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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Other Means, make sure to download the Fallout 3 fix, if there's such a thing for your vid card. There's been one for ATI cards, I downloaded and installed it (I'm using an ATI 3870), and the game runs fine, has crashed three times so far, in 22+ hrs of gameplay.

  2. I played it twice, both times for about 1-2 months until I realized I just don't have the time for MMORPGs. It's a great geame with amazing depth that only really starts once you've joined a decent corporation. Ah, and the initial learning curve isn't actually a curve but rather a solid wall obviously designed to keep the weak out...


  3. I'm a BIG fan of Wasteland and Fallout 1&2, the latter are actually still installed on my current system. So much for my credentials... ;)

    I got my copy of Fallout 3 today and have played for a couple of hours now. My verdict: I love the game! It actually feels like Fallout. The grafics are nice, the atmosphere is fantastic, characters and dialogues are great and sometimes hillarious, and the VATS system actually works surprisingly well in combat. Blowing a mutant's head off rarely felt so rewarding in a game before! :D

  4. I'm not really interested in Spore. The Creature Creator is fun, but the game basically consists of a series of rather simple mini-games that seem to cater to the industry's newly discovered best friend, the "casual" audience. I can't really see any kind of long-term motivation for me in Spore.

    Back to Medieval II for me. There's some Heathens that need killing. Oh, and the Engländers are getting uppish, again...

  5. I had very bad hay fever until about 10 years ago, since then it has become less of a problem each year. I still suffer from it maybe 2-3 weeks each summer and take antihistamines when it really gets bad, but that's not been the case more than maybe 5-10 days each year lately. The antihistamines I take today are FAR better than the stuff back in the late 80s, today they don't make me feel drowsy any more. If the radio in the morning tells me that there'll be large amount of certain kinds of pollen in the air I'll take a pill and barely notice any effects of hay fever over the course of the day.

  6. Originally posted by abneo3sierra:

    ..I have been for a week trying to make one with a river crossing...

    The small and middle bridges need an elevation change of +2 to fit into the map, the large bridge needs one of +4.

    So, on a normal map (height 7) you simple set the river to height 5 and smal and medium bridges placed over the river will fit with the surrounding higher terrain. For the large bridges you either have to use lower height for the river or adjust the height of the surrounding river banks accordingly.


  7. Steve, let me just say that even though I do not agree with all your decisions (and I really don't have to, it's your business after all and I'm just some dude playing a computer game) I really appreciate you taking the time to post here in response to my rants.

    Originally postes by Battlefront.com

    1. a running replay ability of some duration within RealTime. I for one would LOVE to have this feature, and it is something I've discussed with Charles. Technically it is possible, though it is tricky to code, test, and debug. I'd guess that at some point we will get this implemented, though I can't say when that might be. Not likely any time soon, unfortunately.

    If this would be possible I'd burn my WEGO altar immediately and convert to the church of mighty RT in a heartbeat.
  8. Originally posted by Elvis:

    First, is Para theory that because the whole minute isn't procesed before you watch that the result is somehow watered down and not as complete.

    I never said anything like that.

    Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    The problem is that, as Thewood points out, we had to choose to make the engine inherently WeGo without ANY chance of RealTime, or inherently RealTime with a perfectly viable WeGo.

    The problem is that I feel that WEGO in CM:SF, although viable, is actually a step back from CMx1, where indeed it was perfectly viable. In CM:SF it's just there. I do well understand the decisions that led to CM:SF becoming primary RealTime, but I don't have to be happy about it.

    Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Putting aside the obvious "I hate RealTime, therefore everybody should hate RealTime, therefore the game should be WeGo only" line of thinking (because it is arrogant and rather insulting at best)...

    I never said I hate RealTime per se. I've been gaming RTS since Dune II and greatly enjoy a Dawn of War skirmish with its frantic pace every now and then. But unless someone can show me how I can control an infantry company with armour and artillery support in a MOUT scenario in RealTime without pressing the pause key every 3 seconds and missing half the action because I can't rewind in RealTime mode I consider WEGO as in CMx1 the better, more enjoyable mode of play.

    I see that I shouldn't have mentioned the blue bar in the topic title, since it derailed the discussion from my main point, e.g. the need for a rewind feature for RealTime mode. I merely mentioned it since that little bar has in the past become something like a synonym for an antiquated feature that BFC was so happy to lose, while for many WEGO-Fans it represented the core of what made CMx1 so enjoyable.

  9. Do not get me wrong, I doubt we'll ever see the blue bar again, exactly for the reason that the apparently oh-so important real-time feature seems to be the core design of the game.

    I even understand that WEGO got somehow reduced to the ugly bastard child of mighty RT. The whole design of orders (-> waypoints implementation) and the lack of order delays as in CMx1 clearly prove that the game has been designed with RT mode as THE mode of play. Since the current state of WEGO simply doesn't do it for me (and actually quite a few people I know), I'd simply like to see some way to effectively control my units in RT, that is, give me a replay mode, even if only a couple of seconds, in RT mode.

  10. Originally posted by DaveDash:

    Maybe I'm not getting something here, but you can rewind quite happily in WEGO in CM:SF and replay the action to your hearts content.

    You just have to wait for the "review the action" phase to finish before you can rewind etc.

    Yes, and as I have tried to point out, I simply hate that. I really do, my preciousss... It might seem like a minor point, but having to watch a full turn basically in real-time before I can finally rewind scenes sucks. It's not CM WEGO anymore. It doesn't feel like it, it doesn't play like it. I don't like it.
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