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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Dogface

  1. Well technically the American Military does/did use the metric system so that answer Willhammer, is right out. I am going to go with either the painting one or the font answer.

    Hope you feel better Kettler. By the way if you feel funny in the region of your body that covers the northern Puget Sound, let me know. I'm gonna be up there for the next 8 days.

  2. JohnS,

    Mea culpa. Could be NATO forces are getting close to the magic 10:1 ratio.

    Assuming of course the insurgents are drawing one or less of every hundred potential fighters, and the NATO troops stay in the province.

    We'll see how it goes.

    It's JonS, there is no h.

    Sorry, just a reflex. I also go by Jon in RL and constantly have to tell people to omit the h.

  3. Ahh, a pretty video and all but there was a safety line attached to the rock face to his left. You can see some people moving their biners along the line about 1/2 way through. However it is tough to say if the camera man was using one. However IIRC the camera is always in the hand that is away from the rock face so I would guess he is using one. All in all a cool place and a nice video.

  4. You really need to add more information to the post. Also this is not the place as you are not really having a technical problem.

    Was the original scenario made in 1.10, then saved and played again in 1.11 or 1.11 to 1.11?

    What movement order was given, what level/type of troops? Were they taking fire?

    Was there enemy troops near by? What was the terrain, was it night or day? Do you have a save file?

  5. That's the Marxist spin. The real truth is the people running off with riches and destroying these three companies are the regular union workers with their job pools, 90% layoff pay, and $105,000 severance packages. The destruction of these wealth creating corporate entities is directly attributable to their inability to downsize their workforce in a weak economy and thereby cut costs and capacity to remain in the black. This is what happens when unionized labor sucks a corporation dry to the bone. It's silly to point to the CEO's corporate jets, when the cost must be dwarfed by pension and healthcare liabilities owed to the union labor force.


    Where do you get the 90% layoff pay stat (do you mean the GM Job Bank) or the 105,000 severance package? And do you mean to say that the "big 3" do not owe its retired/current workers a pension or health care?

    I can find this quote

    The UAW agreed to deep wage cuts and other concessions. Wages were cut by a third and pensions were frozen. The union negotiated lump sum payments of up to $105,000 over three years to workers to help offset the effects of the concessions. Early retirement cash incentives, and lump-sum “buyouts” were also offered to cut the number of workers at American Axle.

    Also another quote about the "inability to downsize"

    Now that the UAW has ratified a concessionary agreement ending the strike that started February 26th, American Axle says 2,000 U.S. jobs manufacturing jobs are being lost. Some of that production is moving to Mexico. Most of the job cuts are coming from buyouts and early retirement incentives negotiated by the UAW, but there will be some involuntary layoffs, too.

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