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Everything posted by russellmz

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by markshot: I am using the CM One Click utility to play PBEM. I was wondering if there is a CM One Click utility for easily playing back all the movies of your PBEM. Such a utility would seem to be quite similar in design. Does anyone know if there is such a thing? Thanks.<hr></blockquote> check out my faq, use CTRL-F to find "movie" i THINK there is a utility by kman
  2. i forgot the title first time around: Russellmz's Combat Mission Scenarios http://www.russellmz.20m.com [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]</p>
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: Where are the best building mods? CMHQ seems to be dead. Anyone still working there? Let me know where you think the best building mods are, dont be afraid to post some pics so I can see them.<hr></blockquote> i like magua's and panzertruppen's i use magua's heavy buildings and panzertruppen for the medium and small houses. pics availiable at mod sites and at "On My Hard Drive" at http://www.russellmz.20m.com (look under man made terrain)
  4. ...clearing our tubes. and cleaning our rods. and cocking our guns. and...
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redeker: KEWL!!!! <hr></blockquote> VERY KEWL! cmbb, when you come out i will ownz joo! (if i have enuff $$$) nice job panzer leader! very exciting!
  6. hmmmm, the only other reasons i can think of is that i choose the brit guy as the FIRST unit i put in when buying units in my scenario. it is at the top of the list of units in my scenario creation screen. it was also the most expensive at ~200 points(a 7.2in arty spotter). other than that i can't think of anything else.
  7. faq figured out how to blow a bridge in cm with engineers, also had names of cm guys on the forum a maze scenario a dr. strangelove scenario showed which armor mods are "on my hard drive" funny stuff with my face in cm all below in my sig or link below: website at http://www.russellmz.20m.com
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: I like the one who replaces that ugly british FO picture. not sure about them new startscreens, though. CMBO neither features medics nor do AFVs block fire so that anybody could take cover behind a tank.<hr></blockquote> well, it's just a start up screen hey i just found that pic of the original us inf in the archives: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=13&t=010684 "The guy for the British Airborne is also from a famous picture. I believe that Steve once said that all the default portraits were taken from real photos." - Madmatt http://www.geocities.com/jeffduquette/boccage10.html US Infantry in the Hurtgen Forest, Fall 1944 Photo From: U.S. ARMY Signal Corps [ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]</p>
  9. the unit portraits are actually based on actual photos of fromt he war. someone once posted the actual photo with the us guy with the mustache looking right (next to the hq lt portrait). i wish i knew which ones so we could get the actual photo portraits, but yours make an excellent substitute! the famous one with the sherman and buncha gis behind it will make a good screennie too...
  10. actually in my dr strangelove scenario there is ONE brit guy but my flags appear as brit even though there are many more us. could it be that your highest ranking guy is brit?
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nutball: Please give me reasons to start playing Combat Mission again...<hr></blockquote> go to my website. get my run the hell way scenario "decision" where you can blow up a bridge! or lookit all the pretty mods on my hard drive...
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JacMac: That's too bad, I've seen a couple of hokey movies someone cut together (they really were aweful), but I would have loved to see some other player's complete games. I can imagine that saving all the moves on a 25 turn game could create a large reply file, but I would take the time to download them.<hr></blockquote> if you play by email with another or yourself, you do get movie files you can save.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hoopenfaust 101: No just how the roads line up.I guess it more of a hit and miss mod. I'll explain later.<hr></blockquote> did you try the bts original bmps? i think someone mentioned it before. if they are not the right resolution, then you can blow them up to the right size.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rupert_2: Cheers russellmz, they do seem to be the most over looked German mods...!! <hr></blockquote> still, mike did a great job as usual. they look real pretty, and you get 3 choices: mono, bi, or tri color... i prefer tri!
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Chad Harrison: i was in the first CM, im sure my cpl cooper has fought for many of you with a zook or as a sgt! he gets promoted and demoted so often, i dont know what was wrong with him<hr></blockquote> lucky sob... i'll look out for him and see if he is "lucky" in combat...
  16. http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germansupport.asp mike duplessis' nashorn/hummel is the only one listed on the modlist at combat missions. be sure to look around the four pages to find the nashorn mod at cmhq
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Paul T. Gardner: Hi, Is Gunslinger out there anywhere? I'm looking for his JgPzVI Mod. I first saw it on Russelmz's page, and the link it gave was to CM Outpost - but I can't find the mod there. I've searched everywhere! Hope someone can help Rgds<hr></blockquote> i wrote to manx asking him to isolate that mod so people can get that thing. since you're the second or third guy to ask for it i think i'll update that link now...
  18. i was looking at a random page from the archive forum and saw that some last names were from cm players who sent them in. can i get my last name in pleeeeeeeeeeease? "Zah"
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by voidhawk: I presume you are joking, right? I didn't see a smily though... [if you are still wondering, there is no point in doing winter textures of course - unless you prefer a "snowy" to a "whitewashed" version ]<hr></blockquote> ah prefa' snow! seriously, ever see the snow covered half tracks by magua? magnific...
  20. ...he swept the room...on his detector, he saw mace shaped blobs edging closer...closer. "i got movement! multiple signals!" "you're just reading me, dear," sez the missus. "i'm telling you, there's something moving and it's ain't us! Twelve meters, woman...ten!" screamed gaz. "you're simply not reading it right," sez the missus. "it's reading right, woman, look!" cried gaz. "eight meters! six!" "now dear, that can't be. that's inside the room silly," yawned the missus. "they're all around us! great now what the hell are we supposed to do? we're in some real pretty stuff this time! four meters!" "then you're simply not reading it right. look, i'm going to say good night and call it even, ok?" the missus went to bed while gaz wet himself and went the full hudson. "they're coming out of the walls, they're coming out of the dang walls! they're gonna come in just like they did before and they're-gonna-come-in-and-come-in-and..." [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]</p>
  21. since everyone is smacking the pc liberal crowd around i'll toss in this quote Phil: [as Mr. Chuckles] So God was creating man. And his little assistant came up to him and he said: "Hey, we've got all these bodies left, but we're right out of brains, we're right out of hearts and we're right out of vocal chords." And God said: "F--k it! Sew 'em up anyway. Smack smiles on the faces and make them talk out of their arses." And lo, God created the [conservatives]. -from the movie "brassed off!" http://us.imdb.com/Quotes?0115744
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