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Everything posted by Bimmer

  1. I will soon have several CMAK scenarios available for testing. I would like to recruit a number of experienced players to play these in PBEM or TCP/IP as part of a controlled test before general release of the scenarios. All scenarios are relatively compact, with fairly small maps and of 15-30 turn duration. In order to ensure meaningful feedback, there will be a form that needs to be filled out at the conclusion of each game by both players and sent back to me. If you are interested in testing and are willing to complete the evaluation form thoroughly and thoughtfully when you have finished a scenario, please send me a private email (aeg@computer.net)and I will pair you up with an opponent and send you the appropriate files when the scenarios are ready to go out. Once again, I am looking for experienced players only, please. Thanks for your interest.
  2. That may well be. Maintaining sight picture is another problem with bolt guns. But again, the easier it is to work the bolt, the less movement the firer will make. Several of mine will operate with fingertips, with very little arm movement. And, of course, the straight-pulls are in a class by themselves. I'm in no way trying to dispute the superiority of semi-auto vice bolt as combat rifles, but merely to point out that not all bolt guns are created equal.
  3. The ease of working a bolt gun depends an awful lot on just how smooth the mechanism is. Personally, I like straight bolt handles, but that's more preference than anything else. Mosin-Nagants are generally lousy due to that archaic bolt design and stubby handle - even my Finn M-39 is a pain. My 03A3 Springfield is very tight and requires a lot of force, making it a bit of a pain to work prone (though there are many with smooth actions - mine is just a bit flaky, being a parts gun), but my m/38 Swedish Mauser and 98/29 Persian (Czech contract gun) are tremendously smooth and easy to work when prone, especially the Swede, which cocks on closing. But hands down the smoothest, slickest bolt action I've ever felt is in my Swiss K-31 straight-pulls. Easy to work, fantastic accuracy. A Swiss watch that shoots.
  4. Is there anywhere I can d/l this scenario from the demo without having to get the whole enormous demo package with my pathically slow dial-up? Fruhlingswind is included on the CD, but Line of Defense is not - odd. Scenario Depot has a listing but no d/l is available. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  5. Mine finally appeared in NY this morning.
  6. Carlo D'Este's _Bitter Victory: The Battle for Sicily, 1943_ is a fine and detailed account of that particular portion of the Italian campaign. It is very much a traditional military history, with a linear style and top-down perspective. It has been a while since I read it, but my recollection is that it was better than anything else I'd read on the subject. Also, keep an eye out for the second volume of Rick Atkinson's Liberation Trilogy. I don't know when it's due, but it should cover much of the Italian campaign (Volume 1, _An Army at Dawn_, is a fine work about the American North Africa campaign).
  7. You're not the only one. My copy has yet to arrive in New York.
  8. I'd love a copy, in PDF format please. aeg@computer.net Thanks for making this available.
  9. If you're willing to risk getting lost on one-lane dirt roads, there are still many fine examples of unmolested hedgerows in some of the lesser-travelled areas of Normandy. Certainly not what it used to be, but representative examples can be found.
  10. With all the possibilities of converting CMBO scenarios to CMAK, one thing that would seem fairly important in order to recreate the Normandy battles would be the inclusion of hedgerows, yet these do not exist in the CMAK AO. Are there plans to include hedgerows in CMAK in spite of this in order to facilitate redoing the Normandy battles?
  11. I'm all done with my games. Count me in for the Section 1-1 postmortem tell-all.
  12. I use AMEX exclusively as well. Simple solution: You send them a check, they send you the game. If you don't have a checking account (which seems unlikely) get a US Postal money order. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.
  13. My section should not be any problem. We all have played each other before and I think we're all pretty much of the same mind about tournament play - good, hard competition for the sake of enjoyment. None in my section seem to be anything but honorable, honest players. Let's keep going and not worry about this.
  14. Just a quick update from my section, as no one else has poked their head up in a few days. Enoch and I have finished The Beast. Hosszupalyi is winding down (about 5 turns left) with Tabpub. The remaining three scenarios are about halfway through, with mixed results. (edited because I can't keep people's nicknames straight) [ January 23, 2003, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Bimmer ]
  15. Quick update from 1/1. Halfway through The Beast with Enoch, setup for Hosszupalyi done, a turn or two exchanged in Rearguard Action and King of Debrecen. Still haven't received a setup from Combined Arms for The Christmas Battle.
  16. Very nice. Can't wait to use them. To that end, is there any chance you could split up the files into separate normal-res and high-res zips for those of us with extra-slow dial-ups?
  17. "Rare" in terms of Soviet production does not (to my mind, at least) necessarily mean rare in the US arms market. What I was trying to suggest was that the SVT was far less available than the primary infantry weapon of the time, the Mosin-Nagant. (I do watch the surplus arms market here, as I am a collector and C&R holder).
  18. I don't have any figures to support this (but I'd love to see some), but I would imagine that the SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle was also in rather short supply, and could perhaps be what Werth was talking about. Certainly the Mosin-Nagant was by far the most plentiful infantry weapon early in the war.
  19. I love the new interface - changes the whole look of the game, yet looks perfectly appropriate and integrated. One minor note - there is a typo on the end of battle summary screen - IIRC "Destroyed" is misspelled, but I'd have to go back to be sure. That miniscule quibble notwithstanding, it is fantastic.
  20. I have strong doubts about the deliberate disabling theory simply because there is no need to do that much damage to render the gun inop. The 120 does have a HEAT round (no HESH) but the damage still appears to me to be an overpressure burst in an obstructed or damaged barrel.
  21. It is an M1A2. The problem with the HE round theory is that the 120mm gun of that tank does not have an HE round available. If I had to guess, I'd say there was an obstruction in the barrel when the main gun was fired and the barrel was subjected to localized overpressure at the point of the obstruction.
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