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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. No need for an assault, he could have just starved them out.
  2. Gamey Game Update! Despite having the Luftewaffe and his beck and call {German Air Support? Who ever heard of such a thing?}, Despite having every armored vehicle in the inventory {I had Ronsons, oh yeah, and M8’s}, Despite large amounts of heavy artillery {I had none, nope, nada, null, zilch, zero}, Despite massed hordes of SS and infantry galore {OK, I got a few}, Axis Attacker 810 casualties (181 KIA) 161 captured 2 mortars destroyed 61 vehicles knocked out 12 men OK. Score - 35 Allies 389 casualties (88 KIA) 11 mortars destroyed 14 guns destroyed 20 vehicles knocked out 501 men OK. Score - 65 The goose-stepping forces of Aussie Jeff have really stepped in it this time. Didn't even take a flag. Oh, the shame...
  3. Somebody ask AJ how he feels about one lonely little buttoned up and shocked M8. Hee hee.
  4. Would be kinda tough, don't ya think? He's the only one with God's Boot up his backside for proof of existence.
  5. I think Seanachai would plug the little bugger too. Err, perhaps I should rephrase that...
  6. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! HA HA HA HA!!! Hee hee hee hee.... whew....
  7. Whatever strikes your fancy, your lizardness. Just make sure it's amusing for both of us. None of this ten thousand geckos versus one fly type of battles. Nothing in the huge range either as it bogs down my poor little machine and modem.
  8. Perhaps "Second Semi-Irregular {see your doctor} CessPool Pissing Match & Fecal Throwing Contest" would be a better title Shaw?.
  9. Feeling anemic, eh? Weak Challenge noted and accepted. It's been a long time since I've shot a lizard. Don't get much call for that round these parts. I do miss that sound they make as they ping off the rocks. Make sure there are rocks. Lots of rocks. And I have a big gun. A really big gun. Send the setup. And some beer. Lots of beer.
  10. And the Shavian House {Welcome to my shop, let me cut your crop, daintily...} takes a early commanding lead.
  11. Oh very good my Liege. In the best traditions of the Pool as the actual game does not matter. I apologize for doubting you. Can't be too careful these days you know. I will defend the Shavian House (we have to do something about that name, sounds like a barber shop) against the limpwristed gits of House Persiflage. and not just the limpwristed gits, the Head Limpwristed Git. That's right dalem, I'm calling you out. You will see a setup in your mailbox in the morning. We are going to have the Battle of the Hangovers. I will win, of course.
  12. I learned everything I know about prosecutorial zeal at your feet, My Leige. It is our duty to remain eternally vigilant (if not vigilantes) in the House Shavian (I never liked that name, it reminds me I need to shave) against all forms of the Outerboards creeping in. Indeed, we must be as Caesar's Wife and be beyond reproach. The Pool can only be corrupted from within. No need to tell you Shaw, about the dangers of a Fifth Column. I await your explanation.
  13. "The use of unnecessary force has been approved". A coup in the House Shavian might have to be undertaken {nice try at guilt by association, BTW, the old tricks never die, do they?}. Your explanation of this so-called "Battle of the Houses" had better be good My Liege.
  14. Ah, that was fun. A good night of a great booze up. Didn't even get beaten by the cops when they showed up. Bet you're all sorry about that. Turns out tomorrow as I intend to do the same tonight.
  15. Did Chris get a different demo/Beta than the rest of us? The review states he played the Poland campaign. But all the screen shots are of France. BTW Chris, judging by the screenshots, you might have enjoyed it more if you weren't getting your head handed to you!
  16. You may not be hearing from Shaw right away. I could have sworn I saw him on the news last night. He was being led off by the police for flashing an airport screener. I think his exact words were to drop trou, bend over and say "You better search this!" My Liege makes me proud again to be under his tutelage. Maybe Seanachai should try it on a border guard. [ July 11, 2002, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  17. Oh no you won't!!! I'll be keeping a very close eye on this one. {Lars slowly backs away}
  18. MrSpkr is a *&$* @*<% &%^$!!!!, the French are &%^# &^@@&!!, and rune is not placing high on my list either.
  19. Because it's the demo and not the full game
  20. OGSF is a complete and utter gamey bastard (but you knew that already). He buys a uberkitty, parks it in the far back corner, and proceeds to lay waste to any tank that dared poke its nose out. Then the uberkitty hiding in the other corner piles in to knock down any building worth hiding in. The two armored cars were, in comparison, just annoying. If he didn't suck so bad with infantry tactics he could have had a total victory in this one. Chalk up a defeat, O Lorak!
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