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Sgt. Steiner

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Posts posted by Sgt. Steiner

  1. I agree, a frontal penetration of a KT by a Stuart is total BS. Rear shots into the engine compartment yes, but definitely not from the front, "turret weak spots" notwithstanding..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  2. For Illo:

    The reason your Mk.IV's long range accuracy sucks is because the German long-range optical superiority is not modeled. Those Zeiss optics you mention simply don't exist, unfortunately..

    BTS has said however, that the optics will make it into CM2 (doesn't help now though).


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  3. What can usually be heard coming out of my computer room:

    "Turn, damn you, turn!

    What? No!

    I didn't tell you to do that!

    Where the hell did that come from?

    F--k me! smile.gif


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  4. Well, from reading all these posts, maybe the Mk.IV isn't as pathetic as I thought. I just have incredibly bad luck nearly every time I use them; within the first few turns of a game they are knocked out. Guess I'll have to make them hide and skulk around like Shermans.. smile.gif


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  5. I agree. The The Stewart and Greyhound seem to be way too powerful in this game. The Mk.IV's armor wasn't THAT bad. In the game it seems like it has none at all against anything bigger than 20mm..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  6. Individual soldiers aren't needed, just more realistic-looking ones. The vehicles and terrain all look awesome, but then when you put those stick men in, it really ruins the effect.

    Hopefully, CM2 will have improved 3D models for the troops.


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  7. Thanks for the reply, Matt. It had been so long since I heard anything that I figured they ran into some unsolveable problems and scrapped the whole thing.

    I hope it does finally come out; I have so many mods now I've totally lost track of what's what..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  8. Some time ago I recall seeing a thread (with screenshots) of a mod manager someone was working on for the PC version of CM. And then nothing since.

    Was this ever released, and if so, where can I get it? It was supposed to be sent to Madmatt, but I have yet to see it on his site..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  9. One thing no one has mentioned is the crew quality. Are the KT crews crack, or only veterans? Even with that considered, it would seem that the results are still random. And the fact that the German long-range optical quality is not modeled doesn't help any. In real life, the KT would have done much better at 1500 and 2000 meter ranges. BTS did say (I think) that the optics will finally be included in CM2. Doesn't help much for CM1 though.. smile.gif


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  10. Nice screen shot, although someone should give the artist some pointers on German uniform insignia. The SS (as I know all the grogs will confirm) never used breast eagles, theirs were on the sleeve instead.

    But then, this game is intended for the general public, 98% of whom (like the people interviewed on the street by Jay Leno) would be hard pressed to even identify the guy as being German.. smile.gif


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  11. Great article! That one's a keeper. My admiration for the Panther goes up yet another notch..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  12. Well guys, I'm retired military, and the whole time I was in, the word was (and still is) FUBAR: F--ked up beyond all recognition. And yes, the guy in SPR did tell the clerk typist that it was German, but he was just pulling his leg.. smile.gif


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  13. Hmm, the other "Steiner" already mentioned most of the good ones, including both of our's favorite (as if you couldn't tell) Cross of Iron. Another excellent recent release on DVD is All Quiet on the Western Front (the 1979 version). The Thin Red Line on DVD is much better than the theater version (you can bypass the boring parts smile.gif)


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  14. Every time a new building or terrain mod comes out, I think it can't possibly get any better. And now these new ones by PZ and DD raise the quality bar yet again. Incredible! At long last I am finally happy with the way everything looks. Now if we could only have a hi-res version of every vehicle too, the game would be perfect. Thanks again, guys..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  15. The best way people can fight back against the Hasborg is simply not to buy their products. Once no-one is buying their computer games, hopefully they'll sell off the "unprofitable" properties like ASL, etc. There is hope, as that very same thing happened to Mattel, who are bailing out of the computer game biz. The bottom line is that kiddie toy companies are clueless about making products for adults, and should stick with Barbie and Chutes -n- Ladders..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  16. Thanks for answering my question, Steve. So, motorcycle troops will be in CM2. Cool! I have many photos of them in my reference books; I especially recommend Paul Carell's "Operation Barbarossa in Photographs". It has several particularly good shots of cycle troops literally driving straight into battle on the Don front in summer of 1942.

    I really can't wait for CM2 now! biggrin.gif


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  17. Hmm, been away a few days, and the horse thread is still going.. So OK, as BTS has stated, there won't be any horse-drawn anything in CM2. No problem, I can live with with that. This may be a little OT for this thread, but is there any chance motorcycle recon troops will be included in CM2? They were used extensively on the Ostfront, at least during the first couple of years.


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

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