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Bruno Weiss

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Posts posted by Bruno Weiss

  1. Well I feel the same. There is some flaming, and some cursing, but for an open forum it is rather well self regulated. Which, I've put in my two cents worth in other threads. CMBO has managed to attract both ole timers from the SL-ASL/AHIKS days along with the puter wize kids born with a laptop in hand, and the result is a rather refreshing community. BTS certainly deserves the kudo's it is getting. "Once in a while", or "on rare occasion" are the lead-in's you read, and BTS's CMBO is that "once in a while, rare occasion you read about. They hit a home run right outa the park, and the community that is now springing up around this game contains I believe, the best of the crowd. smile.gif


    "Mer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

    Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

  2. Don't know Clark, but "Ah feel yer pain". I use a Pentium III, 733 coppermine on a Tyan Trinity 400 mb, 256 megs RAM with a Voodoo5 5500 and a 2XFSAA setting. I certainly have no complaints about CMBO's graphics, to me their beautiful. At level 1 zoom, I feel like I'm there, and that is what it is all about aye? The first look I had at CMBO was a night scenario and I was walking through a woods in the zoom level 1 behind the guy, and suddenly tracers come ripping through the night, guys in my squad were hit, screaming, everyone hit the ground for cover, couldn't even raise your head. Now, I gotta say, the realism don't get much better than that. Could graphics be better? Maybe, and probably eventually will. But I sure don't have any complaints. smile.gif


    "Mer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

    Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

  3. JOHN! Hey man, how the devil are ya? Ain't seen you since we was working on the SP scenarios... Hey, get in touch. Maybe we could do a PBEM. I lost track of ya with a new system I put in.

    Oh, yeah, I agree with your post. You know, a damn here or hell there isn't a problem, but the more vivid descriptives are a violation of the BTS rules, and do nothing to contribute to the authors intent. BTS has come up with the wargame of the century (thus far, it ain't over yet), and so far it has attracted the cream of the crop of the wargame crowd. Even bringing in the old SL-ASL devoted board game folks, and a number of old AHIKS gamers from way back. I believe it benefits us all, to maintain a rather high level of self enforced standards to ensure compatibility between those of the old school and those of the newer generations who had computers in their laps before losing their virginity. smile.gif


    "Mer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"[p]


  4. Ah alas, we find that our technological desires have outdistanced abilities. The AI as it were, any AI for that matter, cannot think in the abstract. In the scenario situation described above, the player was absolutely correct, and so was his tank AI, the difference being, the player could think in the abstract, the tank AI could not. When the tank received the "hunt" command, it did not "know" that the Sherman was there, it only knew it had a confirmed hostile contact, the machine gun and it then set about to do exactly what it was told to do, engage the enemy. The player ofcourse, "knew" the Sherman was there, and didn't have anywhere to go and that the tank would if it kept going, run into the Sherman. The tank did not know that! The player here is in a God position, the tank is not. Remember, the AI cannot out think you, it can only do what a computer can do, which is, precisely what it is told to do. Twenty years down the road, you'll be telling your Grandchildren how obsolete these things were, but for now it is you who is superior. smile.gif


    "Mer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"[br]


  5. I'm new to CMBO, so I'm wondering what the "delay" is that is being discussed. Haven't PBEM'd yet, but I'm looking to. Since I haven't tried it yet, you all have the upper hand. I looked at it, and thought it fairly simple. Just enter the password. What am I missing, or what do I need to know.


  6. AI don't compare to humans is the thing. The AI as it were, for any game out there is limited due to the state of the technology. Nothing to do with BTS or any other major game company. The AI technology is still in an infancy stage. Still crunching numbers at it's base architecture. It cannot think in the abstract. Hence, it is generally better on the defense than offense. Better at crossing open fields, particularly with vehicles, than complex urban settings. And subject ofcourse, to the game architecture itself. Now, in the next 10 to 15 years, hang onto yer hat. But for now, it is the human who can ponder the abstracts of what if I did this, or what if I did that. The AI is just thinking if this, if that. Practice the AI, play the humans.

  7. Okay, thanks guys. I got my v5 5500 to work in 2XFSAA and 4XFSAA, and single chip mode. The only problem is the fastest mode, which wipes out the graphics. But, 2XFSAA runs fine and looks great. I read about something on this at 3DFX's forum. Has to do with the dual chip processing and the split memory. Where each chip is using 32megs of the total of 64 megs. IOW, you really only have a card with 32megs of memory, running split between two processor chips, not a full 64 meg bank. Some have even said the single chip runs some D3D games faster than the "fastest performance" dual chip mode. Anyway, mine works fine now.


  8. Nope, no old drivers. Wish it were that simple. But, I haven't tried the switch from "Fastest" FSAA directly to 4xFSAA, I'll give that a whirl.

    The FSAA versus D3D is a well documented problem on 3DFX support forums, particularly with the 3D Shooters. After changing to "single chip", which is the workaround for the 3D shooter problems, CMBO works fine. But I'll try the 4X and see what gives. If anyone is interested, read about how it was 3DFX architected the dual chip process. Quite revealing. How to get more from a mule basically.

    Thanks guys, I'll see if 4X works for me.

  9. Okaydoky, dat were it! The ole Voodoo5 dual chip FSAA problem versus D3D. It's been the biggest flame discussion on the 3DFX boards, and strikes again with CMBO. I switched to the "single chip" option in the Voodoo5 control panel for D3D and...POOF! All the text is there, all the titles and tags are there, and ofcourse the 3D terrian don't look quite as smooth but criminey, least I can play this thing now. I'm using the Voodoo5 1.01 drivers, haven't tried the beta but saw a fellow above that said they didn't make any difference to this problem. So, here's another post for the 3DFX support forum.

    Yet another D3D game that don't work with their dual FSAA processing. (and the opponents of IT regulation scream..."but it'll stiffel competition". Yeah, would it? At least it would ensure interoperability!

    Political announcement paid for by "FROTH". Federal Regulation of the Hardware

  10. Well folks, it could be any number of things but let's face it. The single common thread here is Voodoo5. I have the exact same problems on a P-III Coppermine, with a Tyan Trinity400 MB (so it ain't just Asus), 256megs of RAM, and yep I use Windows Standard mouse pointers, no themes, no fancy settings at all on the mouse. I'm going to try the suggestion above of using the single chip option instead of FSAA. I have read over on the 3DFX forums where Voodoo5's and D3D just flat out don't get along, but some people have posted success with D3D games dropping down to the single chip option.

  11. Help Cecil help...

    Posted this on the wrong forum so here it is again. Hope someone can help, I really want to play this game.

    The textual boxes in the game are blanked out, or I think better described as whited out. I.e., at the bottom of the scenario screen, all the unit info boxes are white, no text. When I click on a unit, and press "enter", I get the info box, and the box titles, like "info/kills", but only the unit title shows up (in purple?), and just a slight amount of data in very light grey, and the rest is missing or blanked out. Likewise, if I go to move a unit, the 3D movement line is there, but the info box at the end of it is in yellow text, barely readable, and other info is whited out?

    I really want to play the game but can't on account of this.

    Okay, yes I have a Voodoo5 5500, latest drivers 1.01, SBLive, Latest drivers also, Win98SE, DX7.0a, 256megs RAM, on a Pentium III, 733 Coppermine.

  12. I saw, I bought, I like but...

    The textual boxes in the game are blanked out, or I think better described as whited out. I.e., at the bottom of the scenario screen, all the unit info boxes are white, no text. When I click on a unit, and press "enter", I get the info box, and the box titles, like "info/kills", but only the unit title shows up (in purple?), and just a slight amount of data in very light grey, and the rest is missing or blanked out. Likewise, if I go to move a unit, the 3D movement line is there, but the info box at the end of it is in yellow text, barely readable, and other info is whited out?

    I really want to play the game but can't on account of this.

    Okay, yes I have a Voodoo5 5500, latest drivers 1.01, SBLive, Latest drivers also, Win98SE, DX7.0a,

    256megs RAM, on a Pentium III, 733 Coppermine.

  13. I originally started out attempting to find out for myself when this would be available, now it's turned into a riddle of sorts. Chips n Bits today could not locate it in their database, even though today they posted a five star out of five star preview. It gets better. This evening I called to see if they could tell me something. They did. That is had been discontinued and would not be available. Vas is los? Is there such a game or not? All the sites and info looks real nice, but one might conclude at this point that "schumpshing ist schmelling in Danemarrrrk".

    And all I wanted to do was buy a copy. Even wrote to the head cheese listed under "contact us", but din hear back, no phone number where one might call. Was figuring sales might increase if someone besides us knew about the thing. EBX never heard of it either, but then again they've sunken into the realms of Playstation and probably soon will hit the Chapter 11 road.

    But seriously folks. Is there a Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord or no, and when, along now with where, can one get the thing?


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