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Posts posted by Jaws

  1. There is only one game like CM and that is steelbeast for the moment.

    This game is about modern war. You can play it on tactical level from 1 tank/ Bradley up to a brigade (if your processor can handle it).

    At WestPoint they have bought 1400 copy's have the game to train their students.

    I'm not sure but I think we have to keep an eye on operation flashpoint and of cause

    CM 2.

    Good Hunting


  2. Originally posted by Henri:

    You are kidding of course, but there are probably some here who don't know that the petrol drum incident did really happen.

    This incident did happened for 50%. And the story is that the Americans blow the fuel dump. But.. not a single German tank or infantry man was even near. The German objective was the town of Trois Ponts and the bridges over the Salm and Ambleve river to the east of it. And not the fuel dump north of Stavelot.

    So the Americans wasted a lot of tax money.

    Good Hunting


    [This message has been edited by Jaws (edited 01-29-2001).]

  3. The German Colonel is in fact Ober Sturmbahn Furher Joachim Peiper (Kampf Gruppe Peiper) of the 1st SS LAH. I don't now what the movie makers aim was. Maybe they only wanted to make money with it??

    The tanks are M-48 for the Germans and Chaffee's for the Americans.

    If you are interested in the story buy the book from the English MAJOR-GENERAL Michael Reynolds. It a perfect neutral document.

    Good Hunting


  4. Yes I can explain it,

    It's because of the operation setup in the editor.

    There is an option under parameters you can set no man's land. If it is set for example to 200 meters than you will drop back at least 100 meters from your last battle position in the next game.

    You can change this if you edit the mission from 0 to 400 meters under parameters.

    Good hunting.


  5. Ok, CM is the best tactical game I've ever saw and played sins 1984. But...I like to play it by TCP/ IP with some friends of my. What's the status of this TCP/ IP connection?? Is is still in the make or is it canceled?? I believe the makers of CM promised to correct this TCP/IP. If anyone now something about this please let me now.

    Good hunting.

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