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Posts posted by Vadr

  1. Vadr vs Mcgillicutty, The Opening....

    Oh my Liege, the flying lead and bloodshed are exceeded only by the high humor...

    Eschewing any pretense at tactics (or perhaps he studied at Balaclava), my opponent has elected to fearlessly charge the mighty Matilda. Just as it did in North Africa, this immediately led to dead Italians everywhere.

    Ah well, perhaps he will have learned from his first-turn foolishness and will actually try to do something constructive with remainder of his forces (doubt it tho).

    Mgivner is tricky however, slippery like an eel; "I need to send this move in two parts" and "Ummm...I need you to send these to a different E-mail address", those sorts of pillock tactics.

    More to follow as the slaught...err battle develops.

  2. All these were honoured in their generations,

    and were the glory of their times.

    There be of them,

    that have left a name behind them,

    that their praises might be reported.

    And some there be, which have no memorial;

    who are perished, as though they had never been;

    and are become as though they had never been born;

    and their children after them.

    But these were merciful men,

    whose righteousness hath not been forgotten.

    With their seed shall continually remain

    a good inheritance,

    and their children are within the covenant.

    Their seed standeth fast,

    and their children for their sakes.

    Their seed shall remain for ever,

    and their glory shall not be blotted out.

    Their bodies are buried in peace;

    but their name liveth for evermore.

    Ecclesiasticus XLIV

  3. Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House pronounced:

    p.s. How are you doing in CessPool matches these days?
    Alas my liege, the Honor of Helen Reddy is safe because Dalem disguised his Elite "I will always fire the first shot (even against veteran Panzer crews) and my first shot will always kill" T-34s as mere "Regulars". I owe the hippie a rematch.

    Nidan1 also defeated me, but that's my fault because I chose a Berli scenario (balance? what balance?). "Here men, charge up this hill against these entrenched Russians and their pillboxes. You don't need heavy weapons or cover, and hey, you've got 3 platoons against his two, easy". The rematch is underway. I am Little Red Riding Hood and am currently on the way to grandma's house through the Finnish woods.

    I am still spanking Gitlord Focker whenever the little pillock can be induced to send a turn.

    I will be getting some target practice in on lenakonrad right soon.

  4. Main Entry: in·quis·i·tor

    Pronunciation: in-'kwi-z&-t&r

    Function: noun

    Date: 1504

    : one who inquires or makes inquisition; especially : one who is unduly harsh, severe, or hostile in making an inquiry

    And what, pray tell Counselor have you been inquiring about lately? Hmmmm....? We are overrun with SSN's, and not the garden variety moron (word of the day I guess) SSN's like Lenk...something or other but rather fans of ludicrous, flash-in-the-pan ersatz artiste.

    What questions have you asked? What tests have you given, what barrier have you put up to stop this influx? None, nada, zilch, nothing, Sod Off. Roight.

    You are mere pawn of that pathetic little sniveling Berli. What? You think the Title makes the Man? Deeds, not words Consiglieri. Those who can, do. Those who can't post in the MBT and call themselves Imbecile General or somesuch nonsense. I would fight you, but you are likely too cowardly to face the test. Send a Squire and I shall thrash it roundly to remind you of your mortality, and of course, that all glory is fleeting...

    Edited to say: Qbert, send me a setup, you worthless loser, it's time for your thrashing. I'd prefer something historical but will beat you in a gamey QB if such be your pleasure.

    [ February 11, 2003, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

  5. Oh fer cryin' out loud.

    Vanilla Ice? Vanilla Ice?. We are having a discussion about that Loser in the MBT? What a waste of fookin' bandwidth.

    I think you've all gone completely out of your pea-sized minds.

    See what happens when you put a revolving door on the Justicar's office? What the feck is that worthless Grue doing other than blathering uselessly (somewhat like Seanachai).

    Is V-ice (Man, is that cool or what?) the henchman/twin/surrogate/Son of Berli?

    Sad, how the putrid...err...mighty have fallen.

  6. Pillocks, the lot of you.

    Yes, I am still *busy*, but since I just knew you were all missing me ('specially you Berli-Girli) I thought I'd drop in and say Sod Off

    Now, lemme see here...

    The Storyteller is reduced to shouting like a pimply-faced l33t teenager on the boards, and has apparently forgotten how to spell his own name. Sad, and further evidence of his psychological demise. The man just doesn't have it anymore, can't you all see that?

    The fleet-footed, greenwood-hiding Justicar tasked me with some long, inane report about whether or not Seanachai (note spelling) was a Turncoat or merely a Sellout. The answer is obvious; his dim-wittedness is a Sellout. I suspect Berliwhatever stocked him up with some sort of drug or liquor to consume in his snow-bound, rat-infested hole in the tundra over the long winter. I form this conclusion based on the increasing level of incoherence in the recent posts of the blithering idiot.

    So, I have unraveled the truth; Reeks (nb) is a puppet king put forth by our weak, timid, somewhat cardboard imitation of The Devil and his besotted Irish (wannabee?) henchman. You weak-minded tosspots following these two have a combined IQ roughly equal to a mold, I think (and about as much backbone).

    The stables are in order, the Shavian network seems to be holding up, and I'll be damned glad when the Justicar gets back in here and decides to put all you puffins back in your respective sewers. In the meantime, I continue to hold that the majority of the Olde Ones need to be put out to the glue fact...err pasture, and leave the running of the Right Proper MBT to those with steel more firm and blood the purer. Sit down Bauhaus.

    What else...um, oh yeah.

    Dalem forgot that I have Pschrecks. Doesn't matter though, he is winning because of those Uber-TCs he got and I hates him forever.

    Gitlord Focker is paying for his lack of imagination on the attack and his head shall soon adorn my wall. T-34s rock against Panzer II's! Whoot!

    Nidan1 owes me a turn, and so is this day a Git among ye.

    In closing, you can pack your King, your Archbishop, your Justicar Pretender, your Lawyer, and your flippin' Grue in a gunny sack and toss them all in the river together, preferably in MiniSoda, today, for all I care about them. Pretenders and charlatans all.

    Have a nice day Sodding Off, you twits.

    [ January 28, 2003, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

  7. My problem with it, is that I often have trouble judging where to put the "Shoot" endpoint.

    I'm a big fan of shoot & scoot. I think it's one of the best new improvements in the game. It *does* take some care and attention to use effectively.

    If you have an enemy tank spotted beyond the crest, use the LOS command and check where your LOS turns from orange to black, this is your 'shoot' point. Set your 'shoot' waypoint there or just short of there, and then scoot back. You'll pop up hull-down, take your shot, and then back off.

    It doesn't always work perfectly. Crews can delay, all sorts of weird AI things can happen, but it's still a major tactical innovation and a good one, IMO. I use it constantly and am normally quite pleased with the results I get. YMMV

  8. ...and now for a Gamey Update!

    Delta Dalem has the absolute gamiest tank crews I've ever seen. Russians getting off the first shot against veteran Panzer crews? The game is rigged I tell you!

    I am about to unveil my nefarious plan against Nidan1 in all it's evil glory. He is toast and does not know it.

    Lord Git continues to wage a battle of attrition using German armor. Unortunately, it's worked for him so far. That's OK though, the hammer is about to fall there as well. Hortlund would have loved this one for his quest...

    Has anyone seen Die Justicar? His horses are prepared and the stables are ship-shape.

    Oh yeah, Sod Off

    Edited so I can say: especially you Qbert

    [ January 24, 2003, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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