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Sgt. Steiner

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Posts posted by Sgt. Steiner

  1. It wasn't an idiot question. Only veterans and hardcore grogs would know what a "Screaming Meemie" was. As the old saying goes - "the only stupid question is the one not asked". And I have to agree with you on the sound files used for Nebelwerfers in the game; they sound like any other artillery. Maybe someone out there can come up with a sound mod to correct this..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  2. How typical of the Army to put all of it's effort into expensive and impractical equipment like the LAV-III (kind of reminds you of wartime German developments). Let's just hope and pray the US doesn't have to face a first-rate enemy anytime soon..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  3. The most important factor to consider is the vehicle's ground pressure per square inch. The higher it is, the better your chance of getting bogged. The KT's and Jagdtigers are especially prone to getting stuck, forcing them to keep to the roads for the most part (just as in real life).


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  4. ASL Veteran is right. Everything posted here is an opinion, and everyone is entitled to theirs. This IS supposed to be a forum, where folks can discuss the various aspects of CM in a reasonable (and hopefully intelligent) manner. The rabid reactions of some members of the forum whenever certain topics are brought up, i.e. horse transport, bicycles, motorcycles, etc amazes me. Constantly stating "that is beyond the scope of CM", and then flaming the poor guy who brings up the subject is uncalled for.

    Just say, "IMO this or that wouldn't benefit the game", and leave it at that. And if BTS were to include something in the game you didn't like (like the horse transport), then don't use it! If a scenario has that stuff in it, then don't play it! There are obscure units in the current CM that IMO could have been left out, but I don't fly off the handle about it. I simply ignore them.

    Anyway, enough about that, and here's to our favorite game..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  5. According to BTS, CM3 will be North Africa, and CM4 will be "Early War". Maybe CM5 will be the Pacific. Of course after CM4 they will probably begin work on CM II (nextgen engine)..


    Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    -- Panzerlied

  6. Sorry, but I should have included in my last post that it was only my opinion on the subject. It just burns my behind when I see (IMHO) people trying to bring about in this country what is already in place elsewhere in the world. But anyway, this is getting way off topic (sorry Matt!), so I'm outta here..


    "Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

  7. The good senator from Connecticut may have never actually publicly stated he wants to censor entertainment products, i.e. video and computer games, but his intent is clear. For example, he has, along with several other misguided senators, sent letters to several major firms, such as Wal-Mart, demanding they pull all "violent" video/computer games off their shelves. Fortunately, none of the businesses involved did so. That is not just asking the industry to "tone it down", but an outright attempt at coercion.

    It should be the parents' responsibility to keep inappropriate products out of their kids' hands, not the politicians. If it is left up to folks like messrs. Lieberman and McCain, the only computer entertainment you'll be seeing is something like "Extreme Backgammon", or "Barbie's Makeover".

    OK, that's it, my rant is done, soapbox is put away..


    "Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colin:

    15 here too.

    How could they say you have to be 17 to play this game?

    Censorship is getting annoying nowadays!


    Thank the good Senator Lieberman for that, and if he gets to be VP, then you ain't seen nothin' yet!


    "Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

  9. Mensch is correct. Nearly all 251's had a second MG mount at the rear of the vehicle. This was a swivel mount, and was intended for use against aircraft (and anything else for that matter). It is puzzling that it was not included.

    In a future update, this should be fixed, and the ammo count increased for the 251, as it is rediculously small..


    "Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

  10. I have noticed the same problem; no matter how well you do on defense, you get pushed back. The only way around this is to go over to the attack, and advance to the enemy's side of the map. This of course isn't always possible, as the defender in many scenarios doesn't have sufficient forces to accomplish this. And if your counterattack IS successful, then the operation ends prematurely. This definitely needs to be addressed in a future patch or update. In real life, if you are defending and wipe out the attacker, is is very unlikely you would have to pull back, except in certain situations, such as an enemy breakthrough elsewhere on the front, or because your troops are so weakened or low on supplies that they could not hold out against subsequent attacks. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think CM models this. And even if it did, it shouldn't happen every single time..


    "Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

  11. I first heard of it as previews in the major gaming mags, but wasn't impressed. Then, when it came out, and virtually EVERY mag gave it 5-star reviews, I couldn't stand it anymore, and visited Battlefront.com. Still was undecided. Came back to the site a few days later, and finally ordered it. Got the game a few weeks later, and was bowled over.

    Been playing ever since..


    "Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

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