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Posts posted by Abbott

  1. Quote:

    Desert Fox-Desert Rats should be out next Friday. I finally dug up enough dough to get the website up and it's under heavy construction. You can have a look at the coming soon page at:


    The mod's state of completion could be considered 95%. It must still be assembled from it's individual parts which currently reside on three hard drive's in two countries. The file transfers are hot and heavy right about now and the site's webmaster and myself are compiling the info in a couple of manners. One big, fat zip with all the terrain, vehicles, missions and whatnot as well as several smaller zips with the individual components.

    Many thanks to you and everyone else who has shown interest in the project!



  2. I agree Tiger. Tanks into buildings are great Hollywood entertainment. I would think it was done on an emergency basis or on a rare occurrence when the situation dictated. As an ex-tanker myself I would have great concerns if that was attempted. There is nothing but hardened steel inside the vehicle, normal off road traveling is like taking a butt whooping on most occasions let alone crashing into or through somefink smile.gif. Main guns can be damaged as well as the gear you mentioned. Imagine touching off a round with some plaster or some other debris stuck in the end of the barrel or hanging over the muzzel?

    ATG guns are large. Think about putting a large object through a doorway or wall. Tools available to do this would be limited. You could try hooking a chain through windows and/or doorways and pulling out a section of wall. Or try crashing into the wall with a heavy vehicle to make an opening large enough. If the building/house was still standing, a squad of troops would be needed to clear debris. Then posts or braces of some type would be needed to shore up the damaged area in some instances. Interior walls would need to be demolished. A squad of troops or gun crew would be needed to clear debris and build a firing position. This could be done but how often?

    [This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-19-2001).]

  3. Geez, don't mention historical OOB's at Thouse. People act like you insulted their mothers! I also learned the hard way about playing at Thouse. It is a great site and easy to use, care needs to be exercised in choosing your opponent to fit your playing style.

    Subvet is right, the tournament (as far as I can tell) wasn’t described as “Anything Goes” or “Historical” setups so at Thouse the usual expectation should be “Anything Goes”. He could have chosen to say it to you politely however I think you must have insulted his mother by mentioning accurate OOB's.

    Personaly I put forth an idea about having a second ladder people could join at Thouse to fit playing styles. After a few rants on the forum, a couple rude e-mails and some rude comments in the chat room I dorpped the idea.

    ***Disclaimer**** No one's mother was insulted in the above post smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-19-2001).]

  4. Rob,

    Keeping your mod’s coming and page running, while enduring the camaraderie of this forum is commendable, well done! You certainly will come away from this with some experience and an education.

    By the way, the sizes of the fonts on your site are a bit overpowering, as M. bates is humorsouly expressing to you. Keep your chin up (as you always do), good work

    [This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-18-2001).]

  5. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    I am new to playing human to human meaning I've never done it before and don't even know where to begin. Have you played before and if so how did you first learn what and why and how to go about it, if you don't mind me asking. Seems like it's something only a computer wise guy can figure out but I don't even know enough to know if that's true. Any info you have would be appreciated. I tried going to the chat room but couldn't even figure out how to do that. Might be a hopeless case.

    Playing PBEM or TCP is like owning a 2nd. Game of Combat Mission. There is no comparison to playing a single player game. The tension and surprises that are found in each game vs. a human player is what keeps me coming back for more.

    The mechanics of playing are straight forward, once you have the hang of it, they become simple. PBEM procedure is usually, Player A. creates the game file (this should be done after an agreement of parameters and force type) Usually a couple of quick e-mails will do). Player A then sends the setup file to player B. Player B sets up or purchases troops (depending on if human vs. computer purchase was chosen, human purchase in almost all the games I have played). Player B then returns the file to player A and so on. Each player will have an action turn file then watch a movie file. Procedure starts again.

    TCP is even easier. Parameters are agreed upon in a chat room, ICQ, telephone or by e-mail with a meeting time set. Combat Mission will provide you with your IP address at the TCP connection screen. If you are using Windows you may use your Start menu to find your IP address also. Go to “Start”, “Run” then type “Winipcfg” this will provide you with your IP address.

    Once you enter the game the setup phase is in progress. A game-turn timer may be running (optional) if so the command “alt-p” will disable the timer if both players agree and use the command. I have found it is customary to disable the game turn timer during the setup phase if it is in use. After setup and go is pushed the game begins and runs just like a single player game. Be prepared for some difficult and tense moments, as playing vs. human can be very exciting!

    [This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-18-2001).]

  6. Hello Easy. I have played on two of the larger ladder sites, Grognards and Tournamenthouse. Both are well done sites and enjoyable.

    I stopped using Grognards (the URL escapes me, many here on the forum will have it if you ask) as the setup on the site felt a bit cumbersome to use. However the game play was lively and fun. Many enjoyable and tough opponents may be found there.

    I currently use Tournamenthouse. www.tournamenthouse.com The site is well designed and easy to use. Yobobo, the owner of the site is both helpful and friendly. The game play is very competitive and fun. Here I have found you need to use a bit of care when selecting your opponents to fit your playing style.

    www.rugged-defense.nl/ is another ladder site and many of the members of this forum may be found there.

    [This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-17-2001).]

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