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Posts posted by Viceroy

  1. I've just started a PBEM game based on one of Rune's scenarios, I'm Brit my opponenet's Axis and neither of us has played this scenario before. It looks really cool and as I have some time on my hands tonight, I'm tempted to play the Brits against the AI while waiting for my opponent to send me his moves.

    Would that be seen as totally unfair and gamey? Or a legitimate thing to do? I'm not trying to gain an edge over my opponent. Comments please.

  2. Krill,

    I have 4 of the books mentioned above .... Charles and Steve should open an online bookstore ;)

    Chris Bishop's Encyclopedia of Weapons of WWII is tremendous value and covers everything. AFAIK only available online at B&N and has been sold out for a while. Get it if you can.

    Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two: and British and American Tanks of World War II: Chamberlain et al give lots of info about the various tanks, but more on production figures rather than tactical info. Nice photo's. Amazon have them.

    German Tanks of WWII by George Forty, doen't have AC's or HT's but does have a lot of great stories from the tank crews. Available at amazon.

    Allied Armour of WWII Ian Hogg is quite good too and covers Russians tanks too, though at 190 pages it's less in depth than the other books mentioned above. Also at amazon.

    If you can't get the Chris Bishop book and really want just one book, then consider getting HPSS Encyclopedia of Land Combat available from the HPSS website. It's quite a nice book, it just pales in comparison to the wonderful Encyclopedia of Weapons of WWII

    FWIH Steve and Charles for basic reference use the Chris Bishop and the Chamberlain books, those are the first three books mentioned above. I don't have the Jentz two volume series on German tanks which is expensive but rather good I'm told.

    All the above books have added to my enjoyment of CM and helped me to truly appreciate BTS's attention to details. Have they made me a better player? Not really :(

  3. Wild Bill,

    I'm sure I speak for many when I say that it would be FAR from tedious to read some more about scenario making and the thinking/designig behind them. You excerpt above was very interesting and made me appreciate the work the people put into these creations.

    So, please write some more ..... though I might get flamed for distracting you from creating more scenarios ;)

  4. Manx,

    your site is truly excellent. A lot of people on this forum just like to complain :rolleyes:

    All articles are the opinions of their authors and you are merely giving others the chance to read them. If they don't like them .... tough! They can put up their own website ;)

    The less they know the more they like to offer their "expert" opinions. If you don't believe me, go check out the General Forum where a bunch of guys who've never left N.America like to dish out opinions to all the other countries in the world.

    Bottom line: Don't let the B#$tards get you down!

  5. I just installed ZA and it seems pretty good. A question though .... my ADSL is not on all the time and each time it connects I have a new IP number. Does that mean I don't really need ZA? The PC is mainly used for games and the web. So, am I being paranoid installing this firewall?

    A friend of mine with the same ADSL setup and a similiar computer, was hacked last week and that's what made me dl ZA. Was my friend just really unlucky, or are the dangers real?

  6. Lost Admiral,

    a good nomination. In Taiwan he's known as Jiang Jie Shi and every town/City has a street named after him! Though he's held in less regard now, (you don't see his picture in every classroom anymore and he's been taken of most the money) few realize quite how crap he was.

    His war against the Communists rather than the Japanese helped Mao Ze Dong to rise to the top and turned many Chinese against him.

    Things he did right? Getting his wife to help drum up support in the US. The attack on Shanghai in '38, though it cost him most of his best divisions did attract the attention of the West. Perhaps that was the reason Rooservelt kept on supporting him.

    A short list! Things he did wrong could fill many pages. He should rank as one of the most incompetent leaders of WWII.

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