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Posts posted by jpinard

  1. It was just incredible. Like something you'd see in a movie. I wish there was a way I could have recorded the clip so others could have viewd it. This was definatley a once in a long-shot thing that happened.

    The physics that are modeled in this game are amazing. Seeing the truck continue for another 5 seconds in an arc (as if the guy had slumped to one side turning the steering wheel with his slumped over body motion). Just an incredible view.

  2. OK, I created a huge operation in which the Germans are on the offensive against the Americans. The American forces are extremely dug in and have an abundance of machine gunners and other infantry.

    See where this is going?

    OK, I"m having trouble (as the Germans) trying to get my forces into a patch of woods to gain a little territory. SO I pile 2 squads into a truck (or halftrack, I cannot remember) and set it to "fast move" to hopefully get those troops past the American fireline.

    I'm watching my turn, and the truck is slowing speeding up... Too slow for my taste, but it takes time. I start to breathe a sigh of relief as the truck is now moving at full speed. SO there it is finally gaining ground... 20% there, 40% there... 60% there... Suddenly an American sharpshooter comes into view backed by a machine gunner...

    Can my team make it to the safety of the woods in time?

    One shot rings out from the sharpshooter, and I see the DRIVER of the truck has been nailed in the head... with a single bullet. The truck curves out of control and makes a 140 degree turn away from their destination - no is driving. Everyone piles out of the driverless truck, and in 5 minutes have been mowed to bits by the machinegunners.

    Now if only I could use my sharpshooters to such efficiency!

  3. Arrgghh! OK, now I go to your site 10x a day looking for that big update that was sure to hit this weekend....

    I know, I know, I am being whiny. But you've done great work in the past, so don't keep teasing us. It's not nice! Geez, can you hear the whining in my voice yet?! Good! Now release MDBAU2 so we can play with it - and then we can tell you and Kwazydog what good work you do. OK?!

  4. Who's Mr. Peng? Does he hate smily faces? :)

    I've just seen several snide posts, especially one where a newbie posted a question, and he got trounced and screamed at because the quesiton had been answered several weeks ago. To make this community grow, the veterans that have been around need to have more patience with newbies. Oh well. That's why I made the comment about hostile people...

  5. I am trying to make a German Assault based on a fictional state of Germany:

    Germany supply problems have been resolved, ans they are now on the offensive taking on American and British positions.

    The Operation will be very large, with the max number of battles. My first ceation of this came out pretty bad. In the first battle I wiped out the Allies (controlled by the AI) as I atacked them (they were piled up at the back of the map). Anyone have some hints or tips on what I can do to make a better operation, or ideas on what I may have done wrong?


  6. I wanted to create a massive Operation that involved the Germans making a huge Assault against the American & British armies.

    For some reason though, the first battle, the Americans (computer AI) scrunched all their units into a tiny corner of the map, and I easily wiped them out once I located them. It looked like they were an Assault force...

    Are operations for Allied Assaults only?

    Any help of what is going on would be very appreciated.

    Also there were no German Engineers available. So where I wanted to have the Americans loaded with anti-tank mines and barbed wire, the Germans would then have no Engineers to counter them with. Help!

  7. Why would this be a joke? If you had an incredible victory and took out over 300 infantry troops, and then removed them from the field (or continued to have no decent OOF BMP's - Guess it wouldn't look like you accomplished much huh? Anyways this is about realism, and on the battlefield, and following a battle there is blood.

    Geez, if there are different .bmp files for dead chracters I'll just add a splash of red to them myself.

    There sure are a lot of angry people on this board.

  8. Geez a lot of angry people here.

    Mad Matt teased about Big Ass Update #2, then went back after making us all salivate, and said, well we're not going to release it quite yet...

    So I feel as if don't want to play the game until at least that update comes out, as I'll feel I'm missing something if I play in the interum. If both parties had not hinted at "forthcoming" releases I would not have posted such a message.

  9. I wanted to create a massive Operation that involved the Germans making a huge Assault against the American & British armies. Basically it would be forces of equal strengths on a very large operation map, and the battles were on small/medium sized battlefields (No units were placed ahead of time in the design by me).

    For some reason though, the first battle, the Americans (computer AI) scrunched all their units into a tiny corner of the map, and I easily wiped them out once I located them. It looked like they were an Assault force...

    Are operations for Allied Assaults only?

    Any help of what is going on would be very appreciated.

  10. I wanted to create a massive Operation that involved the Germans making a huge Assault against the American & British armies.

    For some reason though, the first battle, the Americans (computer AI) scrunched all their units into a tiny corner of the map, and I easily wiped them out once I located them. It looked like they were an Assault force...

    Are operations for Allied Assaults only?

    Any help of what is going on would be very appreciated.

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