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Posts posted by JoePrivate

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>David wrote:

    The Run and Move commands imply that you want your unit to reach the given destination at all cost.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    AFAIK that is true for 'Run' only. 'Move' is meant more as a tactical advance to their destination I think, from what I have observed troops 'Moving' in the open are less exposed to enemy fire than 'Run' and will seek cover sooner.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The units never stopped, took cover or fired a single shot in response...until they completed their "Move" order...then, they of course open fire...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. With the 'Move' order troops will not stop to engage but continue with their orders unless incapacitated. 'Sneak' will tell your troops to stop and take cover. Troops with 'Move' will fire but not near as often as a stationary squad.

    Now you said the enemy was spotted already and you ordered your squads to advance towards it with 'Move'. They got chewed up as a result... You ordered your squads to advance on an unsuppressed enemy so what other result did you expect? That seems reasonable to me unless I'm missing something. confused.gif

  3. Mmm, what you're proposing would definitely alter the flow and pace of the game(slower) but I wonder if the overall results, however more realistically obtained, would be very different than it is at present? I agree with David that it is a thin line.

    I'm reminded of something somewhat related that's been nagging me since I started playing this game. That is, the almost telepathic degree of cooperation between the Tank and Infantry arms. In the game the player can immediately divert armor assets to any trouble spots to lend their fire support. Historically, the cooperation and coordination of the two was a problem and Doubler's 'Closing with the Enemy' talks of it in detail.

    Not to derail the original discussion but I question if there could be more limitations on this. Not sure how it could be done other than to further differentiate what the Armor 'sees' compared to the rest of the force and hence what it could fire on. In addition, maybe define a role, route also?, at the start for the Armor with an added command delay if it is altered. Perhaps I'm talking through my hat here but just more food for thought.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>IIRC, the reason BTS did not model the better German optics was mainly because how much better were they? 10%? 25%? more? less?

    Since they were unable to come up with any quantative figure they could use that could be backed up or verified, they decided not to make a guess and left it out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thanks, I understand what you are saying but what kind of bonus does the gyrostabilizer give while moving? 5%? 10%? Is there data to verify that? And from what I recall there was quite a debate over the inclusion of the nahverteidigungswaffe.

    I guess it may not be a going concern because the map sizes in CM restrict the ranges somewhat anyway.

  5. Interesting data, Ron. I would think a more experienced crew would bracket their shots faster, but aside from the higher initial hit percentage I don't know if that is modelled. Now if the gyrostabilizer and nahverteidigungswaffe are modelled in the game in some aspect, why isn't the difference in optics? As John points out the Germans had an optical advantage over 1000m.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTS wrote 05-23-2000:

    Doug is pretty much right on the money there. Both players do their Orders Phase at the same time. There will be an optional timer with different time settings. When both players have hit GO!, or have timed out, then the turn is crunched and the Action Phase begins.

    What we are not sure about yet is how to handle the playback in terms of time. There are two ways and we will see which one works the best in practice:

    1. Have a seperate timer for watching the playback. For example, a 1 minute timer would only allow you to watch the thing once through, 2 minutes two times or once through and another minute for replays. You get the idea.

    2. No special timer but it just chews up your turn timer. So if you are set up for 5 minute turns and you replay the movie 5 times, you won't have any time left to issue orders.

    The benefits and drawbacks of each should be pretty obvious. Personally, I think #1 is better simply because it avoids the potential "whhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa, I forgot and replayed too many times and now I don't have any orders. No fair! Start over" kind of problem

    We will most likely have a different Timer for the Setup Phase since this should require more time to do up right.


    If this is the way it is done, I think that would speed up play considerably.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ianc wrote:

    Here's where I'm lost. I've read many times in this and other threads that making this an automatic function will remove an element of player skill which is required to do this manually. I've read more than once that a 'skilled' or 'experienced' player can more easily spot and attain a hull down position.

    Can someone explain to me what skill is required here? It's not difficult (to me) to spot the position at all; in fact it's cake. The difficulty is maneuvering into it effectively. Since the graphics don't correspond exactly to the reality of the situation, I'd like to submit that taking up a hulldown position is nothing more than a hit or miss proposition; there is NO player-acquired skill or experience level that will make this easier to accomplish. The ONLY place where skill\experience might enter into it is in spotting the position to beging with. You either guess the right place to hunt to, or you don't; it's that simple.

    Automating it would remove this guesswork and allow the player to effectively employ the position that he's spotted.

    Or am I missing something?


    A simple suggestion, fire up the editor, make some suitable terrain, add a few vehicles and play around for awhile to check out LOS and positioning from whatever view you prefer.

    When I first played the Beta I thought the same thing about including a hulldown command. However after a few games it became quite easy to get my vehicles in that position on the first or second try, now after many games it is second nature. You are right, it isn't rocket science, just a bit of practice. Hope that helps.

  8. Before everyone gets carried away thinking crews are all Audie Murphys in the making, I'll relate a similar incident in a recent pbem. My opponent assaulted a squad of mine in a building with 2 crews and squad, the crews were leading. At first I was going to cry foul for this 'gaminess', I feared my squad would be distracted by the crews and get shot up by the enemy squad. However after the turn's resolution, both crews and the enemy squad lay dead at my squads feet. It lost 3 men from 10 initially. I didn't say anything though haven't played this opponent again.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>John Waters wrote:

    BTS's lack of takeing any public stance for whatever reason on this issue is a reason this topic keeps comeing back to haunt this board IMHO.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ah, but BTS has responded to the issue publicly. Read the Roster Vote thread where Jason has kindly provided links to past discussions. It is a dead horse that repeatedly gets brought up. Now the 'word' is it is something being looked into for CM2 so let's just enjoy the game now and leave this matter alone.

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