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Posts posted by Croda

  1. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by History Buff:

    I've useally avoided Peng threads, until now and I think I will again. What a bunch of gits!!!!

    Thank god you lot only control a battalion of Polygons and not a Battalion of men. My mother can beat the lot of you!


    So, you consider yourself a "history buff"? Let's talk some history then. When, in the history of your sad little life, did you truly think you would be welcomed here with open arms? Let me help you with your obvious misconception:

    You are not welcome! Now exit the premises immediately.</font>

  2. There's only one way to solve this SSN infestation.

    Toi_Leete, StankMan, and PooHardly, while we all *snicker* appreciate *snicker* the fact that you sought us of all combatants to play games against, we also detest your kind and would sooner cauterize your duodenum with a branding iron than play you in a civilized game of CM.

    There is hope however as most people posting in this MuthaBeautiful Pool were SSNs at some point (not me, of course, but some of them). In order to get a game against anyone of stature (stature in the 'Pool. None of these under-the-bleachers babies have any stature outside of their own double-wide unless it's here and even here they make us want to york our twinkies), like I was saying...In order to get a game against anyone of stature you must follow the rules.

    1) Recognize that you're a SSN

    2) Immediately sod off

    3) After sodding off, come back and taunt like you've got a pair. This taunting should single out someone and be in the best tradition of the Pool. Be prepare for this person and every other person to flame your sorry ass for a bit.

    4) Eventually, if you show promise, you may get a game.

    5) Sod off again for good measure.

    Them's the rules.

    Between the three of you, I imagine you haven't the aim to piss in a Big Gulp cup, therefore I'm going to make it simple for you. You're going to engage in a joust for our enjoyment.

    The fiercest and foulest scenario ever created for CM (other than the Pit I made for Herr Oberst, but we won't count that) is Crodaburg™. It's stench is perfect for any SSNs desiring to defoul our Pool.

    The rules of Crodaburg™ are as follows:

    1) You must play another SSN.

    2) You must post frequent reports of the game's progress.

    3) You must finish, if you can. Many have never returned from a Crodaburg™ challenge.

    4) After finishing you should sod off, and then perhaps you'll get a game with someone.

    Crodaburg is winging itself to you. I recommend that Toi_Leete play the Axis in both games and the other two play the Allies.

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

    Those who find me a Justicar usurper can kindly take the next train to Clarksville as I would do this even with the Justicar present because Crodaburg™ Challenges are more fun than 11 feet of snow in Minnisoooohtah.


    For a while now I've been trying to get a copy of my wife's grandfather's memoirs of his time in the 10th Armored Divsion on the web for all to share in as I think it is a fantastic story.

    Well, today is the day. For you, my fellow Cesspooligans, I'd like to offer up this little story to read. I honestly hope you enjoy it. Please pass along any comments you have. You can get it here.



  4. Originally posted by Goanna:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Persephone:Whoever is playing a game against Croda, please be sure to kill all of his Soldiers...He's very annoying.

    Ey eye, mam, getting right on that.

    Croda, you slack jawed yokel, buttmensch was seriously abusing decorum, such as it is in this feotid stench hole, and offering some complete tosspot a game when he wandered in and treated our beloved cess like the back bar at his local boozer where he can pick up a fight any weekday after 6 pm. Frankly, its behaviour like that, and stupid pillocks such as yourself that are willing to go along that are just ruining the degradation around here.</font>

  5. Originally posted by Marlow:

    You forgot about the 300mm Rickets? And my jumbo sized servings of Stugs of doom? How about the flanking greyhound?

    You're the Brits, you sodding git! You don't get Rickets, Stugs, or Greyhounds. You just get those ugly little dogs that remind me of Hiram: sluggish, droopy, and good for throwing on campfires. Now come up that little road there so I can give you some of that home cooking I got brewing up.
  6. I just read in Rendezvous with Destiny about an American Captain signalling to a recon aircraft that he needed air support and signalled in the direction of the Germans on the far bank (La Barquette Locks?).

    When the air support arrived a few hours later, it promptly dropped it's bombs on the American company and was waved off of its strafing run at the last second by an Lt. with an orange flag.

    Sounds to me like FBs are modeled fairly well afterall.

  7. Originally posted by jshandorf:

    Stuka, if you are gonna go running around trademarking catch phrases and words than I want the phrase, "You SUCK!". It's mine dammit and don't be fooled by that imposter Hiram-Short-Hairs with his bogus "SUCKS to be YOU" line. He a nancy, pancy fan boy, that is all he is.

    Oh and BTW, I am kicking Crudda's ass in a QB. I am attacking a town and I should have 3 or 4 flag out of 5 with light to moderate casualties to boot.

    Oh, and Shaw... You SUCK!.


    If you're going to have light to moderate casualties, then you're nancy boys should have all the flags and shouldn't have sat back with your infantry cowering from a damned Hetzer! I haven't had anything more than a routed Company HQ with 1 guy left and LOW ammo on his .45 for 10 turns and that lone guy hiding under a rock has kept your reinforced battalion at bay the whole time. I had 2 Hetzers and slaughtered your tank regiment. I also saw you pick your nose and eat it while we were playing TCP/IP you dingo-dipping bastard!

    [ March 08, 2002, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Croda ]

  8. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

    No, I just figure that anyone who spends as much time as you do working on Canuckian stuff must need gamey tactics to get along in life.

    If CM was anything like an accurate portrayal of the modern Canadian Army, you would have 1 general for every squad, the soft skin vehicles would all be condemned for rusty wheels, and the tracked vehicles would be in war storage...or on concrete plinths.</font>
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