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Posts posted by Pud

  1. Originally posted by Brian:

    Its struck me fairly forcibly over the last few battles that I've fought that the TacAI has IMO a much too easy a time of sighting both AT guns and infantry AT teams.

    This is the reason I dont bother placing my ATG in narrow fields of fire etc, all you seem to be doing is restricting its ability to actually do anything, and then be forced to kill something because its "all I got to see"

    I place my ATG's in woods/trees that allow for maximum field of fire. Trick is dont use them! Wait for turn 20-30 (mainly when all FO's are empty) and every man and his dog has traversed infront of your guns FOF. This way your opponent will assume its safe ground and present side & rear shots etc of all his armour, especially his key armour pieces. Also once you get the reputation of having guns hiding until very late in the game, the other players will assume you have all sorts of things hidden around and be over cautious, even across "known" territory, whether you actually have any guns or not smile.gif

    [edit - PS this doesnt work on small maps but I like large maps that allow ALOT of manoeuvring]

    [ April 04, 2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  2. ....doesnt captains etc have a better chance of having higher bonuses than junior officers? You would think , in reality, that the more senior the officer ON AVERAGE that they would possess higher bonuses (especially moral or command). Ok Ive known officers in real life who have the persona and ability of a piece of roadkill, but Im taking average here. Should this be reflected in the game? I would also have thought that elite units (Fallschirmjager etc) would also have a better than average officer when compared to reg infantry. Thoughts?

  3. I was wondering does anyone have any good uses for the CO. I used to just leave him as spotter for a group of mortars. Im now beginning to use them in a more active role. Im finding that if I put them as a reserve unit for the role of replacing any killed LT on a front. If I have more than one CC I have them following the main "attack wave" 100+m behind so as to lend their bonuses to any broken unit that is left behind the "wave" or as a replacement, heaven forbid, if an LT cops it they assume the role as Platoon commander.

    I have thought about having them act as commander for a group of "Hitmen" of Piats and snipers and using their bonus to creep into a good position and left the team "snipe" away.

    Since their bonuses dont apply to guns etc is their any other good uses people have come up for them.

    [ April 03, 2002, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  4. Speak of the devil!! This is being compiled into a soon to be released cmmos ruleset and update for all roads and all train tracks. Stay tuned for an official release from Gordon at a forum near you!

    Includes this feature.

    [edit - I kant seam too spel good theese daise]

    [ March 30, 2002, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  5. Organise the platoons into V's each complete with piat (I normally only play Brits). Place mortars under the CO. Next check each Lt for his bonuses, and use this info for placement on the map. Place 1/3 of inf in a good reserve location that allows movement out of LOS to as much of my side of my map as possible. Find good possy for Co and his mortar entourage. After all inf placed, place Guns in appropriate location (depending on your Gun use doctrine). Last of all place armour.

    [ March 26, 2002, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  6. I love Jason's idea on ammo layout.

    I have put it to the guys I play with and its got a good reception. I have extended it to workout squad layout based on types of arms carried per man as I was a bit concerned about arguements as to what consitutes "mostly rifles"

    Use the following scoring

    Rifles 1.2

    LMG 1

    MP44/SMG 0.8

    Average the squads score as to 40 (ammo), so all rifles would have 48 ammo, all smg would have 32, everything else would be someplace between.

    I certainly hope this is fixed in CMBB as mentioned.

    [edited typo]

    [ March 25, 2002, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  7. Another suggestion (sorry if it has been discussed previously) is please can more varied unit portrates please be added to list. What im hoping is each "type of unit has its own. Now all Officers of a branch have the same image, sometimes all portraits of a whole branch are the same. So can Captains have one , Lt's have another, squads have another, gun crew another, etc. More the merrier. I dont think anyone would complain about having 2cd's to install from! This would also be a very minor change "Software" wise. Even if you cant get around to doing a seperate image for each at least have the software access a separate file, even if its a duplicate of another portrate thus allowing a mod to be done at some future stage.

    [ March 17, 2002, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  8. Im off topic here but...with all this talk of releasing CMBO in stores across the planet, little old Australia seems to be left off the list of "things to do". To purchase CMBO through the internet costs around $110au, every other game ever release costs around $70-90au, from retail shelves. Im sure this must have an effect on sales in australia. Ok I dont understand marketing, costs, publisher crap etc, but the bottom line is if the consumer sees it costs 30% more than any other game they will think twice before buying it.

    {edited typo}

    [ March 07, 2002, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  9. This certainly is a problem with CM, I always thought CC3 did a good job of unit pools, thus preventing masses of engineering units assaults (CC3). CMBB will hopefully have this fixed.

    The way we (myself and my friends) fixed it is to have purchase guidelines (see my website, link below). We have found they work very well and lead to balanced games, hence are more fun to play. Whether anyone else would want to play you given these purchse restriction is anyones guess.

  10. I am playing a battle with friend. I had 4 Companies of Rifle infantry (subject to exagguration to put the wind up him) in a small patch of woods, 50m or so away across open terrain he has 2 MG42's in a building trying to kill my guys.

    I bring up a Sherman tell it to aim at the building (to blow it up), it fires a couple of 75mm HE rounds into the house, then the AI takes over. The Sherman then aims at the open ground 10m infront of the house, between my guys and his MG42's.

    lays a few smoke rounds to block the MG42's shooting my men and then takes aim at the building again to continue to pound it with HE till it blows.

    Couple of points - AI knew to place smoke round in the best place and also to carry on with the blow building order instead of retargeting directly onto the MG themselves , which it could see.

    The level of the AI in this game still surprises me after a year of playing.

    Note I wanted the Sherman to target the building so as not to loose lockon (if/when mg's tried to hide), both Mg's died after building blew.

    [ March 05, 2002, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  11. Just letting anyone who's interested that I have made my Plain dirt road CMMOS compatible. I have also made available the ruleset for those who dont want to download MB's of files again and dont mind doing a bit of renaming of their existing bmp files.

    Any probs just drop me a email.

    For those unaware of it and may want to try it here is a preview. (Shameless plug really]


    [ February 09, 2002, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]

  12. We have the same thing here at work, the firewall has a listing of "inappropriate sites". Depending on your IT's setup, you may find the following works (it does for our firewall). Change the "proxy server" settings to be a "public proxy". This basically means their firewall thinks you are browsing this proxy site instead of the site you access through their proxy server.

    Here is a listing script for proxy servers, you may have to try a few.


    Trouble is theres a good chance your works firewall will stop you accessing this proxy server listing site as well. If so drop me an email and I will send you some settings to try.

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