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Sgt. Steiner

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Posts posted by Sgt. Steiner

  1. Ahh the good old days. My best deal was at some old lady's yard sale. Her husband, a Pacific theater vet, had passed away, and she was selling his souvenirs. Picked up a Type 38 and Type 99 Arisaka in mint condition for $50 for the both of them. Found a near-mint WW1 Gewehr 98 at another sale for $75. It was hard to resist the urge to run back to my car as fast as I could with that one.. :D

  2. Umm, Mr. Dorosh, if you'd used ingeb's search engine, you would have found that all of those songs are indeed there. :rolleyes: Let's see now, they have Wenn die Soldaten, Alte Kameraden, Erika, plus.. Rosemarie, Heia Safari, Bomben auf Engeland, Frankreichlied, Russian songs, and many, many others. Offhand, I'd say it was a pretty damn good list!

    Now, flame and counter-flame aside, if you have some good song links to share, we'd love to see them.. smile.gif

  3. It's just the way your first post was worded that gave the impression everything wasn't quite on the up and up. BTW, where did you ever find a PPSH receiver not already part of a gun? There aren't that many PPSH's in the country to begin with, and the BATF certainly isn't allowing any new ones in. I've seen those semi-auto PPSH's for sale, but they have that cheesy extra long barrel that isn't authentic at all..

  4. Not really. Just pay the $200 transfer tax to the BATF, and wait for the paperwork to go through. That's the easy part. Coming up with the thousands the weapon will cost you is the hard part.

    I know, because I am the proud owner of a real-life MP-40. Made in 1941, it is an awesome little piece of history. If only it could speak of the places it has been..

  5. Take what you hear on the History Channel with a grain of salt, my friend. After looking at photos taken after the tank battle at Prokhorovka, which show destroyed Russian tanks as far as the eye can see, I'd say those Tigers and Panthers were more than a match. Overwhelming numbers, and the fact that the Russians knew the German plan in advance, and prepared accordingly were the main culprits behind Zitadelle's failure. Khruschev's order to the T-34's to dig in (against Stalin's orders) helped too. But the final nail in Zitadelle's coffin was the invasion of Sicily; at which point Hitler called off the Kursk offensive..

  6. Apparently, if the Ivans did receive some lend-lease bazookas, they either didn't get very many, or weren't impressed with them, or both. Of course, after encountering the Panzerschreck, the GI's weren't quite as thrilled with the first model bazooka either. What's always mystified me is that the GI's didn't get a 3-inch rocket bazooka until Korea, despite having been on the receiving end of the 88mm (and later even larger) Schrecks..

  7. Having had to reformat my hard drive recently, (and thereby reinstall CMBO), I've had to recreate my mod collection from scratch. Went looking for Fluffkitty's website, but it is apparently gone away. Does anyone know where her Tiger II mod can still be found? It IMHO is still the best one out there, and I sure would like to have it again..

  8. Still trying to remember what book I read that says the Schreck was developed from lend-lease bazookas, but I did find a 'Net reference that backs it up. www.adeq.net/pzfaust2.htm. It says that the Schreck was developed from an M9A1 bazooka captured in North Africa in early '43. However, it mentions that other sources say lend-lease bazookas captured from the Russians. So apparently the real answer is: no-one knows for sure. My guess is the Schreck was developed after examining both the North African and Russian examples. Would be interesting to know for certain the actual history of it..

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