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Bruno Weiss

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Posts posted by Bruno Weiss

  1. {The old vet looked down at the replacement with understanding as he remembered back to the first time he was startled to see prophylactics being used to protect rifle barrels from moisture}. :D

    Okay, listen up!

    First, unzip the file (Gautrek_dirty_Rus_Truck_CMMOS4.zip) located in the CMMOS Mods directory to a temporary directory. (Or, if you have not loaded it into CMMOS as yet, then unzip the original file same as above).

    Now, look for a zip file named Rule001-590.ZIP that is contained within the zip file Gautrek_dirty_Rus_Truck_CMMOS4.zip, and unzip that file within the same temporary directory.

    You should now have a file named "Rule001-590.txt". Open that file, (double-click on it, or better use Wordpad and open it).

    In the "Rule001-590.txt" file, you will see the following:


    #! Version 1.0

    #! Name Gautrek's Russian truck

    #! Files Vehicle_Truck_(Deuce).txt

    #! Icon Truck_filthy.bmp

    #! Key 13040_dirt.bmp

    #! Options 2

    ## Tactical Marking with optional slogan

    #@ Unmarked sides


    #@ Russian star on sides plus dirty windows




    Alright, you there in the back of the room. Pay attention! This is where we learn about conventions. No, not the Moose convention, naming conventions!

    Okay, as you observe the contents of the file above, notice the word "dirt" is placed throughout the CMMOS instructions. This is a name convention (file name). It is the name that the author gave to the mod bmp file names. It tells CMMOS what to look for in the bmp files. Therefore, this set of instructions tells CMMOS to look for bmp files that match the number set listed, AND the prefix or convention word dirt.

    This is where the problem resides. For those interested, note that the bmp files for the Gautrek Dirty Russian Truck are actually named with a convention of diirt. There is a conflict in naming conventions in this rule file. Meaning, CMMOS cannot locate any files named dirt, because in actuality they are named diirt.

    Let's see, nearly time for a break. We can probably finish this first.

    Now, in all instances above within the file Rule001-590.txt, where you see the word dirt, rename that word to diirt. There should be four instances in the above where you will rename the word dirt to diirt.

    Close and save your changes.

    Go into your CMMOS directory, and look for the CMMOS subdirectory named RuleSet001. Open that, and now look for file "Rule001-590.txt". Replace this file with the one you just fixed above. Poof! The Gautrek Dirty Russian Truck will now work within CMMOS.

    If you want to go one step further and ensure that the actual Gautrek Dirty Russian Truck mod will always work, then re-zip the contents of the

    Gautrek_dirty_Rus_Truck_CMMOS4.zip file switching the newly created Rule001-590.txt file with the original one, and if using Winzip, leaving the name of the original file as it. You have now replaced the offending file within the original mod zip so that you won't have to fix it again.

    Either way, the object is to rename the incorrect conventions (file name), in the "Rule001-590.txt" file from dirt to diirt, and then place that new file into the RuleSet001 directory of the CMMOS application. You can also then replace that file in the original mod if you want to permanently fix the problem.

    Alright recruits! Smoke em if you got em. Ten minutes! We'll begin the class on rifle barrel protection at 10am exactly. :D

    [ January 28, 2003, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  2. MikeyD wrote:

    In CMBB John Wayne-style bravery will get you dead real fast.

    Which is true 99% of the time, but always watch for that rare opportunity. Most of the time, if you go rushing out towards a tank you'll go home in a box. But, and I'll use a situation that happened in a game a while back with a friend.

    My Tank Hunter team lay hidden at the edge of a wood, about 40 meters away in the open was a BT-7. The Ruskie tank may not have seen the AT unit, but I don't know for sure. I had other infantry in the woods, so when it became obvious the tank was not coming any closer, I ordered two squads to open up on the tank with small arms (it was already buttoned, but I wanted the distraction value), and then rushed the tank with the AT team.

    It worked. The sudden and unexpected small arms fire did the job, the tank was indeed distracted momentarily but it was just enough to allow the AT team to get close enough to toss a grenade bundle onto it. The tank was destroyed, and no casualties were taken.

    [ January 27, 2003, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  3. By golly, he's figured it out. Dang, and we had em all going there for a while. They actually believe the game worked and one could win. Well now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess it is all over.

    Don't use Allied Storm assult no more then (whatever that is), use small unit tactics instead. Concealment, sneak, cover fire, disruption fire, area fire, smoke, all that stuff. smile.gif

    [ January 27, 2003, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  4. I get this error when attempting to use a few of the mods:

    Cannot create file (path)(filename)

    The path and filename are the location path and name of the mod within the CMMOS directory. It happens with the DS_SV_Tracks_CMMOS_hr.zip, DS_SdKfz251-10AusfC_CMMOS_hr.zip, and Juju_Smallarms_CMMOS.zip, (the smallarms advanced options only, the Juju Smallarms mod loads fine). I think there are a couple others, but you get the idea. The error happens right after the CMMOS button is selected for the mod to be loaded into CMBB. And looks like this, only difference being the file name at the end reflects the file name of the mod which is selected within CMMOS:

    Cannot create file D:\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector\CMBB\Mods\DS_SdKfz251-10AusfC_CMMOS_hr.zip.

    The errors happened on original install of 4.03 over 4.02, and continues to happen now with a fresh install of 4.03, to include a fresh install of all rulesets and all mods. All rulesets and mods were loaded into CMMOS 4.03, without error.

    Anyone else run into this?

    [ January 27, 2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  5. BTS swears wrecks do not provide anything in regards to blocking LOS, and the vast majority of the time they do not. But I've seen vehicles push wrecks out of the way, and I've seen infantry hiding behind the corners of wrecks or underneath wrecks receive something. What that something is, I really do not know. Why would a vehicle push a wreck out of the way if the AI did not recognize it as an object? The AI also seems to be thrown off a little bit by infantry types hiding underneath wrecks where it seems to have a more difficult time identifying or targeting them, and while LOS is not blocked, never the less it appears at times the AI indeed has a tougher time hitting an infantry type hiding behind the corners of a wreck, as the incoming bullets bounce off the wreck (meaning they ain't going through it to the target or beyond), to do damage.

    So, the party line is no wrecks don't help ya hide, but personally if the necessary or right occasion arises I use them just as if they did and benefit from it just as explained.

    [ January 26, 2003, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  6. You know, come to think of it. With CMBB I don't notice all the hooting and hollering that went on in CMBO when the order to move out was given. I mean, in CMBO when one gave an order to move out to a platoon, much less a company, it was like the circus had come to town. I don't get all that in CMBB. Some, but not like that.

    Yes, I get the bullets a whizzing and the birds a singing and the trees a swishing. If only we had brooks a babbling...

    [ January 21, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

  7. I have several of the Soviet TOE booklets from the Nafziger Collection and they are excellant. Nothing fancy mind you, just the facts. Mine are several years old, and were bound with the office binding machine plastic ringlets. If there were typos, I didn't notice them which means they were not too pronounced. Not sure of the current price, but the information was well worth what I paid for it. Oh, as far as reference materials go, I'm simply not certain where else one might find such detailed information.

    [ January 21, 2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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