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Posts posted by JoePrivate

  1. There are a lot of tips and tactics posted on the forum for the Germans in this scenario as it was played extensively by many before release. The main thing to keep in mind is your Stugs operate best from hull down ambush positions and can benefit from the help of the numerous Panzershreck teams. The ShermanW+ is tough from the front but weak on the flanks, try to work into a position where you can engage it there. Patience, as you probably know, is a key ingredient here.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Germanboy wrote:

    A: It's a conspiracy!

    B: No it isn't.

    A: Arrrghhh, you are also a part of it!!! They're everywhere. Everywhere!!!!™

    This is actually quite funny. But who knows, even paranoid people can have enemies...



    Lol, yes it is biggrin.gif

  3. I reread the thread in question swamp and am wondering what you are looking for? Here is Charles' response:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I made a fix to the LOS algorithms in one of the patches and might have introduced a bug with regards to the hull-down status. I'll check into it.


    It is being looked into, relax, there is no cover-up, really smile.gif

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Why is the goal maximum "reality?" Why can't the game include features that might enhance play simply because the tradeoff is deviation from strict realism ( space aliens not included )?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    A couple things here, it is a game first and last, talk of realistic this or that is just blowing hot air really. For some, including obviously the designers, what you are asking won't enhance gameplay at all but detract from it. The 'not knowing' makes for a better game for most people, think of it as an overall 'feel'. A lot of people want more FOW in various forms not less. You think otherwise, that's fine, and want something more exact. Since it is BTS's creation, are they under any obligation to cater to, or consider, this or any other 'want' someone has? I don't think so, to expect otherwise would be fanciful thinking. It is a credit to BTS that they do respond to so many ideas and suggestions from the gamers and still keep intact their 'Game'.

  5. I think the intent of the original poster has some merit. The AI while attacking has some shortcomings, it seems unable to plan, coordinate and execute even a reasonably coherent attack.

    While attacking I have observed the AI bunch all his infantry, FOs, support weapons etc in narrow avenues of approach and mill around, going forward and backward, for several turns, an obvious and easy target for artillery. Instances also when I have looked at the AI's forces and it has not kept the platoon's command structure intact at all. It doesn't seem to adhere to the principle of laying down suppressing fire before maneuvering. Personally I have yet to see the AI use HE in it's arty missions, I won't debate on whether that's a good thing or bad thing but at some point the suppressive effect of artillery HE should be used.

    Sometimes it will use it's armor to good effect. In the first battle of the Villers Bocage op I saw it try and flank the German right with two tanks and a HT. Many other times however I have seen it commit it's tanks piecemeal through the same ambush zone, again and again, or the same as the infantry mill around like it is unsure of exactly what to do.

    On defense or even meeting engagements, the AI is enjoyable and will penalize sloppy play, not a walkover by any means.

    I'm sure most of us have seen these things. I'm not a progammer so I can't say how much effort is required to code a better attacking AI for how much gain. I'm not even sure I expect it in CM but there is room for improvement and a discussion is a good way to start.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Am I anti-German? Good question. In some ways, yes.

    Yes, I'm anti-Nazi. What is wrong with that?

    So am I anti-German? As long as they stay on their side of the river, no.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And you demand decency?? Perhaps a long, hard look in the mirror(with your eyes closed) will reveal something for you.

  7. As an example of German soldiering philosophy, perhaps incomprehensible to our way of thinking, here is a quote from 'Steel Inferno' by a Leibstandarte Captain:

    "It was those defensive battles in Russia which I shall always remember for the sheer beauty of fighting, rather than the victorious advances. Many of us died horribly, some even as cowards, but for those who lived, even for a short period out there, it was well worth all the dreadful suffering and danger. After a time we reached a point where we were not concerned for ourselves or even for Germany, but lived entirely for the next clash, the next engagement with the enemy. There was a tremendous sense of 'being', an exhilarating feeling that every nerve in the body was alive to the fight."

    Contrast that with the sentiment of a typical Allied soldier. It's almost larger than life, yet vitally real for this man and the strangeness of it is strongly alluring to many.

  8. Charles and Steve, you have done an admirable job presenting and explaining your position, repeatedly. Even to a layman like me it is crystal clear, I congratulate you for taking the time and energy to do so. I too wonder why the people disputing your conclusions refuse to acknowledge your points. I see no reason to continue with this debate until they do.

    Helge, no matter how well you insinuate 'something is up' or believe in the art of blowing smoke, it is still smoke to the rest of us.

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