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Posts posted by markshot

  1. Actually, the 5200 does okay with FSAA turned off (and anistropy set to level 8). On a 15" XGA, the lack of FSAA is not too bad. Of course, lack of FSAA on a 21" CRT running at 1024x768 would be hard to miss. CMBO/CMBB/CMAK run with acceptable frame rates. Without FSAA, the FPS is mainly CPU limited in the larger scenarios (map size or unit count).

    Here are the problems I had with FSAA (4X) turned on:

    (1) Low frame rates.

    (2) Stuttering video performance making vehicle motion looking very jerky.

    (3) System lockups when jumping between CM and the desktop.


    Now, I tried FSAA 2X which seemed to resolve all of the above. However, it introduced a new problem. When flipping to the desktop and back, the borders of the CM screen would pulse in a very irritating fashion. Short of exiting CM and relaunching, I could not find any way to stop that. I tried all types of driver options and I also tried v5 and v6 drivers too.

    I anyone knows how to fix that, please advise as that would allow me to run with FSAA 2X on.


  2. I recently set up a new laptop with an NVidia FX 5200 Go (64Mb RAM).

    Despite the laptop having a faster processor (2.8GHz HT versus 2.5GHz) my desktop with a Ti 4600 runs circles around 5200 rendering CMBO/CMBB/CMAK with FSAA 4X turned on.

    * Of course, there are numerous potential factors like driver versions and DirectX versions.

    ** The 5200 is a DELL OEM version which has been downclocked (memory and GPU) to meet the requirements of heat generation and power consumption for the laptop package.

  3. I am thinking about purchasing a laptop soon. Although playing CM will not be the sole driving factor for what I buy, I would still like to get something that runs CM well. By the way, I have no experience with laptops (but lots with desktops and CRTs and LCDs).

    As I understand it an Nvidia based video subsystem will be best for CM. This will avoid problems with no fog and dissappearing text using FSAA.

    If I have to go ATI, then will CM look acceptible with no FSAA? (On my Nvidia desktop, I would say no.)

    I've done a quick survey of the market place and it seems that, for the most part, everyone is either offering on-board video (I understand this should avoided for gaming) or ATI. Who makes laptops with Nvidia subsystems other than Alienware these days?

    Also, my desktop has 128Mb of VRAM, but can I run CMBB/CMAK with mods with 64Mb VRAM and get decent performance?

    What about resolutions for games? I know CRTs do every resolution decently and that LCDs have a crisp native resolution and can interpolate lower resolutions. What about laptops are they locked at one resolution or do they offer a range resolutions below native?

    The resolutions I think I need are 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024. Can I get all those resolutions? If you get a wide screen display will all of those be available or do I need get a standard dimensions display?

    I am sorry if these questions seem very basic, but I appreciate any help.


  4. I play CMBO/CMBB/CMAK (not so much CMBO these days).

    I've have purchased a number of desktops, but no laptops.

    I recall hearing of quite a few problems running CMBO/CMBB/CMAK that various cards/drivers had problems with fog, anti-aliasing, disappearing text, very slow framerates, etc...

    So, if I wanted to get a laptop that would run CMBO/CMBB/CMAK well, then what should I be looking for in terms of the video subsystem?


  5. The list is not the problem; it's the links. The posts still exist, but their URL's changed. Thus, the list which I posted here doesn't work anymore.

    In any case, all that material was mainly three years old and primarily CMBO oriented. Although it was educational, there are a lot of more recent posts on various topics that take CMBB and CMAK into consideration. Spend some time browsing the forums and build a new list. As many have suggested, search for posts by "JasonC" as more often than not they will be a detailed analysis of tactics and weapons systems.

  6. I just played my first (didn't play the demo) CMAK battle taking the Line of Defense scenario Allies against the AI. (I took that from the demo as I didn't want to miss anything.)

    After a year or so of playing CMBB, I had the distinct feeling that CMBB's EFOW transformed into something even more extreme in CMAK.

    I had infantry well forward within 100-200 meters of the enemy which would have given positional spotting in CMBB if not actual unit IDs. In CMAK, it seemed that I was still dealing with mostly sound contacts. I spent a lot more of my time hammering suspected positions and buildings with direct HE than I would have in CMBB. By the same point in CMBB, I would have mainly been exchanging fire and/or using direct HE against spotted units that had only just dropped out of sight.

    So, is that how others see it who play both CMBB and CMAK?

    Has anyone gone back and tried CMBO after getting use to EFOW? How does it feel? Does it now feel like the enemy pretty much send a runner to you with their business card as soon as they start shooting? smile.gif


  7. I just installed CMAK.

    I have a hard copy reference pamphlet and a 200+ page PDF file.

    The changes from CMBO -> CMBB were quite substantial and there was even a section in the CMBB manual which summarized the changes. I don't see any similar section in the CMAK manual for changes from CMBB -> CMAK.

    So, is it reasonable to assume if I know how to play CMBB, that it is not worth making an effort to read through the CMAK manual? If not, then what's new that I should read up on?


  8. In most of the scenarios I play, I notice that the pace of my advance tends to be faster and bolder towards the scenario end.

    However, I don't think that is the result of the clock running down. I believe that once you have severely disrupted the enemy and in particular exposed anti-tank traps and established fire superiority over open ground, it then becomes possible to pick up the pace at a greatly diminshed risk.

    So, in summary, initial speed can result in disaster where later speed can result in a victory. Think about it, if you always seem to come up short at the end of a scenario where the final map shows the objectives lightly defended and ripe for the picking.

  9. When I got CMBB after two years of playing CMBO, it seemed to be a pretty significant transition. Besides new commands and behaviors, the pace of the game seemed very different ... slower; but still fun.

    Additionally, I had to relearn attacking as it became much more important to provide heavy weapon support to any troops hoping to advance.

    I am curious is there a similar transition going from CMBB -> CMAK? Or will it mainly be a matter of getting a grip on dust and the strengths and weaknesses of new units?


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