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Posts posted by Måkjager

  1. Well well well ..what have we got here.. smile.gif

    Mr Die Easy....all the Luchs ....Bi Green , Bi Brown , Tri colour stripes , Tri colour , Hard edge , Ambush , Mono Dark Yellow , and Winter White have been sent to MikeT ..who CMMOS'ed them..and they are now sitting at the CMHQ Vault waiting for Mr Spoon to "DO THE RIGHT THING" as soon as he catches his breath smile.gif

    Sorry for the delay..and i hope thay willl be hosted soon...and thanks for remembering them smile.gif



  2. Ah ha..so we are reduced to this Dear Friend...i have to SCOUR threads to see any signs of life....no mention of progress via our Secret Network after an initial Peek a Boo...and now i find i am at the bottom of a thread which reminds me of "The Mine's " ;)

    Great work Gordon...and too true...you do have to do the odd bit of Mod stuff to stop the seepage of all the knowledge down the drain.

    Icm1947 ...you shower of cave dewellers in CMBO have not been forgotten...if only i could access my .mac account i would have some new Luchs pixs for you ( ie if i could remember my pw ).

    Anyway... seeing Gordon flaunting his wares here this just proves that Old Modder's DONT die..they just rest a bit smile.gif


    WIP ( Måkjager ) ;P

    [ March 15, 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]

  3. In regards to the updated Tiger's ( early , mid and late ) ...the update is concerning the gun mantles 3d model. They were too small in their previous incarnation.

    The new 3d models covers the correct width of the turret front. When i asked Steve about it he was SHOCKED that nobody had pointed this out in a 15 page thread of "BFC..PLEASE FIX IT OR SOMFINK".

    THE reason why i had not started to convert my CMBO Tigers to CMBB...the way is all clear now :D

    As for the new mantle..it will just mean some small strectching of the bmp afaik.



  4. As a "scratch" Mod maker i can attest to the fact that making a texture from 'scratch" is EXTREMELY time consuming.For example my Tiger I mods in CMBO....9 months work :eek: from start to finish.

    I had the oppertunity to work with BFC in providing several textures for CMBB. I made the original green Csaba armoured car texture in a 23hr straight sitting session( cammo and colour tweeking by Gordon Molek ) with a few minutes time only to chow and pee . It damn well near killed me..but i made a deadline with only 10mins to spare!!!!!

    I have experience of fitting new textures to those candy coloured 3d vehicles and can attest that sometimes things do not work out.....requiring Steve to remap the 3d model / textures to better represent what is wanted to be seen where it should be seen.

    So imagine....BFC announce CMBB patch 1.02 is the last patch..all work is finished...afvs included are "non textured" and BFC has NOW moved on to their next project.

    Along come Mr Joe Modder with his paint app and begins work on vehicle X...and then finds that the mapping is incorrect in parts....can u imagine the lambating BFC would get for releasing "unfinished" work. So BFC have a choice...either delay their new project ( to howls of disproval ) ...or ignore their paying customers.....something which would not sit well with BFC. No win situation.

    These guys take pride in their work...and will do what ever is possible within the allowed timeframe that they are working under to insure that they give it their best shot.

    We ALL want to be the proud owners of the best and most inclusive WWII tac sim ever made..but unfortunatley pressures of the real world do have a habit of intruding.



  5. Just had a email confirmation from Apple myself that my 12" iBook ( 800mhz/ 32MB Radeon 7500 / 40GHD ) is on its way..same too with an extra 512MB RAM stick from OWC.

    The things i will do for ModSluts.....its just immoral ;)

    This wee baby will hopefully keep me from going LaLa when working nightshift from now on smile.gif as there is nothing worse than wandering around the factory floor when i KNOW i should be in front of my mac doing digital doodles :D



  6. Hey Mike...i think i got the same medacine spoon < crispy black lines ;)

    And now for a wee update....below is a pix of the Luchs ATMIT with a bi green cammo scheme and some weathering on the lower hull.

    Still some things to do..but getting there smile.gif

    web page



    ps..sorry for any pain Modsluts may be suffering, but i had to take a break as "burnout" was creeping up again. Alas..back in the saddle now tongue.gif

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