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Everything posted by Nathman

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thanks lawyer for making my day!
  2. Steve, I see that you commented on the D-Day thing, and I happen to agree. I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding the "companion" CD which would include the user created scenarios, mods, and anything else you would want to put on it. On the scenario forum, Wild Bill and I have correspoded regarding this and I'm wondering if you care to comment. Thanks.
  3. I was pleasantly surprised to see this thread at the top of the forum. I'm glad that it's still on your agenda, Wild Bill - best of luck! I feel it's a no-brainer, but then I'm not privy to the many production details it would no doubt take for BTS to release something like this. The only thing I am confident of is that very few people who have CM would pass up an opportunity to buy this - even at $30!
  4. Harpoon IV without a doubt - I just wish they wouldn't keep pushing the release date back. Anyone have any idea on when it's coming out?
  5. Carlo D' Este. All of his books are excellent. "The Two Ocean War" by Samuel Eliot Morison is a must read as well.
  6. Thank you, Redleg! That's an interesting link. That info will come in handy when the time comes to actually put it into practice.
  7. Thanks Phoenix. I'm not real "up" on this TCP/IP stuff because my internet service is so lousy I don't even attempt on-line gameplaying. So as I understand your answer, as soon as TCP/IP is available, that will make playing over a LAN system a reality? [This message has been edited by Nathman (edited 10-14-2000).]
  8. Can Combat Mission be played over a LAN or is it limited to hotseat, PBEM, and in the near future, TCP/IP? I did a search but didn't find anything on this. My plan is to have several (maybe more) PC's interconnected in my house with network cards, and instead of sitting around playing poker, sit around play Combat Mission instead! (the advantages of being single )
  9. Thank you, Wild Bill. Having you go to bat for this particular issue means a lot. Both BTS and their consumers would come out ahead.
  10. Wild Bill, I like the way you think! The way I look at it, it's going to be a long time before Joe consumer will be able to order CM2, and by releasing a CD with stuff that's already out there, BTS can throw us all a bone that will keep their customers involved and at the same time raise some more revenue. Speaking from personal experience, whenever I am seriously hooked on a game (Civ II, Falcon 4, Combat Mission), I'll buy anything that comes along to supplement the original game. Will Bill, your idea of adding some new operations is an excellent idea, along with the other ones included on this thread. Individuals such as myself with limited (or at times nonexistent) internet service are perhaps more numerous than is widely percieved. Now, I'm not sure BTS would want to commit to something like this based on a single thread in a forum, but maybe Wild Bill, with your clout and standing with BTS, you could bring it to their attention and toss the idea around. Thanks.
  11. I would love to see BTS come out with an expansion pack CD with all the user created scenarios and all of the mods. Is that something for BTS to consider or am I crazy? My internet service is lousy at best, so I don't have much luck in downloading the mods. Also, it would be nice to have a CD with all that stuff on it when the time comes to upgrade computers. I'd be willing to part with a 20 dollar bill for such a CD. Thoughts? Comments? (BTS, have you any ideas on this?)
  12. After reading in a magazine that some game sold over a million copies in something like a week, it piqued my curiousity regarding the number of copies that Combat Mission has sold since its release. Are these figures public knowledge? And if so, where are they posted? I never miss an opportunity to sing the praises of this game to anyone who will listen, and am a big supporter of the way BTS is marketing it. I just hope the sales figures reflect the standard of excellence that Combat Mission has brought to wargaming. Thank you BTS.
  13. Thanks for the post, Steve. This AAR thing is really small potatos in the scheme of things, but tweaking it to give a more thorough, detailed breakdown of the events of the game would certainly add to its luster.
  14. Panzer 101, you have brought up a topic that is number one on my list (a very short list, I might add) of things I would like to see incorporated in this game. Like any great movie or book, there is a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning (the briefing and setup phase) are head and shoulders above any other game I've played. The middle (the actual gameplay) needs no comment - words can't do it justice. That brings us to the end (the after action report). I don't know the technical reasons why we are left with such a paltry synopsis of, and I'm sure nearly 100% of Combat Mission gamers could agree on this, the most riveting computer gameplaying experiences of our lives. If there is a valid programming reason why this is so, then I can accept that, but if something can be done to give all of us a better sense of what we have just gone through, then I give it my wholehearted support. I urge anyone with similiar feelings to post on this thread in order to give BTS an idea of the strength of support ( or maybe lack of support) this idea has.
  15. Leave it alone. Increasing the price is not going to do anything to deter those who use these vehicles for which they aren't intended.
  16. Fear in the Fog These Hills are ALIVE These two literally had me on the edge of my seat. Fear in the Fog was the first one I played when I felt like I knew what I was doing. Man, what a battle. And These Hills are ALIVE - what can I say? Just an epic struggle that left me weak in the knees. I have yet to play a scenario that I didn't enjoy, but these two hold a special place in my book. As far as operations go, I'm 4 battles into the revised Desobry, and am thoroughly enjoying it. Great job, Wild Bill and all the other scenario designers!
  17. M Bates, a Hetzer is a gerbil found only in the remote parts of the Black Forest. It was commonly used in the latter parts of the war when the inventory of more heavily armoured panzers became scarce. As far as their effectiveness is concerned, I'm not real sure about that, although I believe it was General "lightning" Joe Collins who stated, "I can deal with panthers and tigers, but those sonofabitchin Hetzers got me flummoxed"!
  18. Outstanding! Thanks a bunch, Wild Bill. I tried the revised Desobry and and have fought the first two battles without a hitch. I'm kinda dreading the third, because I just know that they'll be coming at me with both barrels, but I still have 6 shermans and all four of my M10's, so I'll be able to put up a good fight. I never imagined a wargame could be so engrossing.
  19. Wow, what a timely thread. I just finished playing my first operation ever, and it happened to be DeSobry. I set up a perimeter defense and kept my shermans rather well hidden amongst the buildings. I sent my stuarts out a little to see what was out there, and lo and behold, one of the little buggers knocked out a tiger (yes, a tiger!) with a miraculous shot! Only seconds later, a mark IV went up in flames, but I couldn't figure out why until I replayed it several times. On only the second salvo, an 81mm mortar got a top hit! Luck was definitely on my side and after the final turn I had destroyed every vehicle that I had a line of sight to (20 in all). I lost a couple stuarts and six shermans, but not a single german got close to town. "Well", I smugly thought to myself, "I'll be in great shape for the next battle." TOTAL AXIS VICTORY. I about **** my pants. So of course I check out the forum and after reading this thread (I haven't done a search yet - so sue me) I assume I'm not the only one to encounter this situation. I'm glad it's being addressed and am looking forward to the revision. This game has ruined what little life I had. It really should come with a warning label. Something like "WARNING - The surgeon general has determined that installing this game on your computer will result in neglect of essential activities such as eating, sleeping, etc." Wild Bill, you and the boys at BTS rule! My only wish is for a better after action report so I can see who the heroes are and maybe the awarding of medals. Keep up the great work!
  20. Well done, Dog! My hat's off to you. Your mommy and daddy must be very proud of you.
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