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Posts posted by Pud

  1. Personally I think there is no way to flush out a ATG. The only way to find a ATG is when the player allows it to fire at your armour. I find you do have to show your armour, have the ATG fire and hope it misses (good chance on first shot) or bounces (if good range/armour), bug out and pound it to death with mortar. If the ATG commander wants to keep it hidden waiting for your tanks to come into LOS there is really nought that you can do about it. I have in a (CMBO) game of mine kept a 17lber hidden for 24 turns, waiting for that Panther to come into view.

    PS another good post by Jason.

  2. All terrain (houses, roads, trees, treebases, water, grass, hedges, walls, etc) are all 100% usable.

    I would be surprised that if you couldnt at least use some vehicles, i have yet to try. I have read that the axis halftracks are useable. Many of the vehicles contain more bmp files that the same vehicle in CMBO which will decrease the chance of a clean conversion but may not prohibit you doing it.

    In 90% of cases the numbering will need to be redone to match the correct series. And MikeyD is totally correct, doing this can stuff up how it looks (eg end up with a truck bmp as grass etc) which is realy only fixed by a reinstall or restoration from a backup directory.

    I also have a feeling uniforms are "reasonably" convertible.

    I have taken alot of bmp's from CMBO and placed them in CMBB and they work fine, just takes work (either conversion CMBB <--> CMBO)

    CMBO --> CMBB? Winter terrain (ie BulgeMod), Panzertruppen's buildings and a few others.

  3. If you are unsure of a mod and theres no readme, just view one bmp from the mod and then compare it to the same number in your bmp directory, if its different (eg tree compared to house) then its not for your version.

    [edit -

    Of course most CMBO mods are fairly compatible with CMBB, Im presently converting all of Panzertruppens houses to CMBB as i prefer the darker, more subdued look of his houses than the bright ones from the CMBB CD. They are also less subject to the "twinkling effect". Just have to rename them to the approriate CMBB number sequence, so if you prefer a CMBO mod to CMBB file you can still use it, just back up your original files as doing this can easily stuff things up, i have stuff it a few times.]

    [ January 19, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  4. Checked my old turns, for three turns the crew unit crawled in open and then knelt in some grass My stationary KV2 when targeting it got 0% exposure (open and in grass) on all turns. Eventually the crew got up and wandered away chewing some grass between its teeth admiring the wildlife, happy in its invunerability to my KV.

  5. Heres what I see, remembering that its 3 times worse than this when moving. (Normal above, softened below).


    Its appears that the contrast between any white line (edges) or any white "dot" like a rivet, and its adjacent dark texture.

    No offence to the modder on this, as its a case of "its not you , its me". Your work is superb and keep it up.

    [edit - typo]

    [ January 14, 2003, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  6. Im beginning to think I have a bizarre system bug, most of the popular mods I download and view from "3" up, become very pixelated and twinkle like a christmas tree when I pan the camera around. If I edit the mod to "soften" it the mods look great from any camera angle. Anyone else having this?


    system specs - P3-1g, 512ram, Gforce3Ti

    monitor setting - 1024*768*32*85hz

  7. Mind you I still use the Hunt command (call me old school) as Im normally advancing to engage a known target. If you use the SeekHull-down command I cant help but think what if he moves more than I expect, eg down a hill, then it would be past that point where you will be hull down to and not actually be visible.

  8. Mine would have to be the ChurchillVIII. Its the only tank i have that survived a hit from a schrek ("internal paint flaking"). Its got the blast to clear away anything troop related (and lots of it), and C rounds that can take out nearly anything with armour. Mind you once the C rounds are gone its AT ability turns to crap, I remember slogging it out with a Pz4 100m away across a bridge with just HE. Lasted 3 turns before he got a gun hit me. I had to reverse out.

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