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Posts posted by Mord

  1. 36 minutes ago, Blazing 88's said:

    I tried RTS once a long time ago... 
    Upon exiting, I quickly put duct tape over the 'Single Player, Real Time' option, never to be used again...

    I don't even use RT to test stuff anymore because even then something cool can happen and get lost forever. I've had it happen a couple of times and then went to save and OOPS, RT mode.



  2. Yeah, with the Marines it'll be 2 portrait types x 32 battalions x 7 backgrounds. 2 x 32 = 64 x 7 = 448.

    Army will be 4 portrait types x 10 div x 6 backgrounds. 4 x 10 = 40 x 6 = 224  Until someone clarifies exactly what divisions etc. should be included.

    And when that's all done @Combatintman can come along and brain screw me with the psychotic way the Brits are probably structured. And then comes the Canadians, Germans, Dutch, and possibly Syrians. YabbaDabbaDoo!



  3. 1 minute ago, sburke said:

    Lol I think you are the one making it confusing by trying to use division elements in the portrait for Marines. Yes I would only use the battalion.  The only reason I brought up the regiments is if you use the division emblem you need to know which batallion belongs to which division. So the 1/6th belongs to the 2nd Marine division.

    Yeah, I'd already gotten past the division part it was the regiment thing that threw me off. And holy crap, there's no way I am tackling them! LOL. I took a look at them and that was a rabbit hole full of tears and despair! There's no way they'd all be in SF2 anyhow. THANK the modding gods!



  4. 3 minutes ago, Ales Dvorak said:

    Were they invited on your 50th birthday? ;)


    p.s. Happy birthday, I know I'm late .. 

    Ha, thanks!

    No, those weren't for my birthday. An old boss bought'em off a lobsterman a few years back and he and my brother steamed them up. I don't even like sea food. That was my hand though.



  5. 10 minutes ago, sburke said:

    but just for grins 1st - 4th Marine divisions but you need to know which Marine regiments belong to which division. Again I wouldn’t even do divisions. 

    So, all 12 battalions from the 1st-4th Marine Divisions?

    So, what regiments do I need. I am gonna guess three of them because I just found the 1st Marine Regiment and it has four Battalions.



  6. 11 hours ago, Digger_au said:

    newer series of games and it has got my interest again, spent many hours into the night planning moves in CMAK. Thanks appreciate your help.

    It's like the difference between your first kiss and waking up with her bra on your head. The new games blow the old ones out of the water as good as the old ones were. It's a whole nuther universe. Enjoy!



  7. 52 minutes ago, sburke said:

    With the cross attaching of units in current brigade structure you are probably better off having each portrait for each army division.

    THAT is all I needed to know on that! FINALLY. I understand it.

    20 minutes ago, sburke said:

    Essentially I think the WW2 perspective of infantry vs armored divisions etc is something you need to toss.

    Yeah, I'd already flushed that down the toilet. Just didn't realize the above. Which simplifies it IMMENSELY.


    20 minutes ago, sburke said:

    As for Marines. Same deal. If you have the battalion units the armor would in most cases be the attached armor for the battalion landing team so I wouldn’t think you’d need to worry about a separate armor unit.

    Ok so, say I make a 1st Marines (Infantry), 2nd battalion portrait, I do one with for the Infantry and one for Armor and all is good, right?

    EDITED: And so you know I am going to give you a few choices. A big division background and a big division background with small battalion patch. I could even go big battalion background as well.



  8. Marine divisions and I'll just do the battalions for each. But really both, Marine and Army. I don't need all the gobble-de-goop for the Army 'cause it'll drive me crazy.

    For the Army what I need is a list like this (and whether it's Infantry, Stryker, Armor, Heavy or a combination of them)

    So an example:

    1st ID   Stryker Infantry

    2nd ID Heavy, Armor

    101st  Infantry, Stryker Infantry etc.


    Marines I just need the div and whether it's Armor or Infantry. I'll find all the battalions easy enough. The game only has two options for portraits so it'll be cut and dry as to what goes with what.


    And then any "special" formations and whether they are Infantry etc.




  9. 20 minutes ago, sburke said:

    So our mods are transgender?

    Basically. Under every Marine/Army/British tanker there is a woman waiting to get out.

    I already have an armored battalion in the test! But yeah I started dicking with battalion patches in December. I have the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Divs + battalions all waiting. Really what I need to know is a list of what divisions will go into SF2 and I can do the rest. I was going to do them all but that would be really stupid LOL.



  10. 13 minutes ago, Oddball_E8 said:

    So, the CMX1 games I can now download and install.
    The CMBN and CMFI games I can either manually install or download and install.
    CMRT I'll have to go look for.

    Download them. They'll all be patched up to current standards and all you'll have to do is activate with the keys, unless you didn't buy some of the upgrades.

    You are the second guy to come out of the woodwork this week. Now womble and Blimey need to show up.



  11. Thanks, guys! They are basically tests to see how the patches would look. I did two versions (obviously) the subdued version, in use at the time and the classic version to add some color to the mix.

    54 minutes ago, sburke said:

    Sweet, so when do we get to the Marine Corps? 😁

    Page 2, along with the British. You even commented on the first Marine that I made. You are slipping in your dotage.



  12. 9 hours ago, borg said:

    Tagging them @Mord @Blimey - and hoping for best news 

    Sorry, guys, can't be done. I've explained it numerous times so I'll just cut and paste what I said last time.

    "Textures, yes, depending on how different the models are. Model swaps absolutely can't be done. I spent a good four hours or so the other day dicking around in the hex editor eyeing up the Syrian mds files. Charles locked them down hard. @Blimey reported this waaaay back when BS came out but I wanted to see what was what for myself. The Brain some how tied ALL the Syrian soldiers into a single set of mdses. ALL their codes point to lines entitled "placeholder uniform" "place holder skin" place holder boots".  The old mdses had a set for each soldier type and their code would point to something like "syrian reserve soldier" "syrian reserve uniform" etc. In effect there is no way to trick the mdses because every single file, no matter what it is, says "placeholder uniform" etc. The only reason Mikey pulled off that weapon swap was because the weapons files hadn't been screwed with."

    On 1/14/2019 at 3:29 PM, Sequoia said:

    So if I understand correctly then, Mord missed something when he said model swaps are not possible?

    "Not necessarily. There are a few exceptions, like weapons and flavor objects. but you can't take Muj from CMA and get them into SF2 if that's what you're hoping for. There's no way. Read my quote of myself above, it'll explain it. I am not exactly sure what was needed to be done with the beret but whatever it was it won't work with cross game models like soldiers. I'd love to be wrong. But I don't see how it could be done without completely hacking the code. But ANYONE is welcome to prove me wrong! I'd be thrilled if they did. BUT whatever they did it wouldn't be the old way of hex editing. Anyway, I'd kill to get the MUJ to take the place of the Uncons."

    On 1/14/2019 at 4:29 PM, Sequoia said:

    Okay, thanks Mord. Sorry to doubt you. Actually I had heard that Snowball had taken a lot of shortcuts with their models in CMA and wasn't thinking of swapping the entire Muj soldier model, just the headgear. A better choice now might be having Capt Millers friend making Afghanistan looking headgear if he's willing.   Poor guy might get swamped with requests.

    "No need to apologize. I thought you might be going in that direction but then the head gear would have to be for the Special Forces because then EVERY body else (Mech, Reserves, Guards, Airborne) would be wearing it. It's a complete conundrum. It wouldn't work with the Uncons because they don't have any helmets. It's a Gordian knot and we can't cut it as far as I can see.

    The key to all of this is locked up in those mdses somewhere.

    EDITED: Or come to think of it maybe not. I think they rewrote it so that you don't need separate models for separate textures."


    As head gear goes you can have troops either wearing a helmet, not wearing a helmet, or wearing a helmet and no helmet mixed. But you can't have a helmet and a beret in the same formation.

    And I don't even have the Muj files that Blimey made for SF1. I don't know why. I thought I'd saved them. You wanna talk about hex magic those were hex magic. What a confusing bunch of models they were. Anyway they wouldn't work with SF 2.



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