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Everything posted by Vyper

  1. Iggi, I just hooked up to a new ISP and for some reason can't send you e-mails (vyper@adelphia.com). It works to other addresses but not yours. I don't have time to work the problem since I'm heading to Saudi Arabia tomorrow and will be gone until mid October. I'll keep working it when I get back. In the meantime, I reported it as your win on the Ladder site. You were just mopping up and I didn't have any tricks up my sleeve (except those four King Tigers but I doubt if they'd have made a difference If you're willing we'll start another when I get back. I wouldn't mind playing our current game to it's bloody conclusion so I can keep learning as I go. Take care and see you in a month, Vyper
  2. Runyan, Are you sure? When I spoke with them they were very keen on the Punic Wars. It's working title is Carthago, The War Of Elephants and Figs. They did say that the Eastern Front was a fairly boring and static era so decided to bypass it in favor of a period with more of a broad base appeal.
  3. You are incorrect, organic one. We released seven of nine (79) as in inferior (albeit still very good) model. We elected to keep the six of nine (69!) series as our final production unit.
  4. And by all accounts, the crews that took the Chaffee into combat loved it. I've never come across a negative comment about the M24. Anyone else have varying information?
  5. Interesting stuff. So we may well have to see much longer contact ranges in CM2 to accurately reflect the historical information. I can see that if the current 2,500 metre max visual range is kept, the German long range systems will be at a decided disadvantage. A good friend of mine is an M1 Battalion commander. He says the optics on the newest M1's will give hit capability out to 10 kilometres. Now that is impressive. Of course, these types of ranges would only be likely in a desert landscape and achieving a hit would be highly dependent on environmentals. On a calm night though, look out.
  6. I think you are right Andre. I'm assuming that the 'to hit' calculation is based on gun ballistics and not optics.
  7. I've read a few accounts that claim kills at over 3,000 metres. I don't know if anyone has ever actually paced or measured the distance but these range of kills can't be duplicated in CM due to spotting distance cutoff. Will CM2 extend the spotting range to reproduce the occasional very long range duels on the Russian steppes? I'm not too concerned if it doesn't, the present setup covers the vast majority of tactical situations with aplomb. Is the 90mm a better war weapon than the long German 75? My only point of reference is an anecdotal statement from an M36 crewman who said the gun was a big improvement over the U.S. 76 but not quite a German 75. There wasn't any scientific analysis in this statement so he may be well intentioned but incorrect in his assertion. BTW, I ran the test again with Elite crewmen. The two Tigers were decimated immediately by a couple of Pershings. The Panthers refused the engagement and backed off the fire line. The mighty Jagdtiger again was the only weapon to defeat the Pershing's steel. The chance of hitting was quite a bit higher than previous with a first round chance at nearly 10% for the German vehicles and 7 to 8% for the Pershings (5-6% for the 76mm). This did show the optical advantage (I think) of the German vehicles better than the regular crew demonstration did. This program is nothing less than revolutionary. BTS has absolutely redefined wargaming.
  8. After reading several good books about various bits of armour, I decided to run a little test and see what the maximum range of these steel monsters are. Visual: No visuals on enemy tanks occurred outside of approximately 2,500 metres. The Mark IV and Jagdpanzer IV weren't picked up until one or two minutes after their larger brethren made their presence known. Hit Capability: As would be expected, the higher the muzzle velocity (and to a smaller extend the quality of optics) the better the chance to hit. The Jagdtiger and Panther had the best first round chance (5 to 6% depending on targets profile). The King Tiger came next then the Tiger and M26. The Mark IV's and 75mm Shermans brought up the tail end with 2 to 3% chance. The chance for follow on rounds striking was typically about three times the chance of the first round (21% for the Jagdtiger at 2,450 meters). Chance to Kill: Again, no surprised, the Jagdtiger totally won this one with the Panther a distant second. The M26 wasn't too far behind then the Tiger. I was just a touch surprised that the M26 did as well as it did. The 90mm wasn't a bad cannon but it still didn't match the long 75 (from what I've read anyway) and the German optics have always been regarded as 1st class. I may run the test again with elite crews this time to see how they differ. Oh, BTW the final result was 12 allied tanks destroyed and 9 Germans. All of the Mark IV's lit up as well as two Tigers and three Jagdpanther IV's. The Jumbo Shermans literally laughed at all attempts to penetrate their frontal armour (but I'll admit the Jagdtigers used most of their AP on the M-26's).
  9. Wow, I must be playing too much CM. I saw a new Ford F-150 on the way home and thought "Man, that looks just like a Jagdpanther". I shook my head and continued the journey toward Lake Champlain when another vehicle caught my eye. It was a shiny brand new Volkwagon Jetta and my mind flashed on the image of a Hetzer hiding in a treeline. I pulled off the road to ensure the safety of the general public when suddenly I realized that it wasn't my imagination at all. The auto industry had finally realized the aerodynamic advances that had been incorporated into late war German fighting vehicles and was racing to capitalize on these svelte designs. I continued on my merry way and all was fine until that damn Volkgrenadier platoon came out of nowhere on bicycles. Sheesh, the rest of the world seems to be slipping a cog.
  10. I'm also interested in trying PBEM. I've got lots of bad habits from playing the AI so will probably not be much of a threat until I start learning the real nuances. If you are into 'trouncing and denouncing' I'm not interested. I'd rather make one or two friends that I enjoy both winning against and losing to. E-mail me at vipervt@together.net.
  11. Ahhhhh, thanks much. I think I'll let the six year old kid in me run rampant and build a devil's cauldron. ------------------ Vyper 134th FS
  12. I've run a search and seen that many of you have created games with the 14" naval guns. When I go into creating a game and select Artillery there is no listing of these beasts. I'm missing something obvious and if it were a snake I'd be dead. Can someone turn on the lightbulb as to where I can select the big toys? Thanks a bunch. ------------------ Vyper 134th FS
  13. I've been playing a bunch of meeting engagements against the AI. I'll set up a random map then build forces to identical point totals. After that, I'll play the scenario twice, once from each side and compare the differences. What I've found so far is that for the same point total my German forces seem to be 20 to 30 percent better. My average victory with the Germans is in the 80 to 90 range and my American scores run in the 60's to 80's. I also vary who I play first to take battlefield familiarity out of the equation. I'm curious as to whether this was a deliberate design decision to account for the credible statements that 100 experienced German troops were worth 130 to 140 Americans? This statement was made by an American assessment soon after D-Day. Quite obviously, as the Americans gained experience and the experience mix in the German units changed through attrition, this number would no longer be valid. By late war I could easily see the now battle hardened 101st being more valuable than quite a few Volksturm. Additionally, I'd consider myself to be below average in playing the game but regularly trounce the AI. Where I make money against the AI is in use of artillery. The AI seems to use a shotgun approach which causes a few casualties but then lifts and shifts before real morale problems occur. I'll find a good target and blitz it. This often changes the complexion of the battle in the early turns. I've even caused two Panthers to bail from a 155 barrage which really helped since I only had a handful of Stuarts. Has anyone seen anything along the same lines? I know that against many human opponents my artillery tactics wouldn't be nearly as effective. I would assume they would shift forces to prevent a lucrative target from being easily engaged and in turn would pummel any of my concentrations if I wasn't smart on deployment. ------------------ Vyper 134th FS
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