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Posts posted by Jaws

  1. Oh good, maby you could clarify if there are indeed low bocage in that scenario (there is a discussion about it in one of the AAR threads) since there shouldn't be any bocage at all in Holland (apparantly. I wouldn't know)

    They is no real bocage in Holland but we have dense hedges in Holland and they have almost the same characteristics as bocage . It has our attention ;)

  2. Jaws

    What other scenarios did you design? What's you favourite? Are they all as bloody mean as this one? ;)

    Some of my missions.



    and this one

    CMBN / CW:


    A Strange Awakening

    CW Holy Ground

    Some Campaign missions

    And 3 new missions will come with the MG module (one of the maps is being used atm for the Beta AAR between C3K and Bil Hardenberger.

    Also I made some missions for CMSF and Afghanistan.

    I have no real favorite but Vierville has a special place.

  3. Thanks for this great AAR! This is one of the scenario’s I have created and I can’t tell you how satisfying it is to see how you experience the scenario.

    I think you are doing very well for a relative new player and it seems you are not new to games like this.

    Charging into 3x Stug can give you a great experience…. But it’s like having sex with a new partner without a condom… it can be great but it can give you also a nightmare for weeks ;).

    Remember your Shermans can fire smoke rounds.

    Good luck :)

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