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    Broomfield, CO USA

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  1. Thanks BTS. Great work, and now IT'S FINISHED! Woohoo! Now, have a drink and get back to work on CM2. Hehe. Tex
  2. Wow! Scott Adams, welcome to CM. Thanks for all you've done for video games. And thanks for all the Adventure! Tex
  3. Sorry to hear the news, Kump. Yours was a site I visited frequently. Thanks for all the great work, and good luck on your new RL project! Tex
  4. Great job, BTS! Now take some time off and go to the beach. Thanks for all the hard work in exchange for a measly $50 of mine! Tex
  5. Madmatt, you're probably much farther along in your mod manager than I am in mine. I'm glad to hear that you're encouraging users to include readme's and screenshots, as that obviously makes the management task much easier. What tools are you using to put your app together? Let me know if I can be of any help. And for what it's worth, I'll continue work on mine if just for the experience.
  6. Actually, regarding the Mod manager, I'm considering building a stand-alone Visual Basic tool to address this. Rather than being an Access DB, which would not only require all users to actually have Access but would also be rather large, I'm considering using some kind of directory/file management scheme to store locations of mods and swap them in and out of the appropriate directories. The biggest problem will likely be viewing the mod in action, as simply opening it in Paint will only open the BMP, which would make it slightly more difficult to tell what the Mod looks like in-game than if there were an actual screenshot included with the mod file that could be displayed within the Mod manager. This would of course be difficult to arrange, as it would require a separate shot for every mod, which would increase the size of the mod packs substantially, not to mention complicating the distribution process. So I may just settle on displaying the BMP for now. This Mod manager is still in the VERY early design stage and will be by no means a commercial-quality product, if I can pull myself away from CM to finish it at all! And there may already be one out there made by another user, in which case it may be easier to just use that one. Does anyone know if such a tool already exists, or would anyone be interested in such a freeware tool if I was able to put it together?
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