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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. There you are Makjager I was wondering about you and here you are. Cool. Looking very very nice and to me it kind of seems - well done. Anyway, I know you'll let us know when it's ready. Just trying to tease us a little I thinks. One question however. Is it a lot darker then the last picture you showed us? It seems a little dark to me. Hey, you're the modder I just thought I'd mention it.
  2. Yes there are people out here but some of us work during the day. So just got off and where am I? You guessed it looking to see what's gone on today here at the forum and see if any new mods came out and what do I discover? all these great looking mods. You did all those today? No way, and if you did then we, the hundreds of modsluts out here have been tricked by you guys thinking it took a long time to product a mod, and here you knock out all these in one day. So if that's the case how come we don't get this many mods everyday? Answer that for me Mister. Now that makes me and I'm sure all the others very upset to discover you guys evidently do have lives and families and don't devote all your time and energy into them. I am very shocked and a little hurt. No really Zimorodok very attractive mods. Thanks. Now what I am going to say may hurt you but it's not meant to and I hesitated even saying it but I thought I would. I personally don't use winter mods. Yes that's right, I don't use them. I did for several years but discovered that the un-wintered one stand out so much better then the white ones I changed everything over to the warm weather ones. I loved the looks of them but just have too much trouble seeing the damn things. Anyway, so while I won't personally use them I still appreciate a good looking mod when I see one and these are very well done. My hat off to you.
  3. Pvt. Ryan are you referring to the book that Rob is recommending by Glantz & House?
  4. Very nice work Flesh. We do appreciate you modders and the time you devote to making this game even better and more fun to look at. As far as camo I personally prefer tri-color. The base color seems good to me as is. As far as pattern I like an assortment in my tanks meaning some stripes some spots etc. I don't want them to look all alike. Anyway, great job it looks very good and dying to get it in the game. You guys really are tops!
  5. Hey thanks Rob for the suggestion. Sounds like one I could enjoy and learn something from. If you haven't read the book I mentioned you might try it. I really really thought it one of the better books I have ever read not that I've read all that many and am no expect on WWII but I sure thought it was very well done.
  6. All I asked was in your opinion was the book any good. So there seems to be some differences of opinions I see. Imagine that. Well, heck now I've got to buy it just to see for myself. Thanks for the opinions everyone and BFC, pretty slick of you getting me to buy it like that.
  7. I am wanting to buy a book on the battle of Kursk so was wondering if anybody has any suggestions. I read to enjoy so don't normally like real detailed books where all they write about is technical stuff. To give you an idea what type of writing I enjoy I read Stalingrad by Anthony Beever and thought it was great. I actually plan on reading it again I liked it so much. Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated as I hate buying a book and it turning out to be bad or poorly written. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks for your efforts Jeff. As I am new to CMBB I look forward to trying your scenario and will let you know what I think. Again, thanks to you and all the designers out there for your efforts and work to give us all these fantastic scenario's to play. You guys are tops.
  9. Sorry demoss but I wasn't directing that silly remark towards you but towards SatyR. He got real silly. I least I thought he was? :confused: Yeah, I just reread it and it's silly. Other Means you mention that the Russian's have good short range abilities but my understanding is that they had bolt action rifles compared to the German squads which to a large degree were equiped with SMG's. So why do you say what you did, may I ask? I'd think the German's would have this short range advantage? So Ligur you are saying that the T-34's are like the Sherman's, crap? If that's the case I think BFC got it wrong as the T-34 was a damn good tank all things considered. My opinion of course but that's the way I understand it. If they are indeed that poor I want to play the German's cause wasn't the T34 the backbone of the Russia armor and so in scenario's that's what the majority of the tanks will be? I'm worn out trying to go up against German armor with Sherman's. I'd like to have the advantage for a change. It would be a nice change of pace. Now MikeyD says it too that the Russian's had more SMG's then the German's. When did that happen? I must be missing something as I sure thought it the other way around. German's started off with them and the Russia's seeing how effective they were started producting and using them. Being no expect I am surely wrong but anyone want to clarify. One other point I'd like to ask about is MG's. I know the German 42 was far superior to what the American's had but how did the Russian's MG's compared with it? Rate of fire wise that is. I know the cartridges were about the same or at least in their rifles they were. Did they use the same cartridge in their MG's as their rifles? Any replys would be appreciated.
  10. Hey Klapton I have decided to play one more scenaio in CMBO before moving on to CMBB and my opponent and I decided to try this one. I've ejoyed your scenario's in the past so thought this one would be just as good if not better since you are an old hand at it now. Anyway wanted to let you know and say that we'll let you know how we liked it. Later and hope you get CMBB so you can start doing scenario's for that game.
  11. Excellent replys from all, well except that one guy who is being silly. Anyway, I appreciate the sincere ones and got some good useful info for my purposes. Anybody else want to contribute?
  12. Well, I was all ready to voice my agreement with Broken but then I read Green's post so - never mind. Green's got a very good point. It's hard enough now waiting for your next move when something pops up unexpected and ruins your well layed plans. My heart couldn't take it if it was longer or at least my wife wouldn't tolerate me cursing that often. It sure sounded like a good idea. Oh well, that damn Green ruined everything.
  13. I just recently purchased this fine game after playing CMBO for over 3 years and am wondering which side if either is more powerful then the other. Now I am really just wanting to compare the Russina's vs the German's so if you would limit your replys to these two nations I'd appreciate it. OK, if you think another Nation then the two I'm interested in is more powerful then go ahead and name them - if you must.
  14. I agree with you pavlov, I do the same. I guess it's that competitive instinct in us when it comes to human to human. I do however always try to do what would be done in real life as I feel that I am cheating when I pull something that I know or have doubt about a real commander doing. It does help though when you know your opponent feels the same way and doesn't try some bull crap stuff either. Then you can act more proper yourself. I would feel terrible if one of my opponents questioned something I did.
  15. Been married 29 years and I do want I want, when I went and if she doesn't like it I can sleep in the dog house. No really her computer is right next to mine and she is on it ( Ebay ) as much as I am playing the game or this forum . Lovely situation.
  16. That is simply outstanding Tools. Excellent colors and detail and yes the markings do make it for me. I'm impressed - again by your talent. Thanks for your efforts Tools we do appreciate you and all the other modders out there. May you all go to heaven for adding so very much to this adready fantastic game.
  17. Thanks everybody for your input. Looks like I'll just save my money and buy some beer with it. I'm sure it's a good book but sounds more for the beginner which I am not although my opponents seem to think so. OK, so one less thing I can live without then. Cool. [ June 23, 2003, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  18. Thanks guys for the info. Well, looks like it's not what I was hoping it would be but wanted to ask. Glad I did. Again, I appreciate you taking your time to help me out.
  19. Thanks ever so much gentlemen. I do appreciate you taking the time to help me.
  20. I know the BMP files numbers are available so I was wondering if there's a place I could get the numbers for the wav files also. Anybody know or care to tell me? I'd appreciate it.
  21. I was thinking about buying the strategy guide but thought I'd ask those that have it already how you would rate it on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being just outstanding and you'd have paid double for it now that you know how great it is or 1 meaning it's really not that big of deal and you would have been better off keeping your $15.00 bucks. Anyone care to comment? Remember be honest please. If it stinks let me know that too. I'd appreciate you being candid. Thanks.
  22. I do believe that according to the manual units upstairs can cause greater damage firing down on enemy units behind a wall, hedge, etc. or even being able to actually see them for that matter.
  23. Don't quit. Moneymaxx is just so used to beating me he doesn't think the Americans can win ever. Well, I kind of go along with that but in our current Pbem I'm eating them up so maybe just maybe the American's do have a chance. :cool: We shall see. Do let us know how you fare.
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