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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Switch.com/pissed... Hahah! Ain't it the truth....
  2. As a stout Warhammer 40,000 player let me be the first to say: "WTF are you talking about! That's front armour value 14 buddy! With Eldar holo fields! Your measily las cannon is no use against this puppy." Followed shortly by: "Oh... It is rear armour value 10, opentopped vehicle, no fields... I QUIT!"
  3. I'll gut myself before you see me running OSX 1.2 That system is buggy, clunky, fatty, and can't handle RAVE. Why use it?
  4. I HATE OSX. The more I hear people glorifying it, the more I hate it. It's Windows. All the way through, it's Windows. All those stupid little, 'My pictures' 'My Apps' etc. IT SUCKS. The system is totaly hardwired, making any kind of usefull change is imposible. It's slow, it's buggy, its FAT. It chews huge amounts of ram so it can make the 'dock' look nice, and make the icons big. All this does is piss me off. It can't propperally allocate RAM, causing any graphics programs (which CHEW RAM) to freeze and carsh constantly. I can't run Bryce 5 and Phototshop 7 at the same time. I've never had this problem in OS9. Did I mention how much the 'Users' feature DRIVES ME NUTS? Having all these %$##*&^ passwords is hell for someone on a LAN. And the way OSX always defaults all of your files to the frigging 'Users' folder, I can never find anything! I have to sift through folder after folder, looking at ten versions of the same program, auto updating while crashing becuase there's no ram and not running the right version of some god forsaken program as I'm waiitng an hour for a program to start while Java is freezing... I CAN"T STAND IT. For example: I was using iMovie in clasic to make a little video, when BINGO, OSX took the liberty to autoupdate. The computer crashed and I lost my work. Another horror story is the way in OS9, I liked to keep all of my MP3s in one big folder, and then use the press a key and get the file scrolling function to retrive the file I needed. Well guess what? Firstly, OSX istalled TWO new copies of iTunes, and now asks me everytime I inadvertantly start up the wrong version, to fill out the 'setup form' Sound like WINDOWS? Secondly, OSX doesn't have a press key get word scroll function, so I can't do THAT any more. I could go on forever, but I'll just say this: OSX is fat, slow, and clunky. It can't run ****. It's Windows.
  5. Im not bashing the game, Its just a fact. Everyone talks about how horribly they are beaten by the AI... The AI has never beat me, or evern come close. BTW: one of those TCP/IP wins WAS as soviets.
  6. What planet are you guys on? CMSH: Combat Mission Schlewsig to Holstien. The Seven weeks war! YAH!
  7. Are you guys nuts? The AI is horrible! I've beet them every time! And I'm so far undefeated in four TCP/IPs... So what are you gusy talking about?? :confused:
  8. Those are.... Magua's and pazner's I think...
  9. BTW: Stalin's Organ, you never had to deal with Heir General MB! He started every thread with: Soldier, and even said Salute at the end...
  10. Wow, they look exactly the same! Who would have thought, you only had to pay an additional 500 dollars for that extra feature, and POW! There the same. And to think, I only spent some odd 100 dollars on my graphics card, and it looks JUST LIKE YERS. Whadda know! Man, I envy you. Wait, no, I hate you!
  11. Immitation is the greatest form of flatery.
  12. Marlow the Spineless: I've had enough of your piddling and hee, hawing! I'll be damed... oh, nevermind. Anyway: You daft half wit! Enoguh from your side of the table. As for Joe Shaw: Bah!
  13. Marlow: You are a pillock of the worst order. Go crawl back into your cave, and rid yourself of that pointless endevor you shamefuly call.. LIFE!
  14. Man, NOW you tell me... editing now...
  15. [NOSTALGIA ON] Soldier, Welcome to Lord General MB's 1rst Army! Salute! [NOSTALGIA OFF] Oh, those were the days... [ November 06, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]
  16. Man, oh, man. They will never learn. Or perhaps they will, in time. Remember, we were all also young once.
  17. The Maus... A waste of energy. Why include a vehicle that: a) Couldn't move becuase the turret weighed to much, and Was never built excpet for one prototype that never had a turret... Doesn't sound like fun to me.
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