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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. I too, will be watching for the answers to your questions. ------------------ "Too much of a good thing... is wonderful." -- Mae West
  2. BTS, please do not waste time on this. Why would we ever want to be able to see the precise path of a shell and the exact damage it inflicts. This type stuff is directly opposed to Fog of War. It flies in the face of what makes CM great. It belongs in some other game that you can play on your TV. Don't try to be another game. Be a leader.
  3. Those pics you put up were simply fine. My settings are the same, with a Voodoo 3, but I don't get nearly the resolution. Any ideas you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I checked out your website but it was mostly under construction. It would be pleasing to have graphics as good as the pics you show. They would add to the game. But the current graphics (contrary to Gunny Bunny's opinion) do not detract from the game. ------------------ "Too much of a good thing... is wonderful." -- Mae West
  4. This must have been discussed before. So please bear with me: 1. Why is every tank an independent unit? Quite obviously that is not the way it was. Why are platoon leaders not present for armor? 2. FO also rode in tanks. This option would make those hopeless/hapless M21 mortar halftracks worth something IMHO ------------------ "Too much of a good thing... is wonderful." -- Mae West
  5. Nope, been there. No houses. Remelle? Looks too narrow. ------------------ "Too much of a good thing... is wonderful." -- Mae West
  6. [We're on the road to Moscow now.] I wish you had started on the road to Buq Buq instead.
  7. 15 good maps, and we could play on the city map, or the river map, and still have a QB.
  8. Could it be that a tank commander's view would solve a lot of problems players are having with getting hull down. That is, thinking they are hull down but are not.
  9. I remember this book too... at least I think so. A very methodical rendering of what occurred, almost dry, matter of fact, but still very interesting. No descriptions of 'sheets of flame or hail of bullets' stuff. Could the title be: "Anatomy of a Battle" ?? or could it actually be "Combat Mission" ? (honestly).
  10. I am really looking forward to this. It is my favorite theatre of the war. I would even go for the $ 15.00 cd burn. Please Please use large maps, as large as you can, so there is room to move out of sight and out of gun range (dust clouds in the distance would be fine of course). I hate those small maps that cause immediate standoff shootouts.
  11. I can create a large map using the editor. I can create a QB. But somehow cannot put both together. In order to get a very large map using the QB I need to purchase a huge force. I dont want to do that. I want a smaller computer generated force on the largest map possible. Thus reducing the "shoot out" effect.
  12. IMHO the bigger the map, the better. More room to maneuver out of sight and out of range. It is what this game needs to make it even better.
  13. What Is Really Needed to make CMBO a complete experience is an operational platform that would create the battle situations for the tactical game in which CMBO excels. I stopped playing SPWAW for two reasons: 1) CM is MUCH more compelling than SP at the tactical level. 2)Every SP upgrade created more bugs than it fixed. I do miss the maneuvering though, hence my initial statement. CM, IMHO, would be an exceptional game if somehow one could maneuver well out of sight and shot.
  14. Recently finished Red Devils at Arnhem. During a night turn there was a sound contact marker that appeared to move right across the water from the german side toward the british. Really scarey for the half minute or so, " what the #### is this ? " an amphibious tank or other vehicle? a boat of some kind? It turned out to be a halftrack on the bridge about 50 to 100 m away. What could have been more interesting, would be if the turn ended before the sound contact was identified. I certainly would have moved forces to react to it. Maybe putting them at at risk to the real threat. I thought it was such a great feature I called my cousin to tell him about it. I love this game!!
  15. I have not played on enough large maps to be sure but is there sufficient space for true armored maneuvers so that forces can operate out of enemy range and sight? From my experience so far it seems that (in quick battles anyway) forces are too close and there is no room for maneuvering unseen.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Draw a box around him to high-light him and then hit the space bar to bring up the orders box. This should allow you to move him, if I read your problem correctly. But as for stupid things, surely one has to mention the infamous ass attack where tanks sometimes like to advance ass-first. This has been a bug in the game since the Beta Days, but apparently it can't be remedied 'cause I saw it happen in one of the latest beta patches. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-04-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Forgot about that one. Major Frost is ok now. Thanks.
  17. Playing Red Devils at Arnhem. Today the British commander, Major Frost, got stuck IN the bridge. Can't see him or acquire him to give an order but by scrolling using the + - keys can locate him. Location reads " In Bridge". Aye Captain, "Its a transporter malfunction" -- Scotty
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I/O Error: Oh no, what I REALLY can't wait for is the Blitzkrieg years! Invading or defending the Low Countries, lightning quick armored thrusts with tanks that were more than just lumbering beasts, special operations against the Belgian fortifications, holding the Maginot Line in the south, oh the list goes on and on! Poland-France = Big time fun from Big Time Software. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree, if not the desert then the Blitzkrieg years. I can hear those Stukas now.
  19. I think the 39 to 43 Mediterranian is a much more interesting, diverse theater and will be more fun than the eastern campaign. First the Ities and the Brits swatting at each other with armored cars, tankettes and old tanks. Then the arrival of Rommel and the fluid campaign across North Africa. Odd matchups here will lead to wild melees:German combined arms vs British separate arms;Matilda's without HE vs anti tank guns that can't penetrate their armor; the 88 and the 25 pdr; attacks on supply convoys. All of this across a sea-like battlefield with tank formations speeding across the horizon as well as dust obscuring and confusing even a close range firefight. I much prefer this to what almost seems to be a one shot one kill technology of the later war tank battles.
  20. " Gentlemen ! Please ! There will be no fighting in the war room!" Ok, so it's not from Patton, but it is my favorite war movie line. (Dr. Strangelove) But George C. Scott is one of those fighting!!
  21. I love this game!! Is there a list of issues that the 1.1 beta patch fixes? I downloaded it but did not install since I am in the middle of a battle. Is the bogging down problem fixed by the 1.1 or caused by the 1.1 (and if so is there another fix)
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