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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Will the following Aussie squires with Bigpond as their e-mail address please go down to the central office and give the SysOp a good rogering. AussieJeff Noba Your upsidedown internet server is worthless. Your turns will arrive when this small matter has been attended to.
  2. I found this in a news story on the Net. He wasn’t talking about us, was he?
  3. Looks like Australia has shut down again for the night. Err, make that just getting back from a liquid lunch. AJ, sober up and give the mail server a swift kick, it’s bouncing again.
  4. What is this? The "Play Nice With Others Challenge"? Send him something and if he doesn't like it, tell him too damn bad. Sound Off, laddie. {bloody limp-wristed SSN's...can't do anything}
  5. It was terrible. I can deal with the M18 driven by Mario Andretti. And the M8HMC's are to be expected. But what kind of man brings recoiless rifles to a ME? With a city map? And parks them on the very back edge of the map? Now you know. Oh, I'll have my revenge. I just sent Berli's latest off. "Rees-am-Rhein" Now your going to have to slog through it, Agua. No blowing up all the buildings this time. Heck, half of them are already on fire. Mwuahahahaha...
  6. Noba, fix your dang ISP. and I quote, and AussieJeff, one for you. and then let me know when it's working. {Sheesh, antipodeans, can't do anything with them...}
  7. Try the tech forum and post a few details of what interrupts CM. I haven't had any problems.
  8. Massed tanks hitting them in the flank.
  9. I was young. Besides, they mix four different kinds of clear liquor for that extra-special hangover. What’s not to like?
  10. Ha! Wuss! I had four impacted wisdom teeth taken out without being put under! I recommend the experience to all who are currently beating me. {Note to Self: Do not drink an excessive amount of Long Islands the night before oral surgery}
  11. Mrspkr, Nice of you to finally send a turn. I would like to send you one back and treat you with the contempt you deserve for taking the bar but your e-mail address bounces. Please fix or do somfink.
  12. While I wait and see if these settings work on the fecking printer (and Croda, you’re not even in the ballpark, as usual), a short weekend Game Update: Berli: Is complaining that he has the complete U.S. inventory on his side. I have the dandruff & scabies company. This one is so over. Iskander: Off to China. Agua Perdido: Can’t even kill a immobilized Hetzer. He’s winning . OGSF: I’m defending against the Assault. I have one tank. So, of course, he’s losing. Noba: Doesn’t like 155 VT. He’s losing. AussieJeff: The fun is just about to start. He’s almost across the Bloody Causeway. Time to let loose. MrSpkr: No files. CMplayer Send a turn. Hanns: Unplug the power supply from your “toys”, fix the computer, and send a turn. Sock Monkey: Has lost a Stug. To early to tell, so I'm winning. Dammit, didn’t work, worked fine in AutoCad R14, I hate feckin software “upgrades”…
  13. You people make me want to puke, nothing new in that of course, but I'm talking some serious heaving in this case. Everyone seems to be concentrating on the obvious, i.e. and to wit Am I the man or what?. In point of fact, you have far greater opportunites with the upgrading section but NO ONE HAS TOUCHED IT! Here, these are for free: "Gee Joe, I didn't know you needed a keyboard with a Gameboy!" OR "I'm glad you were able to find a new keyboard for your Trash 80 at Radio Shack." OR "Perhaps your NEXT big purchase will be a mouse pad ... please keep us informed." Bah! The CessPool ain't what it used to be. Joe</font>
  14. It’s Lutsen, pillock. And if you want a long LOS, try western Minnesota.
  15. I always heard the Law was an ass. Looks like a match made in heaven. {but won't Seanachai feel jilted?}
  16. Damn You!!! I almost snorted my Bourbon out my nose. As if CM would run on my work computer. It has trouble keeping up with solitare.
  17. Much better. See, I knew you could do it. Didn't even have to work blue. Your doom will be winging its way towards you as soon as I can be reasonable bothered. BTW, Brainerd is for the tourists, so you just keep on going there.
  18. No sign of a taunt. No sign of a pair. Did pick someone specific. Grade = FAIL.
  19. All part of the cunning plan. Now listen up, you chambermaid’s wringings from a village of incontinent burrito eaters. I’m at work. So you’ll just have to wait. Bwahahaha…
  20. Nope, nope, this won't do. And you were actually showing a little promise. Read the rules again, idjit. and BTW, more class, less crass.
  21. Lard, you are on the right track, but you fail to take into account that Aquaman is playing as the Germans. Everyone knows that all German guns were pulled by horse teams. Therefore, use of any transports except a horse team is Gamey. Since horses are not available in CM, any use of transports to pull guns is gamey. Also, since it is gamey to use guns without transports, any use of guns by the Germans is gamey. So, while your reasons are wrong and again demonstrate that you are cretinous mouthbreathing git, your conclusion that Agua is a no account, cheating-ass gamey bastich is right on the money.</font>
  22. Hah! See, he admits that he took advantage of the game code. Now Agua, everybody knows that in order for a Gun purchase not to be considered gamey, you have to buy a Truck. And furthermore, you have to leave said Truck right next to the Gun (to provide an additional target for your opponent) or retreat it off the map (no doubt to get another gamey gun). A truck, not a halftrack. Truck = non-gamey (cuz it's worthless). Halftrack = gamey (cuz it has a machinegun and is yours). You can’t take transport and go galavanting around shooting up enemy troops. What would the Quartermaster Corp have to say about that? Its not in the contract, that’s what. You’re taking away some other poor sod’s job. I insist that you cease and desist immediately. [grumble]multipurpose my arse… gamey, gamey, gamey… cuz it’s working… [/grumble]
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