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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Quite interesting reading Dandelion. Well, that explains it pretty well and so my question has been answered many times over which I sincerely thank each and everyone of you that replied. Huh! Interesting.
  2. Well I am very happy to see one other person other than myself that thinks that it is difficult for the American's to win over the German's due to all the superior stuff they have be it tanks, schrecks, HMG's, SMG's or AT guns. I have expressed this point numberous times but get no sympathy. So while everybody is giving good advise and are only trying to help allow me to be the first one to say - Get used to it, losing that is, with the American's. :mad: Overall, the German equipment was superior to what the American's had and so it is in the game also and I have no problem with that but from a playable or shall I say fair point of view. In my opinion what unbalances it is the points each side gets. To be balanced the Americans would have to get more points and this would only be realistic anyway as they had more of everything anyway, from my understanding, so it should be so in the game since the superiority of the German's is portrayed the way it is. So there I voice my opinion yet again.
  3. Kenfedoroff I couldn't agree with you more. I know where Simovitch is coming from and would surely love to play accurate historical battles but if they aren't fun that kills it for me. It's a game after all and I'm playing to have fun and some chance of winning. Now mind you I wouldn't care to know that I could win every time but I sure wouldn't want to know that I'd lose every time either. After reading Dandelion's post I can certainly see the challenges to trying to create an accurate historical battle and if I ever had any thoughts of trying to do one myself I don't any longer.
  4. Yes they are truely wonderful individuals. It must take a lot of time and work to design a good scenario and my hat certainly goes off for them.
  5. I've designed a few maps myself for my personnal use mind you and not knowing any better didn't know it could be made easier so didn't really give it any thought. Is there an easier way?
  6. Thanks for the reply and link Dandelion. That will work for my purposes. What I have done since I can't mod is I've used the American early khaki uniform with no insignas and the plain brown helmet so now I'll be able to use this mod you're linked me to for the helment and that will just be fine for the French. I just hated them looking like the American's. I don't recall seeing any French insignas with the American one's that Andrew was talking about but I'll go look again and see if I missed them. That would be great if one was there. Tooz I don't understand BFC saying that CMAK wouldn't need much modding but if that is the case we should be able to use the one's in CMBO for CMAK anyway so I'll be content as I don't think anyone could out do what we've got for this game.
  7. Hey Makjager that is looking damn good to me. The detail is already far better and you have just begun. This will be worth waiting for I just know it based on your other mods. So take your time and don't let those pesty mod sluts hurry you. :cool: They really should be banned from the board.
  8. So Ales Dvorak that is no excuse for not still doing great and outstanding mods for CMBO. I feel like a step child now-a-days because of that OTHER game. Yeah, Dandelion, scherck back blast summed it up nicely. For your own info however I didn't mind your post at all just didn't quite know how to respond not that it would have been negative or uninterested mind you.
  9. Oh yeah Major Dolt listen to Dandelion tell you his sure fire method of dealing with Panthers with M18's. As far as infantry vs tanks, I suggest you only try that if you are playing the German's. I don't ever recall if I have been able to knock out a German tank with American infantry but I can assure you the other way around works all the time. Matter of fact if I had a dime for every time it's happened to me I'd - well, I'd have lot's more beer. In other words it happens a lot - in my opinion.
  10. Dandelion, Damn your signiture says all that? Humor aside ( which is what I resort to when confronted with something that - emotionally distrubs me and I have no response due to that emotion ) will just say thank you for your reply. I feel you will understand my lack of further comment. I will however say to you, well said.
  11. I don't think whining to BFC would do any good I'm afraid Tooz, nor would begging but I'm with you so go ahead and start the post and I'll at least jump in. Thank you Dandelion for the history lesson. Extremely interesting. You are fast becoming one of my favorite teachers on this forum and I always look forward to your replys. Thank you. So now Dandelion you sound like you have in your possession a mod that one could simulate the Adrian ridge and badge. If this were true what would one have to do to get you to email this mod to that person? Just curious.
  12. You got it Major Dolt. It is a good tactic to lay down covering fire while you advance your men. As far as crawling units being able to fire I would say no but could be wrong and if I am you can bet I'll be corrected - as is only right. I'll past on the firing while running question as I don't quite know exactly what the effect is although it's not a good idea. I believe stopping the unit even in open terrain and fighting back from that position is preferable to continue running. Glad to have another happy camper as you sound like you are join the forum and discover this most outstanding game. Were you happily married? Just kidding a few married guys actually managed to stay married after finding the game.
  13. Well I'm slower. Thanks for the site HarryInk. PS: Your name is funny. I can just picture hairy ink.
  14. Well, Yankee Dog I agree with your thinking but would personally have thought a super heavy MG like the .50 cal. or a 13mm like they already had would have been an asset on HT's and other light vehicles. I didn't necessarily mean hauling them around by hand. Also since they were on the defense most of the time anyway it seems to me like it would have been good to have them even with the foot soldiers since in a defense role. Anyway, thanks for your as usual interesting and learned opinion. Very interesting Dandelion I too thought that we should have copied the Schreck and was not aware that they had copied the bazooka. I do kind of wonder if the game really portrays the two correctly. In the game I'd trade 3 bazooka's for one schreck, I wonder in real life if that would be the case?
  15. Hey, thanks Dandelion for the reply. So the French didn't have their own uniforms? I find that fascinating. Any idea why? I mean they surely had uniforms to begin with? What in the world happened to them I wonder. Also, it amazes me that that they wouldn't or couldn't produce their own uniform design even if they had to insist on it before agreeing to fight alongside the rest of the Allied's. How odd?
  16. Damn guys you overwhelmed me with information and I thank all of you and Maj. Battaglia the links were excellent, thank you so much. Well, I guess that answered my question by 100 or so. Outstanding stuff. I would love to comment back about a lot of it but there was so much that I'd be here all day so again I will just say thanks ever so much to all of you. Damn interesting! Oh and while he's not here I would still like to thank JasonC for his marvelous comments on that link. Man, you guys are good.
  17. Yeah Dandelion I can just see you punching in commands after that - event? God knows I've done the same and regretted it but it sure is hard not to do things in anger or frustration. Well, at least he didn't ask " Did you see that, how cool was that anyway , didn't you just love watching all your TD's going up in smoke like that?" Oh, you meant when you said you couldn't play anything other the German's that you weren't worth a crap at playing anything other then the German's? I see, guess I misunderstood your meaning earlier. Also let me remind you that there are no bad leaders just stupid followers.
  18. Yes once upon a time I was a manager Dandelion but I didn't know it showed. Hey thanks for the Irish site. Pretty cool site, I've been looking at it for the past hour. Interesting stuff. A lot of the prayers and saying I've not seen before and am printing some of them off to learn. Appreciate it. Oh by the way what does that say beneath your signiture? :confused:
  19. Dandelion I wasn't going to kill them just kind of scare them off. Beside they started it. Well, I feel better now after hearing your poor story. Now that would make you sick. Was that a Pbem or against the AI? I hope the AI, cause you won't ever live that down if it was a live opponent. If an opponent can you imagine the grin that must have appeared on his face? I bet it went from ear to ear. Bet he had himself a beer after that and probably smoked a cigerette. Ok I think you topped everybody with that one. What a horror story. Maybe I might play you some time.
  20. Hey thanks Mr. Die Easy for the info. Yes I am currently using several of his mods right now but didn't know he was doing a Chaffee. Great news and no we won't pressure him. The Irish are very sensitive and must have room for their drinking so we can't rush them. So we can wait patiently and not hurry him. Artist's must have their time - - - - - - - - - - - - HEY MAKJAGER! IS THAT CHAFFEE DONE YET?
  21. I was trying to find some French uniform mods but don't seem to be able to find any. I thought Andrew's redid everthing, did he not do the French? And if so where in the world are they?
  22. Yep, that's the one Mike8G. So you made a new road wheel mod for it? You said days ago? like how long ago? I can't remember who and it may be this mod you are talking about but it was made - what a year ago or more. Is that the one you are talking about? If so then I have it already and it did greatly improve the Chaffee but I would still sure love to see somebody do the whole tank again. Some color to maybe better match the Sherman's or Pershing tank by Andrew's color. It may not get done but hey you can't hang a guy for asking - CAN YOU? :eek:
  23. Well yeah, that might be the answer Tools-4-Fools but the 20 mm wasn't as easy to carry and the fire rate wouldn't have been anything close to what the .50 Cal. could put out so I still think they missed the boat on not coming up with something comparable, but that certainly could be why. Good answer. Then you wonder why the American's didn't come up with a 20mm then, don't you?
  24. The question really is why do you suppose the German's overlooked or didn't really see the need for a .50 Cal. MG? It sure seems like a speciality weapon to me that had a wide range of uses and functions that they didn't have. It's not like they didn't have the know how or couldn't design or product one. They must just not have felt one was needed but I can't imagine why such a small thing could have been overlooked or not wanted. Anybody have an answer or knowledge on the subject? The reason I ask is that I am constantly knocking out thin skinned vehicles be it jeeps, other HT's or armor vehciles like the Puma and it just stuck me as odd.
  25. I will Dandelion but the only thing out there right now is one by Tiger which was very nice for it's day but just really looks poor compared to the other more recent mods. It's color is off and no detail to speak of. Andrew was going to do one but then that stupid CMBB came out and he's all involved with that crappy game now. Anyway maybe somebody will decide to do one and become the hero of the year or at least be considered a really good guy by me.
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