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Ales Dvorak

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Everything posted by Ales Dvorak

  1. United?(GriffinCheng+) I live in the country where population is 2.000.000 living souls. Funny but is true. I have all Col. Klotz (Hmmm ASL & not ASL scenarios (10 pages))
  2. Man, you are fast.(GriffinCheng+) Take this as a advantage.
  3. It llook's like an ASL syndrome! Gotta catch'em all!
  4. Michael, CC was just a joke! Hey, I support you!
  5. Miichael, good point. BTW, is CC for Close Combat, Canadian Club or Coca Cola?
  6. Used copy! CM=crack Mama Mia = Queen J.H. 1.000.000 $ Let me think!
  7. John tx! Which sky mods do you use ?(if ( for example) I have to renumbered Garry 's sky mods . it is OK pbm ( hi res?) for PC, but not for MAC. (Garry sorry) 1430 bmp.... OK, Im drunk! Regards AD
  8. Kmead, sorry if I was rude. There is no RAM where I live.
  9. Kmead, ohhh pleaseee! (Cheap). I live in Europe ( Hmmm I think so)
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