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Posts posted by Pud

  1. Originally posted by OZ77:

    :confused: What are you talking about??? :confused: Maybe its your own opinion, but the fact that overwhelming majority of the CM community left CMBO and play ONLY CMBB.

    Barrett, you can get into CM chat room and you will see the confirmation of my words.

    My turn to do the :confused: thing. Most players posts I have seen over the years do reflect that the majority do find fighting with Brits/yanks/germans more interesting/appealing, and also that the terrain in the russian campaign is inherently duller compared to France (eg Russian steppes compared to French bocage country) not an opinion, merely an statement based on observation.
  2. CMBO certainly has some advantages over CMBB/CMAK, the third advantage :D being the setting. Normandy, for most, is far more interesting and a more balanced game (ie both sides have access to good infantry AT weapons, good AT guns etc).

    The terrain tends to be alot more interesting as well (have a look at the map "Bocage-country" to see what I mean)

  3. Well this is a very pleasant surprise, I came back to the CMBO forum this morning expecting to see the chook plucked for it feathers and the tar on the boil! It looks like the trolls that I and redwolf have experienced when trying to raise issues about the game dont frequent the CMBO forum anymore.

    This is a sweet start to my day :D

  4. I did buy CMBB, but due to some "features" (bugs?) :rolleyes: sold it, and continue to play CMBO.

    Some reasons?

    No arty Shockwaves.

    Suppression overdone (I had a single man fire his pistol 4 times panic a squad of 11 men (they were in C&C, no other incoming fire, no injuries, first encounter)

    Tanks refuse to shoot if turning under certain specific circumstances.

    Some like these "features", others dont, like me.

    The lack of shockwaves certainly accounts for alot of the missing "fun" IMHO.

    Please no pointless flaming.

  5. You really dont see what going on do you, ok I give up. Its sad that BFC has taken to ignore this bug hoping it will go away. Its sad that you have fail to add anything to this bug report.

    This bug may not have happened to you yet but it will.

    Thanks to those who have contributed to this threads discussion, Tom - even though we disagree you have shown once again to be a great contributor to these board. Badgerdog, some great historical info. JonS - well it goes without saying ;)

  6. Priest, his attitude is very provocative without adding a thing to this thread.

    Simple thing is A vehicles Ai generate rotate between moves should be treated like a player rotate. ie vehicle will pause to fire and continue on.

    He obviously has a problem with this even though it is logical way it should be handled. Defending a claim to a bug by attacking a players style of play is silly. The bug occurs regardless of style.

    [edit -BFC - bit hard to get their opinion/reasons for this with no comment from them smile.gif ]

    [ March 04, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  7. JonS, you are now just being foolish. You believe that a move forward (in which you can shoot) followed by another move forward which you can fire during, but the turn in between can not be interrupted regardless of any threat, target or reason.

    It is logical that the correct way this should be handled is equiv to the following

    move+rotate+move = move + player ordered rotate + move.

    bug yes, Poor orders no sorry you are wrong again.

    Please if you have nothing to add other than insulting someones game style please take it elsewhere.

    [edit typo]

    [ March 04, 2003, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  8. I think you have misread the problem that is occuring. The problem is not the movement command leading up to the rotate nor is it the movement command after the rotate, nor is it the rotate command itself (as given by the player). It is only the rotate command between movement. Once this rotate has started it will not be interrupted to llow the vehicle to fire, regardless of threat.

    With hunt, sure it will stop if a target is spotted during the hunt but if no target is engaged while the hunt command is in operation the tank will continue until its second waypoint is reached and the new movement commandis activated. If this requires a rotation to occur to allow this second order to be carried out, it is during thie rotation that the gun will not fire.

    Again, this bug is only during the rotation and only during rotation that is AI generated.

    This could be fixed if the rotation between movement commands acted like the player given rotate order.

  9. Originally posted by mchlstrt:

    I'm still not clear on which sets of orders produce which behavior,

    Any two movement commands that require the vehicle to change direction within the same turn will disable the main gun until that rotation is complete.

    [edit - by movement I mean Move, Reverse, Fast, Shoot and Scoot.

    I suspect it will also happen with Hunt so long as the rotation has commenced]

    [ March 04, 2003, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  10. It will very disappointing if this bug isnt fixed. For someone who loves a manoeuvrist game, with lots of moving and changing angles of attack, all that becomes a bit pointless as the current no "shooting gentleman, we're rotating" (wasnt that a war comedy film in the 60's ;) ) reduces combat movement to be as linear as possible as any change in direction between movement commands leaves your vehicle defenseless. The only safe way to change your angle of movement is to move linear with a rotate command in one turn and carry on again the following turn with the new directions movement, or risk getting caught with you guns down.

    As I havent heard back from Matt nor has any forum comment from Charles or Steve I have to assume there isnt going to be no fix. :(

  11. If it turns out to be a "feature" it certainly would be nice to have known it smile.gif . I just think the rotate between movement commands should be like the rotate command itself, ie if a valid target appears, vehicle will stop engage and then continue on with rotate and any plotted move (which has caused the rotation).

    This change wouldnt stop the reverse command being a "retreat" command as reverse is still best used if plotted directly backwards as a change in angle would delay the actual reverse (since vehicle would rotate), something you wouldnt want if you were retreating.

    [edit - Tom - your example of the rotate is exactly the sort of rotate that should occur bewteen moves, that is also what I would have expected to occur in my situation]

    [ February 28, 2003, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  12. Originally posted by JonS:

    But you know what? If you were to set up that _exact_ situation again, and run it through 20 or so repititions it probably would work (if only because the Marder was even slower to react). That is the beauty of this game. Dumb things sometimes work.


    If I ran the same turn orders but did anything except reverse which in turn made the hull rotate, I am sure it would have worked. Had I known that for some reason rotating hulls prevent any gun from firing I certainly never would not have put in any command that would cause any rotation.

    Be that as it may, BFC why? This does have implications to shoot and scoot.

    Cool, sure. :cool:

    [edit - FYI, im in contact with Matt, stay tuned.]

    [ February 28, 2003, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  13. Thanks Jim, you are right. It does tend to make shoot and scoot type of approach pointless if the scoot part is at a too great an angle, the scoot can effectivel cancel the shoot. It also means only ever approach front on, dont come at an agle and hope to turn onto an unsuspecting target, it wont work.

    Poke me in the eye and call me blind but I still find it hard to believe that a tank cant (not just badly but not at all) fire while rotating (only when stationary).

  14. Originally posted by JonS:

    you could have;

    a) hunted instead of fast moved, or

    B) used a less complex movement order (i.e., just the fast move bit, no reverse at the end), or

    c) used a more complex movement order (i.e., instead of coming across in a straight line, come across in an curve so that your frontal armour is more-or-less facing the enemy when you come into LOS), or

    d) used another vehicle or gun to take out the Marder, or

    e) ignore the Marder because it wasn't interferring with your tactical plan, or

    f) ... (insert other ideas here).

    BadgerDog and others have pointed out several times why this behaviour is realistic. Stamping your feet and repeatedly declaring it a bug doesn't make it so. If I were you, I wouldn't hold your breath until BFC changes this behaviour.

    a)I didnt want to hunt as there was infantry very near and I wanted to basically shoot and scoot.

    B) Complex move???? Sorry whats complex about Move forard and reverse??????

    c)curve, not possible because of trees and opposing infantry.

    d)another vehicle, if there was one that could do the job but why?? this would have worked had the gun not stopped working because of a simple rotate order.

    e) NA

    Badgerdog has given great examples but they are also with stabilised guns but not why it would be impossible, hard yes, to fire a gun rotating at 3mph.

    There no stamping at all, thats the cold internet thing happening again. I did object to my tactics questioned considering they are valid and only didnt work because of gun not firing because of hull rotation. I ask you, given my plan and had this hull rotating thing not become known would you have thought the plan would have worked? Im sure most would say yes.

    And please no high horse attitudes needed here, they achieve nothing. Bugs need to be explored and the situation discussed to ascertain if there is a bug. It doesnt help that BFC havent commented as to if this is a bug, deliberate coding to make side shots more effective, to stop game fast move attacks working, a residual code from turretless vehicles or whatever.

    [edit - typo]

    [ February 27, 2003, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  15. Tree mod Yeh its my super hires mod, available from all good mod databases.

    Tom. Yep a fast move certainly can shoot. The trees blocked my T34 LOS until very close to the end of the move. I fast moved because I wanted a side shot before he realised my T34 was there and rotated to meet it, just that the rotate command started thus preventing the shot from actually occuring.

    I agree firing on the move is hard, and should perhaps be made a little harder as it seems a little to easy to hit something, but to prohibit a gun firing just because a hull is rotating is still illogical.

    I still believe that it must be some coding restriction on turretless vehicles which is manifesting itself with turreted AFV's.

    BFC, still no comment?

  16. Since the question my tactics has come up, here is what happened. I knew the Marder/Wespe was there, spotted by some advance infantry in trees. He was firing at another target to my right (a mortar). i decided to fast drive to his right with covered arc command at him. The down fall of my plan is that in the few seconds it takes to actually fire at the marder my T34 began to rotate to reverse (since I wanted my sloped front at him).


    Being unaware that a rotating vehicle cant fire my plan was foolproof, so I thought. In the 20 seconds or so that it took for my T34 to stop & rotate he had turned his SP to face me and fired.

    Had I not rotated to reverse he would be dead, plain and simple. I died becuase of the bug, nothing to do with bad tactics. yes there is a tone here. Im willing to take defeat through stupidity or bad luck but not when there is an apparent problem with the game.

    You shouldnt impose a penalty to stop the gun firing when rotating just to make side shots on tigers more vunerable? Thats a bizare :confused:

    [ February 27, 2003, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

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