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Robert Olesen

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Everything posted by Robert Olesen

  1. I got the PC version. And you're right - it's packed pretty tight. Thanks.
  2. I suggest you download the Player Guide... That's what it's for - explaining things for new guys </font>
  3. Does that mean I have to keep track of how many points each unit cost when I buy my forces for the battle? Or do I buy them at the start of the next battle? If I have a Romanian taks force, do I then get Romanian attached units? That seems unlikely - attaching Romanians to a German company. As you can see, there is a potential for improving the explanation of this
  4. I'm attempting to set up my first battle, but got a bit confused regarding the task force. Do I pick from the same TF all during the campaign, or do I define a new TF for each map (i.e. set up two QB's each time)? I'd rather not be stuck with a bunch of green Romanians for 6 months, let alone 4 years Also, while I realize that I don't have any attached units at start, it is not clear to me how I get them later. The explanation of parameter 56 isn't all that clear. [ February 25, 2003, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  5. I assume it will work just fine. But if there was some graphical content that did not fit on the original release CD, how come it suddenly fits on the CD I got? Or am I wrong in this assumption?
  6. I'm just having a look at this - it looks very promising. SuperSulo, I found your program very useful, vith one small quibble: When you roll the same number, the display doesn't change. It sometimes makes me wonder if I didn't manage to activate the roll. A small indication of the roll would be helpful - making the number blink for a fraction of a second would be enough. No need for fancy animations And sorry if this has been mentioned before. I have not had time to go through all the pages of this thread.
  7. This sounds like a really stupid question It isn't, though. I remember seeing that the patches were very large because they had content that did not fit on the CD. I just bought 1.02 (US) and installed it from the CD. Do I need to download and install the latest patch to get hold of that extra, juicy content, or do I already have it? Or is my memory faulty, perhaps?
  8. OK, but it might be helpful to let us know when the usual order of business applies. Just for those of us that are meticulous Assumptions are fine, unless they are incorrect. In this case I will assume that I can download the exe only.
  9. Fuerte, what is the correct uopdate process? Can I just download the executable and cpy it onto the install directory? Or should I install the whole thing, and do I need to uninstall if I do that? It would be helpful if you posted update instructions on the pbem helper page.
  10. I have played people I trust a good deal, and really like these ideas, but one opponent is using a mac. So I started thinking of ways to work around this. I'm also a bit reluctant to relinquish cobtrol to a pbem helper program, though I will take a look at it. I have no problem with - and like - handling my pbem files manually. Setting up two bmp directories, one of which contains "black" bmp's should be doable. At least on the PC. I'm not sure how this would work on a mac. So would a different icon, pointing to a batch file that renamed the bmp directories before and after running CMBB. But I'm again not sure how this is done on a mac. I'm not sure you can start CMBB and get it to load a game file, though. A command line argument would be the obvious choice, but I expect that it doesn't recognize those. I tried dragging a file onto CMBB, but it didn't recognize it. So Send To shouldn't work either. I suspect I'm out of luck here, and again I have no idea how the mac works. I'd appreciate some info on these issues.
  11. Modding Civ3 and playing Civ3 are two different beasts. Modding takes a lot of effort and has it's own reward. Much like making CM scenarios must do, though I have not done that. I mod - and play - Civ3 (Double Your Pleasure, http://civ3.bernskov.com/) and I have also played CMBO extensively. They are completely different and, while there is a considerable overlap btw their audience, there are also some that find Civ3 a lot more interesting than CM. I'm working on getting CMBB - haven't quite gotten there yet. I need to get my hands on a proper US version instead of the defunct European one, and I happen to live in Europe. :mad:
  12. As soon as I click on the "Allied" or "Axis" button after choosing scenario, the game disappears. This is Single player mode. Haven't tried multiplayer. I'm using P3 550 Win98 SE 256MB RAM Creative SB Live soundcard Creative TNT2 32MB graphicscard 1280x960 resolution (also tried 1152, same result) DirectX 8.1 CMBO runs just fine with this.
  13. Only found this today - obviously rather late, though I'm Danish and there is an obvious lack of Danish tournament players. A question: What is the timeframe for these games? I have never played TCP/IP and I tend to do 1-2 pbem files per day, so a game takes a fair but of time.
  14. Oops - Too many keys on my keyboard. It's amazing how much easier it is to spot burning buildings when they actually generate smoke
  15. In a city fight, I just lost 8 smoke rounds in two turns (fired in batches of 6 and 2 from Shermans). The smoke simply did not appear. Is there a problem with smoke that lands on pavement? I suppose it could disappear when hitting a building (at least as a convenient shortcut for the programmer), but I doubt if all 8 of them hit buildings. I tried a search, but it doesn't seem to be able to handle more than one word, and "smoke" in itself will give too many hits.
  16. No, there is a DOS utility that generates QB parameters, that could be the one Hijack is asking for. I'm pretty sure it's on Manx site - search for Manx and ye shall find his url.
  17. Patrick Wares mini-campaigns should fit the bill - Any Port after a Storm and No Rest for the Weary.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tanks a Lot: With some great suggestions from Mord, I re-worked my marsh mod. I'm about to send it to Tom's site if anyone is interested. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've not been able to find a good looking swamp until I saw yours. Care to send it to me at robert.olesen@get2net.dk ? I have trouble navigating Tom's site from home - it's extremely graphics intensive.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Beavis: Hey Butthead, what's he talking about? Butthead: Uh...I dunno. Some mathmatics crap or something...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Crap? Give me a break! And it's statistics, not mathematics (though statistics do use mathematics to get things done). The "bell shaped curve" is a normal density function. The mathematical formula for this one may be a bit hard to get hold of in some cases, though it is available in e.g. spreadsheets. Any other density function could be used, if it has roughly the same shape (symmetrical, highest at the center). The triangular one I'm talking about is just that - instead of the straight uniform density that has been used up to now. As we're really talking about discrete stuff here, it's just a matter of allocating probabilities to the different possible turn outcomes. Piece of cake, in fact
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TeAcH: And now that the BER is out, feel free to let us know your comments and ideas. We may try to implement that aforementioned bell curve request (as an option) where the game is more likely to end closer to the game length (see above post). We will see. We want to get the secure mode finished first though Take care, TeAcH<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How about allowing me to open the application with a .ber file (by doubleclicking), and thus opening the game file. I tried doing a file association, but it only opened the program, not the game file. This would be very handy. I could keep the game file with my pbem files. The same goes for drag-and-drop, though that is less useful - it may be the same implementation issue however. And the bell-shaped curve would be nice. It may be simpler to just implement a triangular density - linear on both sides with the same slope. Thanks for the work so far
  21. I think it is simply tolerated. And it keeps a lot of sh.. out of the other threads. Now, where did I put that helmet
  22. "Reselect last unit" as a keyboard shortcut is an obvious feature. Great idea :cool: I have a few other keyboard shortcut wishes that I can recall on the spot: Play/Pause Start Rewind << Forward >> Done (might be dangerous though) [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  23. I don't. The movie question is a good one. It has, however, been posed many many times before (I have done so myself once). This is the status IIRC: It's not going to happen in CMBO and probably not in CM2 as well. It is not as simple as it may appear. Others may have a more fulfilling answer. Or do a search.
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