex': Package 'InterfaceArt_ahz_tex' version mismatch

    That file was located in /Steam/common/red orchestra/Textures

    So I delete all of the InterfaceArt files and then not even RO will start. I then gave my monitor my best "WTF are you doing to me look" and reverified the RO game files through the Steam interface.

    Red Orchestra now starts but to be honest I don't have the heart to try DH. Maybe tomorrow.

  6. I downloaded it, installed it and still can not play multiplayer. Every time I try to join a server the game tries to download the map, even Foy and Hedgerow hell. I know I have the maps cause I can play them in practice mode. Also I am getting file mismatches, that is an easy one to fix just exit game, find file, delete then restart game. One big exercise in frustration. But hell at least I can do multi player now. The last time I installed it the Multi plater button was grayed out.

    Example of file mismatch:

    Warning: Failed to load 'InterfaceArt_ahz_tex': Package 'InterfaceArt_ahz_tex' version mismatch

    That file is from /Steam/common/red orchestra/Textures

    why the hell would I have a mismatch of that file? its not even in the DH mod folder?

  7. Edit: Actually I just installed the flagfox add-on, it puts a small flag at the bottom right of the browser. It lets you know what country the server is located in and if you click on it, it'll take you to geotool site showing a map. This doesn't necessarily make browsing better or easier, but it's just plain kool. Just checked the battefront server, it's located in San Francisco, CA.

    The tool is a bit off, as it reported that the server that is sitting here on my desk in Bellevue is really in Tacoma. But hey it is kinda cool anyway.

  8. Exactly John, Judo was not "originally designed so an unarmed samurai, in armor, could disable or kill a fully armed foe in short, vicious hand-to-hand combat." It was designed by Kano Jigoro so he could beat Fukushima Kanekichi who was a Jujutsu senior student. See that is the problem with some of your research, you seem to like to twist a definition to meet what you think is the truth. Judo is a Gendai budō meaning a modern Martial Art from Japan. Modern in this case being after the late 1860s.

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