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Posts posted by JoePrivate

  1. Wow what a long read. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no one in favor of a general 'nationality modifier' has stated concretely what it is they want that CM doesn't already provide. The combination of troop quality, condition, fanatical and leadership bonuses has a huge impact on gameplay in CM though it may not always be apparent.

    IMO, the underlying current from some posters seems to be a disagreement with the choices made in unit quality by scenario designers. Since those choices don't fit in with their version of 'reality', ie X unit should be Green not Veteran, an arbitrary, fixed, national modifier is desired to circumvent this. I don't agree, I think BTS made a wise decision giving the players the tools and freedom to determine these things themselves.

  2. I would say that was a case of bad luck. Yes a few people have questioned gun accuracy, mostly from long range though. There are quite a few recent posts with BTS's input concerning this, specifically the one on the 88, if you care to read them. I have played CM a lot and I wouldn't say the 'anomalies', as you term them, are the rule or even the exception, just stuff happens. I don't think you will ever see a 100% hit probability so it is entirely possible your Sherman could keep on missing. Likely? No, but possible.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Henri wrote:

    I hope that this makes it clear that I am not endorsing PzIVs that can fly nor opposing programming vehicles that drive at realistic speeds; again I repeat that I am not opposing ANY programming changes whose purpose is to make the game more realistic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And that is exactly the change BTS is doing to rectify the unrealistic recon, isn't it?

  4. Slapdragon,

    Another observation after reading this thread, whether from prior experience or conditioning in your life you are way off base here with your (incomprehensible) talk of racism, crystals and tarot cards. You appear unable to view the discussion and participants in a clear or fresh manner, instead smothering it with your biases. If I may be permitted to offer a suggestion, it is to ask you to read and reflect upon the posts as they are and not as you wish. Your creative talents regarding tarot cards and the like may be better suited in the Cesspool.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Los wrote:

    SECOND: That being said, if the units are subject to "BORG like spotting" and perfect intel then how does this happen? Here you have two platoons, sort of on line, fighting an enemy to it's front. A unit from one platoon starts shooting at a unit from another platoon 100m distant. The tgt squad is ten meters from other squads that clearly see it's freindly. SO how is it with borg spotting that the entire German side doesn't have perfect intel that this is a friendly unit. What am I missing?

    Please help resolve this conundrum between absolute spotting/intelligence and how friendly fire incidents occur within CM. Eiher all the units know exactly what everyone else is seeing or they don't. Or is there a calc occuring during night battles that can make one firer drop out of absolute spotting? If it was absolute spotting and the squad was misidentified as enemy then many units would have fired at this one tgt, especialy those close by where it would have been a perceived high threat. (And this occured with a number a different friendly tgts during the same engagement.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just a stab in the dark, but I think you are on target with the last part of your statement. Myself, when I have witnessed friendly fire instances(4X?) it has always been one on one. If the friendly target had really been misidentified as an enemy then others would have engaged it as well, no? I think the friendly fire occurences have nothing to do with CM's spotting/intelligence routines at all and are more a special case scenario depending on circumstances, ie night. Has anyone seen an instance of friendly fire during the 'day'? I mean a squad purposely targetting/firing on a friendly?

  6. Yes I have seen and been subjected to air support in an operation. It is random whether the plane will even show up or not, it isn't like it is loitering over your battlefield waiting to engage. It is 'purchased' but there is no guarantee you'll ever see it. Perhaps just bad luck in your case, keep playing, I'm positive you'll see one.

    Edit: never mind, Madmatt added what I forgot.

    [This message has been edited by JoePrivate (edited 09-25-2000).]

  7. I may be behind the curve here as I haven't tried any user-made scenarios yet but from the scenarios on the CD my favorites would include:





    'All or Nothing' by KwazyDog - I'll probably never forget the first bridge crossing where I blitzed across under smoke cover with tanks and trucks loaded with infantry. Once across I watch the Humbar go down triggering a German ambush then the Crocodile stumble upon the rest of German platoon. The Germans fire a shreck and flamer at the Croc, missing, who reverses away but fires a flame burst itself which routs the Germans into my dismounting infantry. A potential disaster becomes a moment of sweet triumph smile.gif

    'Elsdorf' by WBW - I played the original and the much debated arrival of the Tigers actually saved my bacon as the US were just entering the village in force at that moment. The highlight though was seeing a MkIV score a side turret penetration of a Pershing at 600+m smile.gif

    'Singling Shootout' by Terry Simo - Nothing compares to hearing the lamentations of your opponent when the real ace in your hand turned out not to be the Panthers but a hulldown Stug who KO's seven Shermans, lol.

    'L'Elle Crossing' by Moon - Excellent infantry action and very difficult I found playing as the US.

    'South of Sword' by WBW - Excellent combined arms scenario I thought. I bitterly learned to associate my MkIVs with tin cans whenever they engaged the British Stuarts frown.gif

    'Carentan Operation' - Discovered artillery really is the King of the battlefield and the Germans have nowhere to hide! It can get quite large at some points but maneuvering and utilizing such a force seems to require a different mindset from scenarios, something which I enjoyed.

    'Chance Encounter' - I had to include it for old times sake, it got a lengthy workout with the Beta and Gold Demos and generated many fond pbem games smile.gif

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In each case, the JagdTiger did have orders to move after a delay - I wanted it to turn to fire, get off a shot or two, and then reverse away a bit to a new position.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This issue was brought up before and the answer given was when you give an AFV a pause order it stops all hull rotation during the delay. It isn't a problem with a tank as the turret can turn but obviously that isn't possible with an assault gun so it ends up sitting there doing nothing. It will fire however if the hull is pointed in the right direction initially.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>dNorwood wrote:

    But I wonder if this means that artillery doesn't hurt tanks (comparatively speaking) or merely that tanks don't usually stand still while they're getting pounded?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    No I think it means Germany was on her last legs defensively at that point in the war(March to May '45) and probably didn't have an abundance of artillery. There was an earlier thread which had German AFV damage caused by the Allies, I'll see if I can find it and repost.

  10. I also propose a rule of 20's, as well as a rule of Rifles, SMGs and Grenades. For the ultimate challenge, requiring the upmost honor, there is the rule of Pistols. Each player positions his crew at 10m facing away, then after counting to 15 they turn and fire at will with their sidearms. I'm sure this will blow away the CM crowd, the possibilities are endless. biggrin.gif

  11. That was very well done, thanks for letting us know. I especially liked Steve's definition of a 'grognard': smile.gif

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Someone who is a diehard wargamer and always finds something to complain about, in a very loud way, even if it is trivial to the extreme (and often ESPECIALLY if it is trivial!). The origins of the word date back to the Napoleonic invasion of Russia and applied to the tired veterans of that particular campaign.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Actually Los, this was a night mission. In snow. Visibility - 15-20 metres max."

    Ok hmmm...then how do we reconcile that tidbit of information with the first line of your story on your first post, that your tank id's a sherman at 300 yds and a MG crew at 200 yds? Or did night fall and the snow storm start after you gave the hunt command?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually this is Commissar's third version of his 'story' since yesterday. The truth is out there wink.gif

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Scott Clinton wrote:

    John Rainey:

    So, you think that it makes no difference if minefield location are know to the enemy too? Hmmm, if everybody thinks this is so then perhaps we can convince Charles to 'fix' CM so that all minefields are visible to all players all the time... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Scott, I think you are being just a little facetious here. Of course suprise is an important factor but as others have been saying area denial and/or channelling of enemy forces is just as important. You are simply looking at the possible vehicle KO an AT mine may get which a Daisy chain mine won't. The bigger picture is the defensive force and layout as a whole.

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't know, but perhaps when the TACAI is evaluating whether to use tungsten rounds or normal AP it is NOT taking the hull down aspect into consideration for this decision.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I agree, I had come to the same conclusion also.

    However with the tweaks suggested here for firing tungsten, it's deadly effectiveness against heavy German armor and the plentiful supply of it for Allied vehicles in most of the scenarios I have played, I am wondering if there is something wrong with this picture. Did the Allies have a large supply of Tungsten rounds or were they rare? If they were common and this effective in most cases, why was there a general fear(of being ineffective)expressed by Allied tankers when fighting heavy German armor?

  15. If the MkIV was hunting then it would have stopped upon spotting the Sherman. I have never seen or heard the hunt command not working. So you may have inadvertently given your tank 'Move' or 'Fast' orders, and the subsequent behaviour of the tank swinging the turret back front is normal while in motion again after losing contact, nothing wrong there.

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bottom line...the AI should decide whether or not it is safe for your team to be in the building for an entire minute when being hit by an opposing tank.

    Anybody else got some opinions on this?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It does already, if things get too hot(morale) then the squad will bugger out. As for 'an entire minute', well that isn't very long...you as the commander have the squad there for a reason, if the situation becomes untenable then it is your decision to take the necessary steps or not. The game would become an exercise in frustration if the AI starting doing as you suggest. My thoughts, 2 cents worth to you, priceless to me smile.gif

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