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Everything posted by Priest

  1. With Slapdragon putting something together and with CMMC2, there will be some choices, I am sure. Even ones that have not been announced yet...
  2. This was not a bone thrown, no, it was the whole freakin skeleton!
  3. Wade I think the key info you just stated was that you are using a download accelerator. Try downloading without it. This could be what is causing the corruption. Dan I did get it but it was with one file and I can play the game. I think mine was just happenstance, I will know tonight when I reinstall. GREAT GAME! Again Wade, try it without the accelerator (know it will be painful) and I think you will be rewarded.
  4. Dan and Wade, I had a CRC check error also on one of the wave files (not sure which one, some troubleshooter I am!) but the game still ran. I have played the tutorial and the non-Citadel mission (forgot what it was called) with no issues. I actually had to have a friend send me the scenario files. Anyhow my guess (and I am sure BFC knows this) is that it is a compression/decompression issue. The checksum of the compressed file is not matching the proposed checksum of the uncompressed file (at least I sound smart!). Can you run the game? What folders are present in the CMBB DEMO folder. Not sure what else it could be, I have a ton of space and a perfectly defragged HD. I was using WinZip. The Demo works for me and I downloaded it again (not a pain for me as I have ADSL). I am going to try to install it later. Check the files and folders present though, who knows it may just take a small email with the attached scenarios to fix.
  5. See what happens when you get everyone riled right away Noc? I will be diplomatic as you seemed to have asked a level headed question. What you imply seems to tilted towards a game that is more on a "linked" basis. A good example of this would be Panzer General where you would play out an operation and be awarded different things for your performance and maybe a nice "ending" movie. There is no end to CMBB though. I am sure you can play/make the battle of Berlin and play it to your hearts content, maybe even in an OP format. But in the end there is no real string of CMBB battles leading up to the scenario (per say) and in no way linked to that scenario. The CM system is meant as a tactical simulator. It forgoes all of the extra fluff to totally nail the simulation aspects of the game. If you want a realistic portrayal then you play CM, if you are willing to downgrade to something of lesser quality to see a movie that you could download at anytime on the internet then you are in a minority. Play the demo, forget about fluff. It is not in because it is not needed. CM products do something very peculiar in todays world, they stand on their own merits and accomplish the goals that the production staff had in mind. A rarity indeed.
  6. What is sad is that this person has no understanding of reality as it relates to the Holocaust. Most of us do not actually as we were not alive or there. The majority though that luckily is intelligent sees that what happened was evil and sick. We acknowledge and even to an extent study the reality of the issue, as to try and make sure it never happens again if within our power. Then some raging moron wants to trivialize the entire issue. Now someone post a link to the idiot song for this moron and lets move on. No time for the likes of him/her in our community. Message to topic creator, apologize and reform, or go away.
  7. Why don't you get over getting a post locked instead, seems a trivial thing when compared to the holacaust eh? Matt another one for the locks and hey will this guy be the first banned from the CMBB forum? Find out soon, same CMBB Time, same CMBB Channel!
  8. Had to be part of the first CMBB Peng thread. Thanks for letting me play through!
  9. Nevermind you are not worth it. [ July 23, 2002, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: Priest ]
  10. Wow Husky you have proven you are an idiot in one post, that is truly amazing. Okay Husky here is what we know about you now, you cannot setup a Win95/98 box properly. We also know you are not Microsoft Certified and we can also assume that you do not work in a computer related field. Now do you have any formal training on the building and configuring of a PC? Have you built your own PC or using a pre-built one as I have mentioned before, if so then you may not even be using the same version of XP that you are touting others to use? You had to change one setting to get XP to work for you (that being emulating Win98 functions lol!) but I had to change zero settings to have it work on Win2k. Your arguments make zero sense, you have no authority on the subject and if Microsoft Certs are soooo easy to get why do you not have one. I could honestly care less about little people like you but the last thing that needs to happen is someone looks at your post, takes it for granted that you know what you are talking about (you do not) and tries to install something that is not what is needed or is very good. And just for your information I can back up those certs with experience in the field (with companies like Cisco) and a college degree in IT Administration. So Husky until you get anywhere near this please shut the hell up and stop speaking utter nonsense that may effect other people and let the real people who have real knowledge and real experience and real training and schooling fill in the details for folks. Basically right now you are trying to argue the sky is not blue, so stop, you are just making a fool of yourself.
  11. Thanks WWB and Norse I would like to let it drop but folks like Husky have zero clue. Husky are you fully Microsoft Certified? No I thought not. XP is crap, I am just trying to help everyone who is having issues. If you want to use it fine, just realize that you are putting yourself through issues that non-XP users are not having for no reason other than your own stubborness. I am sure Hubert will do his best to facilitate you but even the greatest car mechanic in the world cannot fix a Pinto if you get my meaning.
  12. Actually I sent Hubert some ideas on a refresh rate issue earlier during the beta demo. Second, I have had Win 98 second edition running on a PC totally stable now for, well since I bought it which was at least 4 years ago. No crashes, no re-installs, I cannot help if your PC is not setup right or not using the correct software. Next why is anyone comparing a Win2k machine to a dual boot machine? I have a straight Win2k machine with SP 2 and have never had a crash since I installed it which was exactly one week before it was released to the public (Got mine free at a Microsoft convention). Lastly if Win98 Users and Win2k users are not having issues then it is not all Huberts issue then. Obviously WinXP is doing something different which may be a bug, and unless you contact microsoft then you do not know who to ask for a patch. And for anyone who wants to know I have a building full of IT professionals that will not touch Windows XP with a ten foot pole. Most would rather use a Mac! Now that is bad! PS: For those of you using off the shelf PCs well they are not direct XP/2000/98 installs, they all have been tinkered with in some way by their manufacturer, yet another source that may affect your results, I build my own and do not need to worry about this. And if you re-installed straight from a windows CD then you had best check you drivers supplied to you by the company that sales your computer. Not all is black and white.
  13. Hmm Garvey if XP is so wonderful (cannot believe that anyone would have to stoop to DOS OS to try to prove that point) then why do I have zero issues with Win2k and Win98? Hmm maybe because XP is flawed? Like I said I do this for a living, go find a copy of Win2k and watch your troubles go away.
  14. Actually Garvey why are you mad at Hubert and not writing Microsoft also? I have Windows 2000 and experience zero problems, could it be that I have features or capabilities that Xp does not? I bet I do. So why not write big powerful Microsoft to fix there problem instead of Hubert? BTW before you think this is some shot at MicroSoft I actually prefer Windows 2000 over any other OS. I am full MS certified and given my professional opinion XP is crap. Tons of people are having problems with it on games and software produced by huge companies, to put this on Hubert is wrong, who you want can be reached at www.microsoft.com Have a nice day!
  15. The deed is done. Thanks Hubert and thanks BFC!
  16. Not to hijack the thread, but hey Gonzo what is up?
  17. I doubt it would work against a good player. Simply because they are going to take the flags well before turn 20 if you are not opposing them strongly. Hell I would have Stuarts/Greyhounds/ Dailmers/234's/Lynx's at the flags not to mention my first wave of infantry by definition is spread out greatly trying to find you MLR. I would push right to the flags easily as would many many others. And like many others would push right beyond the flags, hell I do not even have the flags turned on in my battles! Still an armoured recce group would easily beat this, and an average to good player would hit your infantry as they continued the push. Just my opinion though but it does not sound like too strong an idea.
  18. Hmm i worded my question wrong it seems, I was going more along the lines of how many man/hours to build and so on and so forth. I really was not concentrating on the price, also I agree that maintaining them in the field would be part of that also. IIRC on the Russian Front the suspension of the Panther could freeze (as most anything can on the Russian Steppe!!!) but due to its configuration you had to take out the first set of wheels to fix the issue, I believe this would effect the Tiger too? I am at work so I may have some facts mucked up.
  19. Is the Britney Spears plan a way to get rid of her, or to scare the cesspoolers by showing them a girl? (note sarcasm guys although I am all for getting rid of her!) [ July 17, 2002, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Priest ]
  20. I think the point is that rate of fire has nothing to do with it, as a trained team was not going full bore most of the time.
  21. Just to make sure I heard you right Jason, you are saying that the Panther and Tiger are as easily constructed as the Sherman? What do you have to back this up, I do not want to start a verbal war, I am just wondering?
  22. I would bid but I already have too many MaddMatts, does anyone have a Steve for trade? :eek:
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