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Posts posted by 86smopuim

  1. I have a similar, but less drastic problem.

    ANY InternetExploder java app that running, when I switch to CMBB/CMBO, the java app and the IE die. This includes chat at combatmission.com, and other websites with java apps.

    This curious behaviour started when I installed "service pack ?3?" for Win 2k.

    I do not suffer this problem when I use Netscape for the java app pages.

  2. Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    Anti-virus software will hang up a lot of program installs. A basic rule is to always always turn off anti-viral stuff before you install. However, in this scenario it isn't the overall problem. There have been plenty of instances where one CD won't install and another will, where no anti-virus software is involved. I don't know, BTS has not said, if they've found the answer to this yet, but they stated earlier that they were aware of the CD read problem.

    Editing previous statement for clarification.

    If your CD is "bad", having antivirus on can

    make it seem like your explorer crashes if you even click on the "CMBB Installer.exe".

    The program will be "unrunnable".

    MY THEORY is autoprotect virus software is trying read to the end of the file, but the file is unreadable, so it it just sits there and stares.

    If you turn off antivirus, then install, you will get the 95-98% done like other folks. You can then apply the files listed in the begining of this thread. After install turn back on antivirus software.

    This is NOT the same issue as BFC is trying to track down with the "bad" cds. It is a side efffect of it.

    [ September 30, 2002, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

  3. Originally posted by Triplett:

    More Odd Behaviour---

    I have a 2.5G P4 with a Sony 52x CDROM and a

    933Mhz P3 with the same exact 52x CDROM.

    On the P4, I couldn't even get the CD to recognize the installer file. On the P3 I got the installer to run, but only to the point where everyone else's was stopping. :confused:

    I then copied all of the files over my network to the P4, then added the downloable files, and it seems like the game is running correclty now....

    I don't know why it would work on one CDROM and not the other...?

    Does the P4 have antivirus software running?

    This could b why. Turning off antivirus during install, seems to work for me and several others.

    [ September 29, 2002, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

  4. Originally posted by AaronNorris:

    My problem is quite simple.

    The solution is not for the computer helpless.

    Both can use Ethernet.

    Do you have a hub?

    How do I set up a network between the two so I can send mods and patchs I have downloaded on the Imac to my PC?

    The simplest solution is to set up a webserver on you Imac. Serve up the mods folder.

    Access Imac using Exploder from you PC.

    The two machine need to connected to the hub.

    Email me if you want/need more detailed instructions.

  5. Originally posted by Nutt:

    My copy of CMBB doesn't even get to the part where it starts extracting files. I e-mailed my info to BTS. Is there anything else that I need to do?

    Did you try turning off any anti virus software you may have running. worked for me and a couple other people. You can safely turn antivirus back on after the install.
  6. very Minor spoliers...

    Originally posted by Markus Staudt:

    Also, does it get faster after a time? Have you played much of this operation?

    Faster after time. i suspect not. Probably slower

    as the action heats up. I have only played 3 turns.

    Originally posted by Markus Staudt:

    And what did you mean about not sticking to scenario defaults and getting bummed.

    When choosing sides, one of the four other choices are "Computer player setup" with choices

    'stick to scenario default' or 'Free to place units'.

    If set to 'scenario default' the Tac AI doesnt move any units during the setup phase. If free to place units, it will look for nice places for the guns, etc etc. It depends on how the scenario was designed for which setting you want.

    If you stick to scenarion defualt In "To the volga" the units are all just kinda sitting in the back by the river. the bunkers

    off to one side behind some buildings. This does not make for a challenging advance.

  7. Patience grasshopper.

    The scenario is LARGE, and by large I mean totally huge.

    For me, the "Computer thinking" part chugs through about 2/3rds of the way, then stops for about 3-5 minutes. Then poof it completes.

    I have a P4 1.4ghz and 512 megs, so we are comparable.

    Then, during the calculation of the turn, it takes

    7-15 minutes!!!

    do NOT try to ALT + tab, or CTL alt delete, or any other task switching trick, that just seems to slow it down. just let it be.

    Oh yeah, and make sure you do NOT have "stick to scenario default" setup for the cimputer player, or you will be bummed.

    [ September 26, 2002, 03:55 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

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