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Bruno Weiss

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Posts posted by Bruno Weiss

  1. I'll put my two cents in here. Warfare, battles, campaigns, and most all combat engagements of any period in history, mechanized or not, have had an element of luck which on many occasions decided the conflict. Whether it was Napoleon and Hitler picking the worst winters on record to invade a country (X) many times the landmass size of their own (something in itself to ponder in the statement "luck is of your own making"), or whether we're talking about the success of the Trojan Horse. Was that luck, or was that skill?

    Ah, the ole "Them Steelers didn't win, they was lucky!" Goes hand in hand with "We was robbed!"

    Any good NFL coach will tell you, the bad call on the last play with no time left on the clock was not a result of bad luck, it was a result of the losing team, losing for the entire game and not just losing on the final call. Such a coach will then usually analyze their loss by pointing out they didn't block enough, they were not able to capitalize on the opponents mistakes, they made too many penalties of their own, and had they not played at such a low level, then they would not then have put themselves in a position to be at the mercy of that "bad" call. Which I think goes directly to what Steve is saying.

    [ January 09, 2003, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  2. It was against humans. But I would say in many cases with fire directed by the AI. In the case of firing from behind and around the corner of a wreck, those were situations where incoming fire was being directed at the unit behind the wreck, but was deflected off the wreck instead.

    Hat Trick wrote:

    Perhaps this can be incorporated into the next engine, even if the effect moving vehicles cannot.

    Not unless Charles has changed his mind about it since way back when. As to whether or not it is a significant rewrite, or can be done over coffee you'd have to take up with him. I only remember what was said. Which was "no". Don't know about the big engine rewrite however, don't think they've said anything on this for a while.

    [ January 09, 2003, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  3. Well, there is something to be said about bridges being blocked by wrecks, but okay then what about the problem of "how" exactly a vehicle (tank), falls off a bridge. Would it always fall off like a cat and land on its treads? Or is the AI supposed to calculate the gravitational and geometric forces involved that cause an object to rotate in mid-air while falling to occur, and then subsequently determine at what precise angle the object will then hit the ground? Assuming it lands like a wet buffalo chip with a splat and doesn't roll, which to simulate such a roll would take even more AI calculations.

    Big difference for the AI processing. And when is the last time anyone has seen the AI allow a vehicle to flip over?

    Always landing on the treads and being knocked out would I should think, be only slightly less gamey than it always landing on its treads and being okay. Even that much would probably require some hard coding. The insurmountable BTS block to kiddome fantasys. (You'll shoot yer eye out kid!).

    [ January 09, 2003, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  4. Now they ain't supposed to, and infact you can trace a LOS through wrecks. (This goes back to CMBO). All has to do with as was stated dynamic LOS calculations by the CPU, which as was stated long ago I think by Charles, you'd need a Cray to accurately do that, or some such.

    BUT, remembering back to the first discussion/debate that took place over this with CMBO, and incidents on the field that have happened since. Once in a while, an infantry type hidden underneath a wreck, or behind it and peeking around the corner, (in my experiences), does indeed receive some sort of benefit. To what degree exactly I cannot say. But, I have seen instances of units hidden under wrecks that the enemy units have a very difficult time of seeing, and I've seen units firing around the corner of a wreck where small arms incoming fire is deflected by the wreck.

    Now, there are a bunch of folks who deny that with vigor, and they have the word of BTS on their side. But, I've seen with me own eyes those incidents happen. Just one ole soldiers viewpoint.

    [ January 09, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  5. I think the rationale would probably go something like; "well, tanks are not supposed to fall off bridges, therefore besides the fact that they can, to model the end result would be outside the scope of CM, because their not supposed to fall off bridges in the first place." Therefore, for those with high hopes of seeing something akin to Gomez' train wrecks, the most likely thing that would happen, if anything at all happens, would be that the first rule of the most simplistic fix would apply. Ergo, BTS would simply fix it so that tanks do not fall of bridges. Ya think.

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