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Posts posted by Noba

  1. ......demand a Sacrifice.

    I claim Boo.

    And you can have him.

    ALL of him, and we don't give refunds.

    Not even exchanges.

    Although we might give some time to making sure you ACTUALLY take him.

    Apart from that, In fact, we don't give anything, anymore.


    p.s. We do give one thing, actually, now I come to think of it; and that is a reward for whomever removes Emrys from our sights. Permanently.

  2. Really? You've got a couple of HTs which might have differing opinions on that.

    And in that, they'd fit in with just about the rest of the whole freaking planet, you prancing pensioner.

    No. I told them that it was just your troops and they replied, "Eh? No worries, then"

    And now they are suffering for your incompetence. And the HT's just decided to wash the blood out of the back before they re-engage, nothing wrong with a tidy battlefield.


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